two feedback loop stochastic model of p53 regulation

Two feedback loop stochastic model of p53 regulation Krzysztof Puszy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Two feedback loop stochastic model of p53 regulation Krzysztof Puszy ski Beata Hat Tomasz Lipniacki Outline Introduction p53|Mdm2 regulatory module Existing models p53|Mdm2 model with feedback loop Models equations

  1. Two feedback loop stochastic model of p53 regulation Krzysztof Puszy ń ski Beata Hat Tomasz Lipniacki

  2. Outline • Introduction • p53|Mdm2 regulatory module • Existing models • p53|Mdm2 model with feedback loop • Model’s equations • Results

  3. Why p53|Mdm2 ? • p53 regulates activity of hundreds of genes responsible among others for : - cell cycle arrest - DNA repair processes - apoptosis • In 50% cancer cases p53 is mutated or not present. In remaining cases genes which are in it’s regulatory module are mutated • There is over 50 000 experimental citations and only about 100 theoretical work.

  4. Apoptosis • Programmed cell death • Characteristic cell morphology • Safely cell’s fragments removal • About 50 - 70 billions of cells die every day due to apoptosis in average adult human

  5. Apoptosis

  6. p53|Mdm2 module 10 or more feedbacks, Kohn and Pommier 2005 Over 100 components, Stochastic noises

  7. Inputs and outputs of the p53|Mdm2 regulatory unit

  8. Cilliberto 2005 • Three forms of p53 • Positive feedback loop to simplified (PTEN, PIP3 i Akt proteins are absent) • One stable state and limit cycle

  9. Ma 2005 • Two forms of p53 • The lack of the positive feedback • One stable state and limit cycle

  10. Wee 2006 • One form of p53 • Limit cycle

  11. Zhang 2007 • One form of p53 • Neglected delays • One stable state and limit cycle

  12. p53|Mdm2 model

  13. Negative feedback loop

  14. Positive feedback loop

  15. Modeling • Deterministic models based on ODE – fast but can be used on population not the single cell level • Stochastic models based on Gillespie algorithm – can work on the single cell level but are very slow • Haseltine and Rawlings approach – fast (modeled by using ODE) and slow (modeled stochastically) reaction channels – fast and can work on the single cell level

  16. Stochasticity in the p53|Mdm2 model • IR dose increases the probability of DNA damage occurs • Level of the p53pn protein increases the probability of the DNA repair and Mdm2 and PTEN gene activation

  17. Equations

  18. Equations Proapoptotic factors

  19. Stochasticity in model probability of gene copy activation: probability of gene copy deactivation: transcriptional efficiency of p53 (probability that the gene copy is active if p53 np (t)=const): probability that new DSB appears: propability that the number of DSB decreases by one:

  20. PTEN off, DNA repair off, dose 5Gy (oscillations)

  21. PTEN off, DNA repair off, dose 5Gy (a 1 – p53 activation, d 1 – Mdm2 degradation)

  22. PTEN on, DNA repair off, dose 5Gy (apoptosis)

  23. PTEN on, DNA repair off, doses 5Gy (a 1 – p53 activation, d 1 – Mdm2 degradation)

  24. PTEN on, DNA repair on (competition)

  25. PTEN on, DNA on + proapoptotic factors (competition)

  26. Cell fate

  27. Cell fate - PTEN on

  28. Cell fate – PTEN off

  29. Thank you

  30. Parameters

  31. Parameters


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