unscear s activities related to occupational radiation

UNSCEARs activities related to occupational radiation protection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UNSCEARs activities related to occupational radiation protection and main challenges for the future Malcolm Crick, Secretary of the Committee Malcolm.Crick@unscear.org UNSCEAR's mandate Established by UN General Assembly (GA) resolution

  1. UNSCEAR‘s activities related to occupational radiation protection and main challenges for the future Malcolm Crick, Secretary of the Committee Malcolm.Crick@unscear.org

  2. UNSCEAR's mandate • Established by UN General Assembly (GA) resolution in 1955 • Assess levels, effects & risks of ionizing radiation • Scientists from 27 UN Member States • Other states & organizations provide relevant data

  3. Science underpins protection ILO convention 115: occupational radiation protection issues levels impact IAEA, WHO, ILO, FAO etc. trends -Safety standards -Protection programmes UNSCEAR Scientific basis Implemented by Member States

  4. UNSCEAR Reports relevant for ORP UNSCEAR 2000 Report – Occupational radiation exposures UNSCEAR 2006 Report – Epidemiological evaluation of cardiovascular diseases and other non-cancer diseases following radiation exposure – Sources-to-effects assessment for radon in homes and workplaces UNSCEAR 2008 Report – Exposures of the public and workers from various sources of radiation – Health effects due to radiation from the Chernobyl accident – Radiation exposures in accidents UNSCEAR 2012 Report (TBP) – Ability to attribute effects to radiation exposure and inference of risk – Uncertainty in cancer risk estimates UNSCEAR 2013 – Levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident after the 2011 great east-Japan earthquake and tsunami  Apendix D: Assessment of doses to workers

  5. Occupational exposures 6 Annual effective dose (mSv) Man-made sources Natural sources 5 4 3 2 1 0 Other mining Coal mining Aircrew Nuclear industry Defence Medicine Other workplaces Source: UNSCEAR 2008 Report

  6. Occupational exposures at reactors Collective effective dose per unit electrical 14 energy (man Sv per GW(e) a) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1975-1979 1980-1984 1985-1989 1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2002 Period UNSCEAR survey

  7. UNSCEAR’s exposure surveys • Online platform for data collection/archiving – Medical exposure (2014) – Occupational exposure (2015) – Public exposure (2015/2016) • Network of national contact persons – Nomination ONLY via official channels – Additional experts can be registered to online platform • Collaboration with international bodies ( IAEA , ILO, UNEP, WHO, EC, NEA, IRPA and others)

  8. UNSCEAR’s publications Printed version can be ordered from https://unp.un.org Electronic version for free download www.unscear.org Thank you for your attention!

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