using gtfs realtime data to measure transit performance

Using GTFS-realtime Data to Measure Transit Performance Laura - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Using GTFS-realtime Data to Measure Transit Performance Laura Riegel November, 2015 Multi-disciplinary professional services fj rm 2,500+ staff 75+ of fj ces including NYC, Boston, Albany, Toronto What is the quality of service provided?

  1. Using GTFS-realtime Data to Measure Transit Performance Laura Riegel November, 2015

  2. Multi-disciplinary professional services fj rm 2,500+ staff 75+ of fj ces including NYC, Boston, Albany, Toronto

  3. What is the quality of service provided? Questions What is the quality of service experienced?

  4. Types: Vehicle Locations Transit Arrival/Departure Predictions Data Passenger Counts Fare Collection

  5. Increasingly: Collected automatically Transit Data Accessible in real-time Available in large quantities

  6. Useful for: Passenger information Transit Data Service analysis Performance measurement

  7. Using archival data Approache s Using real-time data

  8. Using Real-time Data

  9. MBTA-performance Client: MBTA Example IBI Group: strategy, design and software development

  10. Automate daily performance reports Goal Measure service performance in real- time

  11. Use real-time data via GTFS-realtime feeds to measure performance: Schedule adherence Travel times Framewor Headways k Dwell times Passenger wait times Passenger travel times

  12. Bus CAD/AVL System Archival Data Subway/ Service Train Tracking LRT Analysis & Performance Measuremen t Commute GPS-Based System r Rail

  13. CAD/AVL System Bus + NextBus Real-time data Passenger Subway/ Train Tracking Information + In-House Algorithm LRT (Locations & Predictions) Commute GPS-Based System + Schedule Adherence r Rail

  14. Bus Proprietary feed Subway/ Apps Proprietary feed LRT MBTA Customers Commute Proprietary feed r Rail

  15. Bus Googl e/ GTFS-RT Apps Subway/ MBTA- LRT realtime MBTA Devel- Customers opers/ API Commute Apps r Rail GTFS

  16. Trip Updates (arrival/departure predictions) GTFS-RT Vehicle Positions

  17. Bus Googl e/ GTFS-RT Apps Subway/ MBTA- LRT realtime MBTA Devel- Customers opers/ API Commute Apps r Rail GTFS

  18. MBTA Bus MBTA- Mgmt. perform- GTFS-RT API ance Subway/ MBTA- MBTA LRT realtime Customers Commute r Rail

  19. MBTA-performance Arr/Dep Times Performanc Travel Times GTFS- e Metrics: RT Headways Schedule Adherence Dwell Times MBTA MBTA- Mgmt. Pax Wait realtime API Times Pax Travel Times MBTA Pax Arrival Rates Customers GTFS

  20. Date Headway Big Gap 2X Headway delayed < 3 min. delayed < 6 min. Monday 06/01/15 88% 95% 98% 96% 100% Tuesday 06/02/15 88% 95% 98% 96% 99% Wednesday 06/03/15 87% 94% 98% 96% 100% Thursday 06/04/15 86% 94% 98% 94% 99% Friday 06/05/15 89% 95% 98% 99% 100% Saturday 06/06/15 89% 95% 98% 99% 100% Sunday 06/07/15 89% 95% 99% 98% 100%

  21. Headways at Park St. Station towards Harvard Station on 6/3/2015 25 20 headway (minutes) 15 10 5 0 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 0:00 actual scheduled

  22. Travel Times from Park St. Station to Harvard Station on 6/3/2015 25 20 travel time (minutes) 15 10 5 0 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 0:00 actual historical median

  23. Dwell Times at Park St. Station towards Harvard Station on 6/3/2015 300 250 dwell time (seconds) 200 150 100 50 0 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 0:00

  24. Monitoring Historical and Real-time Performance Uses Service Planning and Analysis

  25. Findings: Travel Time for Green Line D-Branch Surface Portion (Longwood to Woodland) 30 25 20 AM_PEAK 15 PM_PEAK 10 5 0 scheduled median* 90th percentile* 95th percentile* *weekdays between 3/25/2015 and 6/05/2015

  26. Integration with GTFS-realtime alerts feed Evaluating extent of passenger impact caused by different service issues Other Uses Dispatch aid Extension to any agency with GTFS- realtime feed for performance measurement and comparisons

  27. Based on 100% sample of data collected in real-time Does not need to be tightly integrated with the source of data Advantages Can be segmented by day, time Can be segmented by route, direction, stop, etc. Open-source (in-progress)

  28. Thank You, Questions? | 815.351.8700

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