update for the policy group meeting em rootstock club

Update for the Policy Group Meeting EM rootstock club Felicidad - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Update for the Policy Group Meeting EM rootstock club Felicidad Fernndez Fernndez East Malling Rootstock Club - update Update on pest and disease screening Update on Marker Assisted Selection test Discuss set up for next pear

  1. Update for the Policy Group Meeting EM rootstock club Felicidad Fernández Fernández

  2. East Malling Rootstock Club - update • Update on pest and disease screening Update on Marker Assisted Selection test • Discuss set up for next pear trials • • Incorporation of EUFRIN trials to EMRC

  3. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Canker ( Neonectria ditissima ): – Cut shoot test in growth cabinet for advanced selections – Same genotypes have been grafted and will be planted out in high-inoculum grower sites (AHDB)

  4. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Canker ( Neonectria ditissima ):

  5. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Canker ( Neonectria ditissima ):

  6. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Canker ( Neonectria ditissima ): 5 yrs BBSRC IPA project awarded – starts Jan 2017 – Understand the mechanism of the resistance(s) in scion and rootstock germplasm – Improve characterisation of pathogen (sequencing) – Develop high-throughput screening methods for germplasm – ID new sources of resistance and examine inheritance – Identify molecular markers for MAB

  7. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Canker (Neonectria ditissima): – Looking at segregations in some rootstocks populations – Separate germination from breeding seed lots Cross Seeds Plant Family Purpose sown potted Female FB resistance Male FB resistance M587 C.G.202 R5 resistant x AR295-6 R5 medium tolerance 98 25 Neonectria ditissima M589 Evereste Ev resistant x C.G.30 R5 resistant 100 77 Neonectria ditissima M597 Evereste Ev resistant x C.G.202 R5 resistant 100 88 Neonectria ditissima M598 Evereste Ev resistant x AR295-6 R5 medium tolerance 100 96 Neonectria ditissima – GH experiement: • Sep – Nov 2016 • 20 seedlings from each cross • Choose possible mapping pop.

  8. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Phytophthora cactorum : – Tests in seedlings following published method (verify pathogenicity of isolates) Cross Seeds Family Purpose sown Female Male M589 Evereste x C.G.30 200 Phytophthora cactorum – 3 tray inoculated: segregation – 1 tray non inoculated: none dead!

  9. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Phytophthora cactorum : – Tests in HWC (more inoculum than for seedlings) – HWC randomized in root trainers – Inoculated 14/04/2016 – 15ml of inoculum – ~ 2 x 10 -4 zoospores of P. cactorum – 2/3 isolate 418 & 1/3 of isolate 295

  10. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Phytophthora cactorum : First observation 26/04 Fourth observation 13/05 Control Control M547-41 M546-110 M545-145 M482-54 M547-41 M546-110 M545-145 M482-54 M549-94 M482-153 M432-217 M482-17 M549-94 M482-153 M432-217 M482-17 M547-72 M482-158 M482-11 AR809-3 M547-72 M482-158 M482-11 AR809-3 AR10-3-9 R104 M432-250 M547-1 AR10-3-9 R104 M432-250 M547-1 M547-8 M482-65 M482-175 B24 M547-8 M482-65 M482-175 B24 REP 1 REP 1 M547-1 M546-110 M545-145 M482-11 M547-1 M546-110 M545-145 M482-11 B24 M549-94 M547-72 M432-217 B24 M549-94 M547-72 M432-217 M547-8 M482-13 M547-41 AR10-3-9 M547-8 M482-13 M547-41 AR10-3-9 R104 M482-175 M482-158 M482-54 R104 M482-175 M482-158 M482-54 M432-250 M482-65 AR809-3 M482-153 M432-250 M482-65 AR809-3 M482-153 REP 2 REP 2 M546-110 M482-158 R104 M547-41 M546-110 M482-158 R104 M547-41 B24 M482-65 M547-1 AR809-3 B24 M482-65 M547-1 AR809-3 M482-13 M432-250 M545-145 M547-8 M482-13 M432-250 M545-145 M547-8 Susceptible in every rep: AR10-3-9 M547-72 M482-175 M432-217 AR10-3-9 M547-72 M482-175 M432-217 M482-54 M482-11 M482-153 M549-94 M482-54 M482-11 M482-153 M549-94 M545-145 REP 3 REP 3 Never showed symptoms: M547-8 M545-145 M482-11 M547-1 M547-8 M545-145 M482-11 M547-1 AR10-3-9 M549-94 R104 M547-72 AR10-3-9 M549-94 R104 M547-72 M547-1 M482-158 M432-250 M482-65 M546-110 M482-158 M432-250 M482-65 M546-110 M547-41 M482-153 M482-175 B24 M547-41 M482-153 M482-175 B24 M432-217 M482-13 M482-54 AR809-3 M432-217 M482-13 M482-54 AR809-3 Higher replication needed Include controls REP 4 REP 4 AR10-3-9 M482-11 M547-8 M482-54 AR10-3-9 M482-11 M547-8 M482-54 SWC might be better and faster ~ seedlings M545-145 M547-72 M432-217 AR809-3 M545-145 M547-72 M432-217 AR809-3 M482-158 M432-250 M482-175 M546-110 M482-158 M432-250 M482-175 M546-110 M482-65 R104 M482-153 M547-1 M482-65 R104 M482-153 M547-1 M547-41 M549-94 B24 M482-13 M547-41 M549-94 B24 M482-13

