Update on HI I Acti tivitie ies and Invit In itati tion to to 2013 Annual Meeting Eur uropump Gen eneral Assembly ly, Stresa, Ita Str Italy ly – May 24, , 2012
H I V I S I O N & M I S S I O N 2 VIS ISIO ION To be To be a a glo global auth authority on on pum pumps and and pum pumping syst systems MIS ISSIO ION To be be a a val value-addin ing res resource for for mem ember co compan anie ies an and d pum pump use users wo worldwid ide by by: -Developing an and d de deliv ivering co comprehensiv ive industry stan standards -Expanding kno knowledge by by pro providing ed educa catio ion an and d too tools for for the the eff effectiv ive app applic icat ation, test testin ing, insta stallatio ion, ope peratio ion an and d main aintenance of f pum pumps an and pum pumpin ing sys syste tems -Serving as as a a for forum for for the the exc exchange of f indu dustry infor formatio ion
Summary of f 2011 HI I & PSM 3 Accomplishments
HI I Sta tandards Published in in 2011 4 • Roto otodynamic Pumps for for Assessment of of Applied Noz ozzl zle Loa oads (ANSI/HI 9.6.2 (A .6.2-2011) 2011) Ap Approximat ate Pag Pages: 44 44 • Roto otodynamic (C (Centrifugal) Slu Slurry Pumps (A (ANSI/HI 12.1 .1-12.6- 2011) App pproximat ate Pa Pages: 122 • Roto otodynamic Pumps for for Hydraulic Perfo rformance Acceptance Tests (A (ANSI/HI 14.6 .6-2011) 2011) Approximate Page ges: 86 • Launched por orta tal: www.Pumps.org/EDE for HI’s Electronic Data E Exchange stan tandard, whic ich will ill be fur furth ther enh nhanced in in 2012 with ith a con onformity assessment too tool/process
HI I Sta tandards/Guidelines Pla lanned fo for r 2012 5 • NPSH SH Margin ANSI SI/HI 9.6. .6.1 Ap Approxim imate Pag Pages: 35 35 • Allo llowable Operating Regi gion, ANSI SI/HI 9.8 .8 Ap Approxim imate Pag Pages: 20 20 • Pump In Inta take Desig ign Sta Standard, ANSI SI/HI 9.8 .8 Ap Approximate Pag Pages: 12 120 • Su Submersible Pump Test, t, ANSI SI/HI 11.6 .6 Approxim imate Pa Pages: 64 • Pow ower Plant lant Pumps: Guid idelines for for Application and nd Operation Ap Approxim imate Pag Pages: 20 200
Upcoming Hydraulic In Insti titute Meetings 6 ne 6-9 th th Denv 2012 Technical Meeting- Ju June nver, CO gust 9 th th -10 10 th th Chic 2012 Market Outlo tlook Wor orkshop- Augu icago, IL IL 27 th th Memphis, TN 2012 Fall Meeting- Octo tober 24-27 nnual Meeting- February 7 th th -12 12 th th For 2013 Annu ort Meyers, FL ne 5 th th -8 th th Linc 2013 Technical Meeting- Ju June incolnshire, IL IL tober 23 rd rd -26 26 th th Balt 2013 Fall Meeting- Octo ltimore, MD
Hydraulic In Insti titute Expands Glo lobally 7 HI Vis isio ion: The Global Authority on Pumps and Pumping Systems
Pump/Supplier OEMs – Glo lobal Elig ligibility 8 Pump an and d Sup upplier OEMs That Sell ell in in Nor orth America: : You Are re Now ow Eli ligi gible le for for Mem embership Hydrauli lic In Institu titute members ap approved a a by byla law ch change to to in incl clude pum ump an and d sup upplier co companies tha that man anufacture wholl lly outs utside of f North America bu but t sell ell in into to th the e North American mar arket. See ee: : www.P .Pumps.o .org/Benefits
Membership Benefits ts: Pump/Supplier OEMs 9 Pump an Pum and Sup Supplie ier OEMs tha that t se sell ll in No North Americ ica are are now elig ligib ible to to join the joi the Hyd ydraulic ic Insti Institute Key Benefits of HI’s Global Membership Program: • Deve velop ANSI NSI/H /HI I pum pump stan standards, gu guidebooks and and educ ucational ma mate terials. • Netw Network wit with h pum pump/ p/supplier r OEM EM co count unterparts in n North North Ame meri rica. • Part Participate in n HI’s glo global al stat statistics pr prog ogra ram. . Gain Gain ins nsights wit with HI/V /VMA Mar arket • Outlo utlook Wor orkshop and and Inst nstitute for or Trend nd Re Rese searc rch (I (ITR) R) eco cono nomic data ata. Br Broadening exp xpos osure in n Nort North American marketplace through HI’s corporate • mark ma rketing pr prog ograms. Stay Stay cur curre rent wit with pum pump p indus ndustry ry, parti participate in n HI me memb mbership briefings and and • eve vents.
