a presentation to verizon

A Presentation to Verizon James Ni Sept. 2012 1 Exper erien - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A Presentation to Verizon James Ni Sept. 2012 1 Exper erien ence ce Outli line After granted Ph.D in wireless networking and one year of post doctoral research in MPEG video and ATM. Experienced a 4 major stages of industrial

  1. A Presentation to Verizon James Ni Sept. 2012 1

  2. Exper erien ence ce Outli line  After granted Ph.D in wireless networking and one year of post doctoral research in MPEG video and ATM….  Experienced a 4 major stages of industrial career in communications and networking:  Started from FR & ATM R&D at Cascade Communications (1995 – 1998)  Moved on to VoIP and PSTN convergence at Convergent Networks (1998 – 2005)  Switched to wireless data network gateway product R&D at Airvana Networks (2005 – 2007)  Continued on wireless/IMS convergence R&D at Tatara Systems (2007 – 2011)  Software/Protocol Developer  Software/Network Architect

  3. Mobile Network 1998-2005 2007-now MAP/ANSI41 Data Network IP/ATM Convergence SIP/H323/AAL2 /MGCP IMS Network SIP/DIAMETER Convergence /H248 PSTN Broadband IP SS7/ISDN/CAS/GR303 Network SBC 1998-2005 2005-2007 1995-1998 Now P-CSCF IP Network Mobile SecGW / FA /SGSN HA / GGSN Access IKE/IPSec/GTP MIP/GTP FR/ATM core IP 2005-2007 WLAN Network

  4. Access SBC

  5. Experience in IMS

  6. 2011- Now GENBAND  Career eer path and roles System/Software Architect   Archit hitect ecture ure  TPM System Architecture  Cloud Enabling Platform Architecture  Access SBC/P-CSCF Archotecture  DRA/DRC Architecture  Develop elopmen ent t  TPM 2012 MWC Demo System Design & Implementation  Cloud Enabling Platform System Services and Process Management  P-CSCF Project

  7. Traffic Policy Management (TPM) Architecture

  8. Network Service Evolution Trend Broadband Personalization Monet etizati tion of OTT Conte tent t Servi vices Monetize Personalizati tion of Servi vices es to Individual Subscriber er Serv rvice e Analyti tics and Workb kben ench Over The Top Services Adve verti tising Opt-in in Broadband Optimization Fine-grained ed Broadband Analyti tics Offloa oad, Redire recti tion, and Conte tent t Deliver very Increase QoE, Analytics Minimize Infrastr tructu ture e Inve vestmen tments ts Dynamic traffic and Signaling Conges esti tion Contr trol Blended Broadband Services Leve verages es Social Netw tworki king and OTT Conte tent Attract And Retain Value added ed servi vices es acro ross multi tiple e OTT Serv rvices es Blending multiple OTT Services with Carrier’s Services Consumers Enables broad 3 rd rd party Ecosyste tem Advertising Open ening new w reve venue paths Monetize Infrastructure and Bette ter ad target eting via inte tegrate ted analyti tics Inte telligen ent t Presen enta tati tion Enabling Subscriber Reach Localized ed Presen enta tati tion Future Proofing Operator Investments 8

  9. Broadband Personalization Bro roadban band  Push and Customize Personalized Personalizati tion Service on any Device  Support for “new - age” devices (ex.  Personalized QoE Delivery via Policy Internet TVs, Game Consoles, and Content Caching Smartphones, Tablets, …)  QoE implemented at edge of Access  Consistent, “plain language” user Infrastructure interface Subscriber er  Advertising Any ny Dev evice e Services es & QoE Opt-In Presen entation on  Location based value added  Subscriber dedicated SDN services Personalized Pe ed Location on Based SDN Services es  Application dedicated SDN  Local zone services Subscriber er Centric Integ egrated ed User Offer fer Creation Character erization on  Based on Actual Network and  Integrates multiple sources of OTT Usage Patterns information  Service Workbench allows  Offers only services likely to be Service e “what - if” development and of value to a specific user Differ feren entiation on testing of service offers.  Offer only services appropriate  Based on location and provides  Flexible solution enables or specific to a specific location location specific and localized other personalized service services offers beyond broadband  Professional Services Enables Operator Customized Services End to End Complete Broadband Personalization Solution 9

