urc budget requests fy 2020

URC Budget Requests FY 2020 March 25, 2019 URC Budget Request - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

URC Budget Requests FY 2020 March 25, 2019 URC Budget Request Analysis 1 Agenda Pre resi sident Ma Matso sons s FY 202 020 Bu Budget Prioritie ities Leg egislat ative Upd e Update Enrollm llment U Upda date

  1. URC Budget Requests FY 2020 March 25, 2019 URC Budget Request Analysis 1

  2. Agenda  Pre resi sident Ma Matso son’s s FY 202 020 Bu Budget Prioritie ities  Leg egislat ative Upd e Update  Enrollm llment U Upda date  Foreca casted A ed Availa lable I Incremental R l Revenue e  Divisio ion S Strategic gic Prioritie ities  Disc scussi ssion URC Budget Request Analysis 2

  3. Budget Priorities for FY 2020 URC Budget Request Analysis 3

  4. FY 2020 Budget Priorities  ADHERENCE T TO IDENTIF IFIE IED P PRIO IORIT ITIE IES – All new funding requests should be aligned and focused within the Strategic Plan Build.Impact.Transform. STRATEGI GIC E ENROL OLLMENT M MANAGE GEMENT–The comprehensive plan should  thoughtfully contemplate a strategic mix of new degree programs and targeted growth within existing academic programs to optimize the weighted semester credit hour formula funding model.  EAR EARLY I INT NTERVENTIONS F FOR OR AC ACAD ADEMIC S SUCCESS – A greater emphasis must be placed on earlier interventions in the academic career of a student to enhance readiness for college success, particularly as our admissions standards increase. The Division of Enrollment Management should lead efforts to develop pre-college programs in close collaboration with Academic Affairs and Student Affairs. Fiscal priorities to jump-start initiatives through one-time funds or corporate foundation support should be given consideration. URC Budget Request Analysis 4

  5. FY 2020 Budget Priorities  OPERA RATI TION ONS AND A D AUXILIARY RY G GROW OWTH TH – The budget should anticipate incremental growth in supporting areas that will be impacted by enrollment growth. Base se fu fundin ding p prio iorit ity sha shall b be provid ided t to Ma Marketin ing a and d Communi nicat ations ns, I Inf nformat ation T n Techno nology and and Uni niversity Po Police. Other units identified as providing crucial support to a growing student body, faculty and staff may be considered in a secondary priority. One-time support that allows the establishment or scaling of appropriate auxiliary operations to support campus growth should also be given consideration. The use of technology and process improvement to generate efficiencies should be emphasized in every division.  SUSTAIN INABIL ILIT ITY—As our University grows and matures, there is a need for a greater appreciation and sensitivity for sustainable practices that address our environmental, social, and economic impact. Budget initiatives that recognize and promote this will be given priority consideration. URC Budget Request Analysis 5

  6. Legislative Update URC Budget Request Analysis 6

  7. Legislative Update  House Bill 1 – Latest version made available March 15, 2019  Funding increased from original LBB recommended House Bill by $1,405,658 for the 2020-2021 biennium ($702,829 per year).  Senate Bill I – Updated version expected soon.  Still includes loss of 10% of Downward Expansion and Transitional Funding (approximately $1.4 million for the biennium).  The updated bills have to be reconciled in joint conference committee submitted to and approved by the Governor. URC Budget Request Analysis 7

  8. Enrollment Update URC Budget Request Analysis 8

  9. FY2020 Incremental Revenue Forecast URC Budget Request Analysis 9

  10. Revenue Forecast (7,083 Hct) FY 2020 Increase/ FY 2020 Increase / FY 2019 Forecast (Decrease) FY 2019 Forecast (Decrease) Revenues Forecast (SB1) (SB1) Forecast (HB1) (HB1) State Appropriations 32,619,859 34,098,647 1,478,788 32,619,859 35,571,755 2,951,896 Total Net Tuition & USF 32,690,179 35,552,719 2,862,540 32,690,179 35,552,719 2,862,540 Other Revenues 1,748,645 1,832,046 83,401 1,748,645 1,832,046 83,401 Total R Reven enues es $67,0 ,058,6 ,683 $71,4 ,483,4 ,412 $4,424 24,729 29 $67,0 ,058,6 ,683 $72,956 56,52 520 $5,897, 7,837 6.7% Headcount Growth over FY 2019 URC Budget Request Analysis 10

  11. Revenue Forecast (6,804 Hct) FY 2020 Increase/ FY 2020 Increase / FY 2019 Forecast (Decrease) FY 2019 Forecast (Decrease) Revenues Forecast (SB1) (SB1) Forecast (HB1) (HB1) State Appropriations 32,619,859 34,098,647 1,478,788 32,619,859 35,571,755 2,951,896 Total Net Tuition & USF 32,690,179 34,152,294 1,462,115 32,690,179 34,152,294 1,462,115 Other Revenues 1,748,645 1,832,046 83,401 1,748,645 1,832,046 83,401 Total R Reven enues es $67,0 ,058,6 ,683 $70,0 ,082,9 ,988 $3, 3,024 024,304 $67,0 ,058,6 ,683 $71,5 ,556,0 ,095 $4, 4,49 497,412 2% Headcount Growth over FY 2019 URC Budget Request Analysis 11

  12. Revenue Forecast  Poten ential i l increm emental a l availa lable r le revenue r ranges between en $ $1.0 a and d $3. 3.0 m milli llion a availa lable. le.  Shoul ould h hav ave a e a bet etter es estimate of of i incr cremen ental r rev even enue ue by y mid mid A April il 20 2019. th class  Expec pect to o hav ave e final i incr cremental r rev even enue ue b by 2 20 th ss day o y of Fa f Fall 20 2019. 9. URC Budget Request Analysis 12

  13. Merit Increase  FY 2019 – One-Time Merit Payment.  1.5% Merit Pool.  FY 2020 – Potential 1.5% base merit pool. URC Budget Request Analysis 13

  14. FY2020 Divisional Budget Requests URC Budget Request Analysis 15

  15. Current Summary of Requests by Division Recurring One Time Division Requests Requests Academic Affairs $1,544,438 $879,963 Business Affairs $1,629,553 $1,649,792 Enrollment Management $408,450 $3,100 Student Affairs $720,984 $129,100 University Advancement $567,693 Total New Requests $4,871,118 $2,661,955 URC Budget Request Analysis 16

  16. Discussion URC Budget Request Analysis 17


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