unm sunshine portal overview legislature direction and

UNM Sunshine Portal Overview Legislature Direction and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UNM Sunshine Portal Overview Legislature Direction and Presidential Initiative Senate Bill 195 (SB195 - The Sunshine Portal Transparency Act) Requires all state agencies of New Mexico to develop, operate and maintain a single internet web

  1. UNM Sunshine Portal

  2. Overview – Legislature Direction and Presidential Initiative Senate Bill 195 (SB195 - The Sunshine Portal Transparency Act) Requires all state agencies of New Mexico to “develop, operate and maintain a single internet web site that is free, user-friendly, searchable and accessible to the public, known as the ‘sunshine portal’, to host the state's financial information including budgets, expenditures, revenue, and other information for the purpose of governmental transparency and accountability to taxpayers.” Senate Bill 327 (Certain Public School Info on Sunshine Portal) “…to amend Senate Bill 195 to include public schools under the requirements of the Act, with the public school information available on the portal no later than July 1, 2012. “  Although Higher Education is not called out in the amendment, UNM’s administration would like to proactively address the requirement of a Sunshine Portal Transparency site in advance of a potential mandate. President Schimidly’s Announcement to Albuquerque Journal on Nov 9, 2011: He supports “a transparent accounting of the University’s public business. To that end, UNM is close to beginning work on the creation of a comprehensive sunshine portal that will allow the public online access to UNM’s financial information such as budgets, expenditures, contracts and employee salary information.”

  3. Report List and Samples Sample List of Future UNM Sunshine Portal Reports State Agency Requirement per SB 195 (as Scope Format Frequency amended by SB 327) #3 annual operating budgets for each state In Scope. PDF Per Regents schedule agency with monthly expenditures by category. #4 contracts that a state agency enters into for In Scope SharePoint Dashboard Monthly – Cumulative YTD the lease, sale or development of state land and state contracts that have a total contract price of more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), naming the recipient of the contract, the purpose of the contract and the amounts expended

  4. Sample List of UNM Reports Continue…. # 9 reversions and cash balances by state Scope PDF Annual agency and fund. #10 appropriations for capital projects, In Scope PDF Annual identified by project location, type of project and funding source #11 a directory of all employee positions, other In Scope SharePoint Dashboard Monthly than exempt employee positions, identified only by state agency, position title and salary. #12 a directory of all exempt employee In Scope; Covered in #11 above SharePoint Dashboard Monthly positions, identified by state agency, position title, salary and the name of the individual that holds the position.

  5. Sample List of UNM Reports Continue…. #14 a link to an open meeting tracker Scope Link Real-Time web site upon which each state agency shall post open meetings scheduled for the current month and the next month, including the time and place of the meeting, the subject of the meeting and an agenda. #16 a link to the state auditor's web site In Scope PDF Annual for the purpose of accessing financial audits. #17 a link to New Mexico's statutes In Scope Link Real-Time #18 a link to the New Mexico Administrative In Scope Link Real-Time Code. #19 a link to the secretary of state's web sites for In Scope Link Real-Time lobbyist regulation #20 an annual summary within three months after In Scope PDF Per Regents Schedule the end of the fiscal year, or as soon thereafter as the information becomes available, of the state's fiscal health, including the state budget, revenues and expenditures for the previous fiscal year and projected revenues and operating budgets for the current fiscal year


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