u s department of energy advanced research projects

U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Conner Prochaska Senior Advisor & Chief of Staff, ARPA-E June 21, 2018 www.arpa-e.energy.gov History of ARPA-E In 2007, The National Academies recommended

  1. U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Conner Prochaska Senior Advisor & Chief of Staff, ARPA-E June 21, 2018 www.arpa-e.energy.gov

  2. History of ARPA-E In 2007, The National Academies recommended Congress establish an Advanced Research Projects Agency within the U.S. Department of Energy to fund advanced energy R&D. American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Signed – Providing ARPA-E its first appropriations of $400 million, which funded ARPA-E's first projects 2007 2018 2009 Rising Above the Gathering Storm 660+ Awards Published - warning policymakers 47 Programs that U.S. advantages in science and technology had begun to erode Current Funding: $353M America COMPETES Act Signed – authorizing the creation of ARPA-E (FY18) 1

  3. ARPA-E Mission Mission: To overcome long-term and high-risk technological barriers in the development of energy technologies Ensure U.S. Technological Lead & U.S. Economic and Energy Security IMPROVE REDUCE REDUCE EFFICIENCY EMISSIONS IMPORTS 2

  4. Built on DARPA foundation, but with key differences… 3

  5. What Makes an ARPA-E Project? ‣ High impact on ARPA-E mission areas ‣ Credible path to market ‣ Large commercial application IMPACT ‣ Challenges what is possible ‣ Disrupts existing learning curves TRANSFORM ‣ Leaps beyond today’s technologies ‣ Translates science into breakthrough technology ‣ Not researched or funded elsewhere ‣ Catalyzes new interest and investment BRIDGE ‣ Comprised of best-in-class people ‣ Cross-disciplinary skill sets ‣ Translation oriented TEAM 4

  6. Tech To Market Approach SCOPE MANAGE ADVISE PARTNERSHIPS Provide strategic Manage project Support project Engage third-party market insights teams’ T2M efforts teams with skills & investors and necessary to through T2M plans knowledge to align partners to support create innovative, and jointly developed technology with technology commercially milestones market needs development towards relevant programs the market 5

  7. ARPA-E Impact Indicators As of February 2018 6

  8. INNOVATING TODAY, TRANFORMING TOMORROW “The CEO of my company asked if he hadn’t given me a big enough sandbox to play in. I told him ARPA-E offered me a beach.” — Joe Cornelius, ARPA-E Program Director 7

  9. https://arpa-e.energy.gov 8


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