understanding intrinsic motivation understanding

Understanding Intrinsic Motivation Understanding Intrinsic - PDF document

Rebuilding with an Emphasis Rebuilding with an Emphasis on Intrinsic Motivation on Intrinsic Motivation For students, family members, staff, or any other school For students, family members, staff, or any other school stakeholders, concerns

  1. Rebuilding with an Emphasis Rebuilding with an Emphasis on Intrinsic Motivation on Intrinsic Motivation For students, family members, staff, or any other school For students, family members, staff, or any other school stakeholders, concerns about engaging, re-engaging, and stakeholders, concerns about engaging, re-engaging, and maintaining engagement arise. maintaining engagement arise. Given this, it is surprising how little attention has been paid to the Given this, it is surprising how little attention has been paid to the topic of intrinsic motivation in discussions of school improvement. topic of intrinsic motivation in discussions of school improvement. The following quick and simplified overview is meant to The following quick and simplified overview is meant to encourage a greater emphasis on the matter. encourage a greater emphasis on the matter. The focus here is mainly on students, but extrapolation to The focus here is mainly on students, but extrapolation to staff, family members and other stakeholders should be easy. staff, family members and other stakeholders should be easy. Highlighted are: Highlighted are: • Understanding Intrinsic Motivation • Understanding Intrinsic Motivation • A Caution about Overreliance • A Caution about Overreliance on Extrinsics on Extrinsics • A Focus on Re-engagement in • A Focus on Re-engagement in School Learning School Learning (A reference list is provided for moving on to obtain a more (A reference list is provided for moving on to obtain a more detailed and in-depth understanding.) detailed and in-depth understanding.)

  2. Some questions to think about: > What motivates youngsters in general? at school? > What motivates teachers and other school staff to do their best on the job? > What motivates family members to be involved with schooling?


  4. Understanding Intrinsic Motivation is essential to addressing the problem of student engagement and re-engagement in classroom learning. And, it is an essential concern in efforts to deal with misbehavior.

  5. Can you translate the following formula? E x V = M

  6. ###################################### If the equation stumped you, don't be surprised. The main introduction to motivational thinking that many people have been given in the past involves some form of reinforcement theory (which essentially deals with extrinsic motivation). Thus, all this may be new to you, even though motivational theorists have been wrestling with it for a long time, and intuitively, you probably understand much of what they are talking about. ######################################

  7. Translation: Expectancy times value equals motivation • “E” represents an individual's expectations about outcome (in school this often means expectations of success or failure). • “V” represents valuing , with valuing influenced by both what is valued intrinsically and extrinsically. Thus, in a general sense, motivation can be thought of in terms of expectancy times valuing. Such theory recognizes that human beings are thinking and feeling organisms and that intrinsic factors can be powerful motivators. This understanding of human motivation has major implications for learning, teaching, parenting, and mental health interventions.

  8. Applying the paradigm: Do the math. E x V = 0 x 1.0 = What are the implications?

  9. ###################################### Within some limits (which we need not discuss here), low expectations (E) and high valuing (V) produce relatively weak motivation. I know I won’t be able to do it. ######################################

  10. Now, what about this? E x V = 1.0 x 0 = What are the implications?

  11. ###################################### High expectations paired with low valuing also yield low approach motivation. Thus, the oft-cited remedial strategy of guaranteeing success by designing tasks to be very easy is not as simple a recipe as it sounds. Indeed, the approach is likely to fail if the outcome is not valued or if the tasks are experienced as too boring or if doing them is seen as too embarrassing. In such cases, a strong negative value is attached to the activities, and this contributes to avoidance motivation. It’s not worth doing! ######################################

  12. Two common reasons people give for not bothering to learn something are "It's not worth it" "I know I won't be able to do it." In general, the amount of time and energy spent on an activity seems dependent on how much the activity is valued by the person and on the person's expectation that what is valued will be attained without too great a cost.

  13. Overreliance on Extrinsics: a Bad Match Overreliance on Extrinsics: a Bad Match Throughout this discussion of valuing and Throughout this discussion of valuing and expectations, the emphasis has been on the expectations, the emphasis has been on the fact that motivation is not something that can fact that motivation is not something that can be determined solely by forces outside the be determined solely by forces outside the individual. individual. Others can plan activities and outcomes to Others can plan activities and outcomes to influence motivation and learning; however, influence motivation and learning; however, how the activities and outcomes are how the activities and outcomes are experienced determines whether they are experienced determines whether they are pursued (or avoided) with a little or a lot of pursued (or avoided) with a little or a lot of effort and ability. effort and ability. Understanding that an individual's perceptions Understanding that an individual's perceptions can affect motivation has led researchers to can affect motivation has led researchers to important findings about some undesired effects important findings about some undesired effects resulting from over-reliance on extrinsics. resulting from over-reliance on extrinsics.

  14. Extrinsic Rewards Undermine Intrinsic Motivation [Excerpted from: The Rewards Controversy discussion highlighting the controversy and the research – on the University of Rochester Self Detemination Theory website – http://www.psych.rochester.edu/SDT/cont_reward.html ] • Over the past 20 years, nearly 100 published experiments have provided support for early studies indicating that extrinsic rewards can undermine people’s intrinsic motivation for the rewarded activity. This finding has been interpreted as stemming from people coming to feel controlled by the rewards.

  15. •The finding was very controversial when it first appeared because it seemed to contradict the prevailing behaviorist wisdom of that time, which maintained that the careful use of rewards (or reinforcements) was the most effective approach to motivation. Remarkably, three decades later, in spite of very convincing evidence in support of the fact that rewards can undermine intrinsic motivation, the controversy continues. Nevertheless, most psychologist have accepted it as an important phenomenon. •Tangible extrinsic rewards reliably undermine intrinsic motivation under most circumstances, and, interestingly the most detrimental reward contingency involves giving rewards as a direct function of people's performance. Those who perform best get the most rewards and those who perform less well get less (or no) rewards. This contingency, which is perhaps the one most often used in life, seems to be the one that is most detrimental to the motivation, performance, and well-being of the individuals subjected to it.

  16. Intrinsic Motivation – Intervention Considerations Think in terms of • Enhancing feelings of >>Self-determination >>Competency >>Connectedness to others • Minimizing threats to feelings of: >>Self-determination >>Competency >>Connectedness to others Minimize strategies designed only for social control and increase • options • choice • involvement in decision making

  17. Some Guidelines for Strategies that Capture An Understanding of Intrinsic Motivation • minimize coercive interactions • facilitate students’ desire and ability to share their perceptions readily (to enter into dialogues with the adults at school) • emphasize real life interests and needs • stress real options and choices and a meaningful role in decision making • provide enrichment opportunities (and be sure not to withhold them as punishment) • provide a continuum of structure

  18. I don’t want to go to school. I don’t want to go to school. It’s too hard and the kids It’s too hard and the kids don’t like me. don’t like me. \ That’s too bad, hat’s too bad, \ but you have to go – ut you have to go – \ you’re the Principal! ou’re the Principal! /

  19. Why is it important to minimize a heavy emphasis on social control and coercive procedures? Those in control say: You can’t do that … You must do this … Kids think and often say as they react overtly or covertly Oh, you think so! This is called Psychological Reactance.

  20. » When people perceive their freedom is threatened, they experience psychological reactance, which motivates them to act in ways that can restore the threatened sense of freedom. » With prolonged denial of freedom, reactance diminishes and people become amotivated – feeling helpless and ineffective.


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