Two weeks in…
Miss Winton – Damson (team leader after November) Mrs Warwick – Apple Weds-Fri (team leader until November) Mr Overton – Apple Mon-Tue Mrs Oliver – Cherry Mon-Thurs Mrs Harrison – Cherry Fri Mrs Keeley (TA) Mrs Stroud (TA)
Maths, English 5x per week Mental maths – CLIC and Fast Maths Class reading, spelling and handwriting: 3x per week Science, Art, Topic, PSHE – in afternoons PE (2x per week) Music, French and RE on Weds (recorders) Forest Schools on Weds (2x per half term)
Monday am – Apple (indoors), Cherry (indoors) Monday am – Damson (swimming) Tuesday pm – Cherry (outdoors) Tuesday pm – Apple (indoors) Friday pm – Damson (outdoors) PE kit Green shorts, white t-shirt, bare feet (indoors) Tracksuit/shorts, white t-shirt, trainers – not plimsolls (outdoors) Swimming Swimming costume, trunks, goggles, swimming hat, towel No jewellery.
Forest schools Outdoor clothing, waterproof coat, wellies (to go home after FS) EVERYTHING MUST BE NAMED…PLEASE! Lost property will be placed in a box in the cloakroom. Please ensure that your child has a waterproof coat with them EVERY DAY.
PE kit in school every day Reading book with them A named water bottle (no water fountains) Healthy snack They don’t need: Pencil cases Large school bags (no space!)
Autumn 1: The Romans in Britain (Visit to Bignor) Autumn 2: Fire and Light Spring 1: Pound Hill detectives – what can you find out about Crawley now and in the past? (local study field trip, linked to RE) Spring 2: Food Glorious Food Summer 1: Who lives in the Amazon and why do they need the trees? (visit to RHS Wisley) Summer 2: Opposites Attract
One short section each day Reading Please find 10 minutes daily to read with your child. (Studies show this has the single biggest impact on a child’s attainment) Parents to date and sign on sheet. Maths Mental maths – timed practice 4x per week. Spelling Look, cover, write, check on sheet. Homework is self-marked, teachers will check it but not mark and return. If children do not bring in homework, they will be asked to go to ‘homework club’ at lunchtime. CLIC tests will be returned the following week so that parents can support.
Daily reading with and to your child. Question them on their understanding of the book. Encourage times tables practice regularly. Little and often is the key! Consider buying your child a watch and referring to the time at home. Involve your child in the use of money whilst shopping. Encourage high standards of writing when your child writes at home. We only accept their best in school. Practise some phase spelling words – these are the words that children are expected to know by the end of the year.
Thank you for coming! Please feel free to contact any of us on with the teacher’s name in the subject box.
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