until when

until when? Play the game 2011 Driton Latifi, sport news editor of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Kosovo, battle for identity, until when? Play the game 2011 Driton Latifi, sport news editor of conference, Cologne, Germany Daily Zeri, Prishtina - Kosovo Kosovo, battle for identity, until when? 1991, end of Yugoslavia

  1. Kosovo, battle for identity, until when? “Play the game” 2011 Driton Latifi, sport news editor of conference, Cologne, Germany Daily “Zeri”, Prishtina - Kosovo

  2. Kosovo, battle for identity, until when?  1991, end of Yugoslavia  1991-97 beginning of new sport for Kosovo independent from Serbia, most of the activities were in secret  1997 all the sport activities stopped because of war in Kosovo  1997-1999 war in Kosovo  1999 back to the stadium and sport facilities  1999 the start of reconciliation of sport

  3. Kosovo, battle for identity, until when?  2003 International table tennis recognized Kosovo table tennis Federation  2004 European Handball Federation has accepter Kosovo handball Federation part-membership  Kosovo got an observer status in International Ski Federation  2008 Kosovo became member of International Weightlifting Federation  2008 FILA (wrestling) accepts Kosovo as a associated member  2008 International softball Federation admitted Kosovo as full member

  4. Kosovo, battle for identity, until when?  Technical request by the IOC is five Federations to be internationally recognized  IOC: Kosovo needs to become UN member  Kosovo is recognized by 84 states in the world  2008 FIFA refused Kosovo application for membership, but Kosovo become member of TMS  2008 refusal by FIBA as well

  5. Kosovo, battle for identity, until when?  2008 International Ski Federation decided that the Kosovo affiliation is dependent on it’s recognition by the UN, but in meantime, Kosovo skiers are aloud to compete in FIS level  2010, International Tennis Federation rejected the membership of Kosovar tennis federation, but got a help, Kosovo is in program of youth development in region  2011 Kosovo Archery Federation becomes member of FITA

  6. Kosovo, battle for identity, until when?  Diffrent situation in different sports: - boxing - chess - judo (we got a world champion) - cycling - swimming  Change of approach – New Federations – Without tradition – Modern pentathlon – Equestrian Federations


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