up coming projects

Up-coming projects Bjrn Einar Bjordal, 13 March 2018 Bane NOR - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Up-coming projects Bjrn Einar Bjordal, 13 March 2018 Bane NOR InterCity Vestfold line Main civil and rail contracts 2018-2025 Vestfold line projects Drammen-Kobervikdalen (UDK), Nykirke-Barkker (UNB) 4 Project information and

  1. Up-coming projects Bjørn Einar Bjordal, 13 March 2018

  2. Bane NOR – InterCity

  3. Vestfold line Main civil and rail contracts 2018-2025

  4. Vestfold line projects Drammen-Kobervikdalen (UDK), Nykirke-Barkåker (UNB) 4

  5. Project information and contracts, UDK • UDK 01: Rock tunnel and bridge over E18 ‒ “Design and build”, negotiated procedure • UDK 02: Cut-and-cover and soil tunnel ‒ Design and build, competitive dialog • UDK 03: Drammen – Gulskogen stations and railroad systems ‒ Execution contract, negotiated procedure Dark blue: UDK 01 Blue: UDK 02 Red: UDK 03 5

  6. Contract Structure, UDK

  7. Project Information, Nykirke-Barkåker (UNB) New Skoppum station Exsisting Railway • Incl bridges across Rv 19 3 tracks to Plattform • Skottås Tunnel, • Considerable concrete amount 2,2km Rock Tunnel • 800m Cut&Cower Tunnel • • 2 Access tunnels Gråmunk Tunnel 1,2 km Rock Tunnel • E 18 Cut&Cower Tunnel Crossing under E18/Kopstadveien; 950 m Barkåker New Holmestrand Tunnel New double track Railway • • Finished 2016 • Finished 2011 7

  8. Contract structure, UNB

  9. Tendering Schedule (tentative), Vestfold line Qualification Sign. Contract UDK UDK 01 Civil works Sept. 2018 Aug. 2019 UDK 02 Civil works June 2018 Aug. 2019 UDK 03 Civil and rail May 2019 April 2020 UNB UNB 01Civil works Aug. 2018 June 2019 UNB 10 Rail works Aug 2018 June 2019

  10. Tendering process • Prequalification ( Electronic process – Visma Tendsign) ‒ https://tendsign.com/public/register_seller.aspx ‒ Minimum criteria ( fulfilment y/n) ‒ Selection criteria (evaluation) ‒ Shortlist 3-5 Tenderers • Tender (Visma Tendsign) ‒ Invitation to Tender including specification (Norwegian) ‒ Some of the documents may/will be translated to English ‒ Contract will be based on NTK 15 (Norwegian Total Contract) ‒ Some payment/fee for submitting valid Tender ‒ Tender language: Norwegian ‒ All communication (questions/answers etc.) via Visma Tendsign 10

  11. 11

  12. Joint Rail and Road Project Ringerike Line and E16 Highway Bjørn Einar Bjordal, 13 March 2018

  13. Ringerike Line and E16 Highway FELLESPROSJEKTET RINGERIKSBANEN OG E16

  14. Project summary – railway and highway Ringerike Line and E16 Highway • 40 km new double track railway from Sandvika to Hønefoss prepared for a maximum speed of 250 km/h: • 15 km four lane highway, prepared for max speed 110 km/h • Construction of a new railway station at Sundvollen • Complete rebuild of existing railway station at Hønefoss • Highway intersections at Elstangen, Styggedalen, Ve and possibly at Helgelandsmoen FELLESPROSJEKTET RINGERIKSBANEN OG E16

  15. Project summary – tunnels and bridges Ringerike Line and E16 Highway • 23 km double track railway tunnel with parallel escape and service tunnel from Sandvika to Sundvollen • 3 km double track railway tunnel at Vik • 770 m double track railway bridge across Kroksund • 640 m highway bridge across Kroksund • 2 x 3 km highway tunnels at Vik • Crossing the river and wetlands at Mælingen: ‒ Alt 1: Two railway bridges: 300 m + 900 m plus three highway bridges (1 x 300 m + 2 x 900 m) ‒ Alt 2: One railway bridge 1800 m plus two highway bridges (2 x 1800 m) FELLESPROSJEKTET RINGERIKSBANEN OG E16

  16. Premiliminary contract structure Jong - Ringi Rustan - Høgås Sundvollen railway tunnel, Kroksund - Kjelleberget - Storelva, Hghway and railway Prestemoen - Styggedalen day zones, railway railway tunnel Sunvollen railway station, Kjelleberget, highway highway and railway bridges across Storelva intersections at Ve and Styggedalen, tunnel Elstangen highway interection, and railroad tunnels day zones and Mælingen Hønefoss railway station, tracks and Ringerike Line and E16 highway and railway bridges and day zones railway technique Styggedalen- Highway across Kroksund Hønefoss Preparatory / Enabling Several contracts (construction only) works System design for railway Bane NOR technique (RT) Design substructure rail and road TK-01 (EPC) TK-02 (EPC) TK-03 (EPC) TK-04 (EPC) TK-05 (EPC) TK-06 (EPC) Build substructure rail and road Tracks, overhead RT TK-07 (EPC) contact line, HW/LW, telecom Signal TK-08 (EPC) FELLESPROSJEKTET RINGERIKSBANEN OG E16

  17. Preliminary Key Dates Ringerike Line and E16 Highway Contracts for preparatory works: • Prequalification, bidding and evaluation: 2019 • Contract Award: 2020 • Start preparatory works: 2020 Main Contracts for Railway Substructures, Highways and Railway Techniques: • Prequalification: From 2019 • ITT: From 2020 • Contract Award: From 2020 • Construction start main contracts: 2021 and 2022 • Project completion: 2028 FELLESPROSJEKTET RINGERIKSBANEN OG E16

  18. Ringerike Line and E16 Highway For project information, please see: Bane NOR’s home page: www.banenor.no Project home page: www.banenor.no/RingeriksbanenE16 Supplier contact: bjorn.einar.bjordal@banenor.no FELLESPROSJEKTET RINGERIKSBANEN OG E16


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