Comm mmitme ment The University of South Florida is committed to utilizing diverse businesses in the procurement of goods, services, and construction contracts. The USF System continues to actively pursue diverse businesses for contracting opportunities and is committed to serving the university and surrounding business community through educational and community outreach activities.
Wher ere Ar e Are W e We Now? AVP, Terrie Daniel joined USF late April 2017. Developed and submitted for approval a first draft of the USF System Office of Supplier Diversity Strategic Plan. Ongoing collaboration with Purchasing Services (system wide) to identify opportunities, streamline spend data collection, review processes and efficiencies in all areas i.e. goods, services, supplies and construction services. Ongoing collaboration with the USF Supplier Diversity Committee to build on diversity & inclusion initiatives and to further identify areas of opportunity within their specific departments.
Wher ere Ar e Are W e We Now? Hosted a Supplier Diversity Vendor Showcase Event on May 17, 2017, where over 300 were in attendance. The next official USF Office of Supplier Diversity event, “Supplier Diversity Day”, is scheduled for October 6, 2017. USFOSD’s Assistant Vice President has engaged with over 100 community stakeholders, organizations and diverse owned businesses to gauge best practices and the needs of the business community. Ongoing collaboration with Supplier Diversity professionals both locally, statewide and nationally to leverage their industry knowledge and to discuss best practices. Developed a “USF Lunch and Learn Diversity Series” which serves as a first line internal educational component to communicate with USF administration, faculty, and staff about our supplier diversity initiatives.
Wher ere Ar e Are W e We Now? Developed training for new P-Card holders to communicate the importance of supplier diversity and our focus on increased utilization of diverse business even in lower level spending. The first session was held in early September 2017. The AVP of Supplier Diversity and other top leadership have meet with the top 100 P-Card purchasers to conduct a directed training communicating the importance of using diverse businesses when making purchasing decisions on behalf of USF. Actively rebranding the program and has fully developed all content for the new Office of Supplier Diversity website. www.u .usf.e .edu/OSD Site launched 8/28/17. Created social media platform to include Face Book and Twitter.
Wher ere Are W e We e Hea eaded?
Strateg egic P c Plan… 5 Key Points 1. SWOT Analysis 2. Policy Development 3. Program Goals (Short-, Mid-, Long-term) 4. Marketing & Communications Plan 5. Data Analytics & KPIs
De Desired P Plan O Outcome 1. Create a roadmap for systematic program development. 2. Increase awareness about our supplier diversity initiatives. 3. Create system wide buy in and establish program value proposition. 4. Business development educational tools and resources. 5. Increase utilization of diverse owned businesses.
Go Bulls !
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