tymec xi an taoyuan metallurgical equipment engineering

TYMEC (Xian Taoyuan Metallurgical Equipment Engineering Co.,Ltd.) is - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TYMEC (Xian Taoyuan Metallurgical Equipment Engineering Co.,Ltd.) is specialized in research, development and manufacturing electro-heating equipment. TYMEC was established in High-tech Industrial Development Zone in 1990s with RMB 21 Million

  1. TYMEC (Xi’an Taoyuan Metallurgical Equipment Engineering Co.,Ltd.) is specialized in research, development and manufacturing electro-heating equipment. TYMEC was established in High-tech Industrial Development Zone in 1990s with RMB 21 Million registered capital. In 2008, TYMEC got the certification by Shaanxi Municipal Science and Technology Commission of “the first batch of the high-tech enterprises” ; In 2010, TYMEC was awarded the title of “Technical Center of Electrical Furnace “ in Xi’an. 安桃园冶 备工 有 公司于 20 世 90 年代中期在 安 新技术产业开发区创建。注册 本 仟壹佰万元。 专 从事电加热 备的研发与制 的 科技企业。 2008 年我公司 省科技厅 为“ 一批 新技术企 业” 2010 年 安市授予“电炉企业技术中心”的称号。

  2. Manufacturing Plant ( 加 工 基 地 ) • 20,000 Sq. meter plant area with the professional manufacturing equipments, composed by HCCS section, Conductive arm section, Water cooled section, Ladle car section, furnace body section, LV electrical &automatic section etc, which provide good conditions for product manufacturing, assembly and testing. 公司建有两万平方 的工厂 专业 备 套 全 形成了短 、导电横 、水冷炉盖、 包 、 炉体 构、 属 构、低压电气及 动化 几个工 为产品的制 、 与 创 了 好的 条件。

  3. TYMEC Personnel: ( 员工情况 TYMEC has a strong technical force with more than 260 employees, among them more than 60 are technical people (12 Senior Engineers and 42 Design Engineers) for mechanical , electrical, automatic and metallurgical process. TYMEC has good conditions for design, research& development and EPC project. 公司现有员工 260 多人 其中工 技术人员 60 多人 工 师 12 人 工 师 42 人 , 技术力 厚 从事机械 电气 冶 工 动控制 具备 、研发和承 接成套工 目的 力。

  4. International exchanges and cooperation ( 对 外 合 作 与 交 流 ) 公司总 理 存 先生 土 其 ERENCO 公司 TYMEC G.M. Mr. Chen Visited ERENCO Co. ,TURKEY

  5. SMS Siemag 技 术 交 流

  6. 澳 大 利 亚 、 伊 朗 、 玻 利 维 亚 、 马 来 西 亚 等 外 国 公 司 客 人 访 问 我 公 司 Customers from Australia, Iran, Bolivia, Malaysia etc. Visited Our Co.

  7. Products: The main products are smelting furnace for electric arc steelmaking and secondary refining equipment and their auxiliary equipments: 1) EPC project for electric furnace steelmaking; 2) Electric Furnace for steelmaking, which includes the most advanced High-impedance &UHP EAF, sponge-iron EAF, ferroalloy EAF; (above 10t). 3) Ladle refining furnace (Bridge frame , single frame, electrode swiveling, two-position ladle rotary type etc.); (above 15t) 4) LFV, VOD, VD, AOD with different metallurgical functions; 5) 7500KVA above ore furnace (submerged arc furnace), alloy refining furnace; 6) Newly type of scrap preheating equipment; 7) Dedusting equipment, auxiliary equipments, spare parts and accessories. 公司主导产品主 为电炉炼 的熔炼炉和二次 炼 备及 助 备 1 电炉炼 成套工 目 2 10 120 吨及以上 的 抗 功率炼 电弧炉以及海 炼 电弧炉、 合 炼电弧炉 3 15 300 吨及以上 的各种 LF 包 炼炉 桥架式、独 机架式、电极旋 及 包回 双工位 4 各种不同冶 功 的 LFV 、 VOD 、 VD 、 AOD 包 炼炉 5 7.5 33MVA 矿热 埋弧 炉 电石、 合 、 磷 、以及 、 、 合 炼炉 6 新型废 热成套 7 冶 电炉 套的环保 尘 备、 助 备以及各种电炉 备的备 件

  8. Marketing : 市场 Domestic: We have supplied more than 200 sets of EAF and LF to Capital steel group, Wuhan steel group, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan etc. steel companies. Overseas: EAF and LF are exported to overseas, such as Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indian, Vietnam, Indonesia Iran and Taiwan etc. 国内市场 30% 70% 为、武石家庄、唐山公司提供了 200 多套电弧 炉和包炼炉。 海外市场 Domestic Market 电弧炉和炼炉备出口土其、亚、巴基斯坦、印 Overseas Market 度、南、印度尼亚、伊朗国家 和我国台湾地区

  9. Achievements for EAF and LF 电炉和 包炉产品业 The maximum capacity for EAF that our company designed and manufactured is up to 120t, the maximum capacity for LF is up to 250t. 公司 制 的电弧炉产品容 最大已 到 120 吨、 包 炼炉容 最大已 到 250 吨。 Capacity Unit Qty. Above 100t Set 3 EAF products 70-100t Set 5 电弧炉产品 50-70t Set 5 30-50t Set 7 Below 30t Set 13 Capacity Unit Qty. Above 200t Set 6 LF products 150-200t Set 12 包炉产品 100-150t Set 32 Below 100t Set More than 70 Below 30t Set 13


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