  11. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Fire blight (Erwinia amilovora) : – Tested at Wädenswil 14.03.2016 Graft units were moved to greenhouses 25.04.2016 plants were moved to security greenhouse GX; inoculation with E. amylovora 02.05.2016 disease progression measurement I 09.05.2016 disease progression measurement II 17.05.2016 disease progression measurement III 18.05.2016 experiment completed

  12. Pest and Disease screening 2016 • Woolly apple aphid ( Eriosoma lanigerum ): – Inoculation to verify previous years results ongoing – Observation of overwintering colonies on root systems in pots made this year – All to be retested using young cuttings (faster results) – Deselection policy needed!!!

  13. Material and methods • 1,000 seeds of M597 (Evereste x G.C.202) were sown into light compost on 4 th of December 2015 and stored for 14 weeks at 2 o C • 7 th of March moved to the glasshouse for germination at Day Tempe > 18 o C and Night Temp > 15 o C • Part of the seedlings germinated were selected for Fire Blight resistance genes from Evereste (R_E) and from Robusta 5 (R_R5) through G.C.202 • WAA resistance is being evaluated through inoculation – improve markers for R5 res (currently not close enough for pre-selection; 1 marker ~ 5 cM away)

  14. Material and methods

  15. Results MP_Robusta 5 MP_Evereste Retained: Seedling Predicted Plates 1 to 4 – 372 seedlings FEM14 FEM19 FEM47 CHFbE01 CHFbE02 CHFbE08 name Phenotype Total resistant M597_001 R_R5 181 150 209 248 seedlings 294 M597_002 Sus 248 Sus 64 M597_003 Rx2 182 150 209 248 231 248 M597_004 R_E 248 231 248 M597_005 Rx2 182 150 209 248 231 248 Discarded: R_R5 78 M597_007 Rx2 182 150 209 248 231 248 M597_009 R_R5 182 150 208 248 64 susceptible M597_010 R_E 247 231 248 seedlings M597_011 Sus 248 R_E 124 M597_013 R_E 248 231 248 18 failed or M597_014 Rx2 182 150 209 248 231 248 M597_015 R_R5 182 150 209 248 inconclusive M597_017 Rx2 181 150 208 247 231 248 Rx2 88 M597_018 R_R5 181 150 209 248 M597_019 R_R5 181 150 209 248 M597_021 R_E 248 231 248 M597_022 Sus 248 M597_023 R_R5 182 150 209 248 M597_024 R_E 248 231 248 M597_026 Sus 248 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M597 (Evereste x CG202) A Robusta5 M597_008 M597_016 M597_024 M597_032 M597_040 M597_048 M597_056 M597_064 M597_072 M597_080 M597_087 B M597_001 M597_009 M597_017 M597_025 M597_033 M597_041 M597_049 M597_057 M597_065 M597_073 M597_081 M597_088 C M597_002 M597_010 M597_018 M597_026 M597_034 M597_042 M597_050 M597_058 M597_066 M597_074 M597_082 M597_089 D M597_003 M597_011 M597_019 M597_027 M597_035 M597_043 M597_051 M597_059 M597_067 M597_075 M597_083 M597_090 E M597_004 M597_012 M597_020 M597_028 M597_036 M597_044 M597_052 M597_060 M597_068 M597_076 M597_084 M597_091 F M597_005 M597_013 M597_021 M597_029 M597_037 M597_045 M597_053 M597_061 M597_069 M597_077 M597_085 M597_092 G M597_006 M597_014 M597_022 M597_030 M597_038 M597_046 M597_054 M597_062 M597_070 M597_078 M597_086 M597_093 H M597_007 M597_015 M597_023 M597_031 M597_039 M597_047 M597_055 M597_063 M597_071 M597_079 Evereste CG202 Resistance linked to Robusta 5 and Evereste genes Resistance linked to Robusta 5 gene Resistance linked to Evereste gene Susceptible

  16. Discuss set up for next pear trials • Material for first • Material needed for stage trial second stage trial # for 2013-2015 Potted Selection Genus Selection grafting % rooted up 2016 PQ37-2 10 Quince PQ5-6 0 - 12 1 PQ37-3 10 Quince PQ5-8 N/A PQ37-5 6 Quince PQ5-13 0 - 25 PQ37-7 7 (2y old) Pear PQ34-1 6 - 35 50 PQ37-8 10 Pear PQ34-3 8 - 12 25 PQ38-2 6 Pear PQ34-6 5 - 52 2 PQ39-1 10 Pear PQ35-2 0 - 14 16 PQ39-3 12 Pear PQ35-3 0 - 59 6 PQ39-4 7 PQ39-5 5


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