OUTLI NE of NI CT OUTLI NE of NI CT ~ I NTRODUCTI ON of R&D ACTI VI TI ES for ~ I NTRODUCTI ON of R&D ACTI VI TI ES for ~ I NFORMATI ON SECURI TY ~ I NFORMATI ON SECURI TY Yuichi Matsushima Yuichi Matsushima Executive Director; I nformation and Network Systems Department Executive Director; I nformation and Network Systems Department NI CT: NI CT: National I nstitute of I nformation and Communications Technology National I nstitute of I nformation and Communications Technology Japan Japan 15 November 2005 15 November 2005 1 1
Outline Outline 1. Outline of NI CT: organization and activities; Outline of NI CT: organization and activities; 1. 2. Overview the Ubiquitous Network Society (UNS) Overview the Ubiquitous Network Society (UNS) 2. Research Programs by MI C, Japan; Research Programs by MI C, Japan; 3. Research Strategy for the I nformation Security Research Strategy for the I nformation Security 3. in NI CT; in NI CT; 4. R&D Activities for I nformation Security Center; 4. R&D Activities for I nformation Security Center; 2 2
情報通信研究機構 1. Outline of NI CT: 1. Outline of NI CT: organization and activities; organization and activities; Koganei Head Office www.nict.go.jp address: 4-2-1 Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795 Japan 3 3
NICT: after merger of CRL and TAO in April 2004 NICT: after merger of CRL and TAO in April 2004 1952 1979 Laboratory Radio Research Lab Telecommunications National ▼ and Broadcasting Institution Certified 1988 Satellite Organization ▼ Communications Research Lab 1992 ▼ Telecommunications 2001 Advancement Administrative Agency Communications Organization Incorporated Research Laboratory 2004 2004 National Institute of Information and National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Communications Technology 4 4
Outline of NI CT Outline of NI CT � Establishment date: April 1, 2004 � Mid-term plan: April 2001 through March 2006 � Budget & Personnel: � Budget: about ¥59.6 billion (US$ 514 M) � Personnel : Full-time employees, about 480 � Tenure researchers: 305 (Ph.D: 186) � Non-permanent researchers: 600 (PD, Graduate students included) 5 5
I ncorporated Administrative Agency Medium-Term Goals Medium-Term Goals (2001-2005) (2001-2005) (The Ministry of Internal Affairs and (The Ministry of Internal Affairs and President President Commission Communications) Communications) Mid-Term Plan NICT Mid-Term Plan NICT (2001-2005) (2001-2005) MIC MIC Annual Plan Annual Plan Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Review Committee on each IAA Review Committee on each IAA Results reviewed Opinions on medium- every year term goals and plans Policy Evaluation and Evaluation Committee on All IAA Policy Evaluation and Evaluation Committee on All IAA 6 6
Organizational structure of NICT Organizational structure of NICT Top Management President and Advisory committee 5 Vice-presidents General Affairs Partially support Research Planning this joint conference General affairs Strategic planning Finance Intramural R&D Extramural R&D R&D Management Collaborative Research management Information and network systems Wireless communications Applied research & standard Funding Basic & advanced research Key Technology research management Information and communications promotion 7 7
International Collaborative Research Grant Scheme International Collaborative Research Grant Scheme (Advanced Technology Research and Development Grant) (Advanced Technology Research and Development Grant) ① Acceptance of Grant ・ Venture Company Application (Beginning of ・ The Senior and The the FY2006) Handicapped Service Company ② Proposal of Research and ( Shiba ・ International Collaborative Development Plan Headquarters ) Research Team, etc The proposal is selected by the comprehensive evaluation. Good idea! ③ Grant Approval ④ Achievement Report ⑤ Grant Payment Screening Committee (end of the FY2006) Short of money ・・ ( Outside Experts ) Advanced Technology Research and Development Communication and Broadcasting Service Enrichment International Collaborative Grant Research and Development Research Grant Grant for the Senior and the Handicapped Since 1996 Advanced Technology Research and Development Grant Since 1997 ( Telecom Incubation ) Since 1995 8 8
Basic Research, Applied research, Basic Research, Applied research, and Funding for New Business and Funding for New Business Applied Basic New Research Research Business Intramural Extramural Funding R&D R&D Crossing the Valley of R&D High-risk Death for New Business Long-term Collaboration with Promotion Industries and Universities 9 9
2. Overview of UNS Strategic Programs 2. Overview of UNS Strategic Programs 2. Overview of UNS Strategic Programs 2. Overview of UNS Strategic Programs ICT R&D Programs for the Ubiquitous Network Society ICT R&D Programs for the Ubiquitous Network Society ICT R&D Programs for the Ubiquitous Network Society ICT R&D Programs for the Ubiquitous Network Society For the U Ubiquitous biquitous N Network etwork S Society (UNS) ociety (UNS) � For the � Universal Communications niversal Communications � U � New Generation Networks ew Generation Networks � N � Security and Safety ecurity and Safety � S � The Telecommunications Council ; Ministry of � The Telecommunications Council ; Ministry of � Internal Affairs and Communications Internal Affairs and Communications Issued July 2005 � Issued July 2005 � 10 10
Direction of I CT Research and Development Direction of I CT Research and Development Maintain /improve international competitiveness International competitiveness in ICT : contribute to the world through playing a leading role in international standardization; create new technology generating a paradigm shift. International competitiveness through ICT : Enhance Japan’s international competitiveness through the advanced use of ICT; develop the world’s leading ubiquitous network society. Establish a secure and safe society ICT security / safety : Ensure the dependability of ICT as a social infrastructure as well as its security / safety. ICT for security / safety : Utilize ICT to solve issues in various fields: healthcare, welfare, food, agriculture, crime prevention, disaster reduction, and the urban / natural environment. Promote intellectual dynamism Creating knowledge : Bring out the potential of individual and promote the creation of value through various areas of knowledge. Using knowledge : Various issues in society can be solved and advanced; easy-to-use services as well as people-friendly communication realized. 11 11
Priority Areas in I CT Research and Development in I CT Research and Development Priority Areas Direction in R&D Priority areas in ICT Research and Development development were set based on the direction of R&D Maintain / strengthen international competitiveness New Generation Networks Technologies International competitiveness in ICT � Enable Japan to maintain / strengthen international International Priority areas in ICT research and competitiveness in core technologies: optical, mobile, and competitiveness through devices ICT � Advanced basic technologies enable Japan to play a leading role in global ICT development Establish a secure ICT Security and Safety Technologies and safe society ICT security / safety � Ensure security / safety of ICT networks that are the basis of ICT for security / safety social and economic activities � ICT Technologies to ensure security to realize a safe / secure social environment Promote intellectual Universal Communications Technologies dynamism � Content creation technologies promoting intellectual creativity of Creating knowledge individuals Using knowledge � Communication technologies transcending barriers in language, culture, and physical capabilities 12 12
3. Research Strategy for 3. Research Strategy for 3. Research Strategy for 3. Research Strategy for the Information Security in NICT the Information Security in NICT the Information Security in NICT the Information Security in NICT 13 13
4. R&D Activities for 4. R&D Activities for 4. R&D Activities for 4. R&D Activities for Information Security Center Information Security Center Information Security Center Information Security Center Objectives 14 14
Role of Information Security Center Role of Information Security Center Role of Information Security Center Role of Information Security Center Role as powerful central Government force that advances research and development Support in Japan Feedback to National Policy for R&D Collaboration on R&D Collaboration on R&D I nformation University and I ndustrial Security Center Research world Laboratories Talent exchange Talent exchange Sharing of latest Collaboration on R&D information Security Organizations 15 15
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