CareerHQ – Fin inding Jo Job Candidates 10 HI I Care areerHQ is is a a hig ighly effe effective re recruitment too tool l fo for pump manufactures, sup uppliers, engineering en co consulting fir firms, , an and en end-users see eeking ex experienced pum ump an and systems personnel.
Pumps Systems Matter (P (PSM) 11 Pum Pump Sys Systems Matt atter (PSM (PSM) is s ed educates the the mark arketplac ace an and d promote pr pum pumpin ing syst systems en energy effi efficie iency. Re Rece cent Webinars rs: : Mechanical l Se Seals als: : 4-Pa Part rt Webinar Se Series Slur Slurry Pum Pump Stand Standards: 3-Pa Part rt Webinar Se Series What’s New with HI Test Standards Up Update on n ISO SO 50 5000 001: : Glob lobal l Ene Energy Manag anagement Stan Standard Var ariable le Sp Speed Drives: : 4-Pa Part rt Webinar r Se Series
Pump Systems Opti timization (P (PSO) Course 12 “ Pumping Syste tems Opti timization: Energ rgy Effic fficiency and Bott ttom-Line Savin ings ” Pa Part rticip ipants s develop skil skills to to identif ify energy sa savi vings opp pportunit itie ies wi with pum pumpin ing syste systems an and d und understand ho how to to de develop an an Ac Actio tion Plan Plan incl cluding fi finan ancia ial just justif ific icatio ion for for pum pumpin ing syst systems s effi efficie iency pr project cts. Rec ecent Host sts: Hydro, Inc. Nidec Motor Corporation Patterson Pump Waukesha Bearings Corporation Xylem Inc.
Update on DOE Pump Eff fficiency Rule le- making 13 HI I is is working with ith Ener ergy Effic fficiency Adv dvocates (E (EENGOs) an and d held eld rec recent meetings with ith the the U.S .S. Dep epartment of f Energ ergy (D (DOE) in in Was ashin ington, , D.C .C . .
U.S .S. Department t of f Energy (D (DOE) 14 • Ener ergy Conservation Stan tandards fo for r Wat ater Pumps: - Base HI recommendations on EU approach in terms of scope and tiered approach to eliminating the least efficient pumps from marketplace based on data developed by Europump and MEI - Negotiations with Energy Efficiency NGOs on details to present to the U.S. DOE • Extended Pro roduct Approach - Proposed plan to define “Extended Product” and MEPS, based on both EU efforts, and joint HI-Europump efforts through IPSC - Work with Europump/IPSC on common approaches/definitions - Negotiations with EENGOs to deal with technical/legal issues • Cer ertif ification an and d Lab abeli ling - HI agreed to pursue a certification and labeling schema and explore HI becoming NVLAP certified accreditation body for test labs and DOE establishing a label to reflect pump efficiency
In Invita tati tion to to HI I 2013 Annual l Meeting 15 Euro ropump members are re enc ncouraged to to join join HI I meeting in in sunny nny Flo lorida! San Sanib ibel Harb arbour Marr arrio iot Reso esort & Spa Spa Mar ark yo your Ca Cale lendar now: w: F February 7 th th -12 12 th th 20 2013 in Fort t Mey eyers, FL L For more inf nform rmation vi visi sit: www.P .Pumps.org rg/13annual
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