  10. Broadband Optimization  Flexible User Oriented Analytics  TPM and Cache Analytics Enable Bro roadban band  Subscriber and device aware Subscriber Characterization Optimizati tion on  Evolution to content aware edge-  Dynamic Visibility into Network based PDN/S-GW Usage Patterns  Subscriber location Integ egrated ed User aware Mobile e Core Cost Character erization on Reduc uction on  Application specific SDN  Telcom over Cloud (ToC) ready Software e Defined d Cloud ud Enabling ng Networ worki king ng  Subscriber/User specific SDN  Application specific Cloud enabling Dynamic Conges estion on Service e Enablement ement & QoE Enhancem emen ent Managem emen ent Service e  Content Caching and Shaping  3GPP Traffic and Policy Mgmt. Differ ferent entiation on  Personalized QoE Control  Mobile Data Offload  Location aware delivery  Dynamic Mobile Congestion  APIs for Analytics Control  Full 3GPP infrastructure integration  Mobile Signaling Optimization  MDO supports Mobility, Billing & LI  Intelligent traffic routing/distribution Improved QoE, Network Efficiency and Intelligent Routing via Broadband Optimization and Cloud Enabling 10

  11. Blended Broadband Services nded Services Blended es  Viral Content Sharing  OTT Enabled Address  Subscriber App Use Book  Network Traffic  Unified Notifications Integ egrated ed Value e Added Social  Off-net use Netw tworking Exper erien ence  Location aware services Analytics  Subscriber data Any ny Dev evice e  OTT-Carrier OTT Conten tent t and Present entation on Blended Communicati tions Blen ending Comm, &  Any Device, Any Access Interworking  Broadband, Telephony,  “Fast - lane” OTT Content Delivery Video, Wireless – HTML5  Persona Control Persona-based ed & Inter ernet net Loc ocati tion on-based ed  Dynamic Persona Border er Control Servi vice e Contr trol Selection  Blended User Preferences  Off- net Access to Operator’s Services  Location based service control  Off-net User Analytics  Apps Border Control to Protect Operator Service e  Extends operator services to broader range Differ feren entiation on of terminals (ex Kiosks, M to M, etc)  API Gateway for 3 rd party access control, analytics and billing  Enables wholesale session and QoE models Blending Communications, Content and Social Networking Across All Devices for Subscriber Attraction 11

  12. Advertising Adver ertising ng  Integrate communications into targeted ads  Superior ad targeting and analytics  Simplifies user engagement with  Multiple data collection points only advertisers available in operator networks  Improves user buy behavior and  Enable monetization of user information conversion rates  Subscriber specific contents/ads  Enables ads localization and presentation enabler customization Integ egrated ed User Comm. Enabled ed Character erization on Retail Adver ertising  Subscriber specific Ads  Ads local zone service enabling  Location Intel elligent ent Ads Ads Localization on specific Enabler er Ads  Application specific Ads  Ads local zone service hosting Opt-In n via Mass Wholes esale e Adver ertising ng Persona Pe nalization on  Enhance external ad networks  Leverage Mass Personalization d with better user targeting service offers to entice user opt-in  Protect user privacy and identity  User provided preferences  Enable new revenue streams Service e enhances ad targeting granularity Differ feren entiation on  Add delivery workbench  APIs for Ad Analytics  Enable 3rd party Apps Ecosystem Enable new revenue streams via personalized, contextual ads 12

  13. Monetize the Broadband Ad OTT Services Network Localization Blended Services Mass Ad Enhanced LBS App Server Personalization Workbench Enablers and Mediation Application Services Core Network Services Adaptation Packet Data Core MLC MPC Ad Insertion Cache IMS Network PCRF User Inline DRA TAS Characterization Engine HSS CSCF Edge Packet Internet Border and Content Gateway Gateway Offnet PSTN/ Peer SIP Internet Data Access PLMN Network Access (e.g. RAN) HTML5 IMS Clients Clients

  14. A Global Overview of the 4 Strategic Pillars Subscribers Mass Blended Ads Personalization Services Workbench Subscriber Subscriber Subscriber Side Side Side (1) Broadband Enablers Enablers Enablers Optimization Access & Core (2) Network Network Supporting Elements & Service Enablers Contents Contents Contents Provider Provider Provider (3) Side Side Side Enablers Enablers Enablers OTT Services Ads Providers Contents Providers 14

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