twistor and killing forms in riemannian geometry


TWISTOR AND KILLING FORMS IN RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY Andrei Moroianu CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Prague, September 1st, 2004 joint work with Uwe Semmelmann Plan of the talk Algebraic preliminaries Twistor forms on

  1. TWISTOR AND KILLING FORMS IN RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY Andrei Moroianu CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Prague, September 1st, 2004 – joint work with Uwe Semmelmann –

  2. Plan of the talk • Algebraic preliminaries • Twistor forms on Riemannian manifolds • Short history • Main properties of twistor forms • Examples • Compact manifolds with non–generic holon- omy carrying twistor forms • Twistor forms on K¨ ahler manifolds • Open problems

  3. 1. Algebraic preliminaries Let E be a n –dimensional Euclidean space en- dowed with the scalar product �· , ·� . We iden- tify throughout this talk E and E ∗ . { e i } denotes an orthonormal basis of E , (or a local orthonormal frame of the Riemannian manifold in the next sections). Consider the two natural linear maps � : E ⊗ Λ k E → Λ k − 1 E, ∧ : E ⊗ Λ k E → Λ k +1 E. Their meric adjoints (wrt the induced metric on the exterior powers of E ) are � ∗ ( τ ) = τ ∈ Λ k − 1 E, � e i ⊗ e i ∧ τ , ∧ ∗ ( σ ) = σ ∈ Λ k +1 E. � e i ⊗ e i � σ ,

  4. Since obviously ∧◦ � ∗ = � ◦ ∧ ∗ = 0 , one gets the direct sum decomposition E ⊗ Λ k E = Im ( � ∗ ) ⊕ Im ( ∧ ∗ ) ⊕ T k E where T k E denotes the orthogonal complement of the direct sum of the first two summands. We denote by π 1 , π 2 , π 3 the projections on the three summands. The relations � ◦ � ∗ = ( n − k + 1) Id Λ k − 1 E ∧ ◦ ∧ ∗ = ( k + 1) Id Λ k +1 E show that for ξ ∈ E ⊗ Λ k E one has 1 k + 1 � ∗ ◦ � ξ, π 1 ξ = 1 n − k + 1 ∧ ∗ ◦ ∧ ξ, π 2 ξ = 1 1 n − k + 1 ∧ ∗ ◦ ∧ ξ. k + 1 � ∗ ◦ � ξ − π 3 ξ = ξ −

  5. 2. Twistor forms on Riemannian manifolds Let ( M n , g ) be a Riemannian manifold. As be- fore, we identify 1–forms and vectors via the metric. Let ∇ denote the covariant derivative of the Levi–Civita connection of M . If u is a k –form, then ∇ u is a section of TM ⊗ Λ k M , where Λ k M := Λ k ( T ∗ M ) ≃ Λ k ( TM ) . Using the notations above (for E = TM ) we define the first order differential operator T : C ∞ (Λ k M ) → C ∞ ( TM ⊗ Λ k M ) , Tu := π 3 ( ∇ u ) . Noticing that the exterior differential d and its formal adjoint δ can be writen du = ∧ ( ∇ u ) , δu = − � ( ∇ u ) ,

  6. one gets 1 1 Tu ( X ) = ∇ X u − k + 1 X � du + n − k + 1 X ∧ δu for all X ∈ TM . Definition 1 The k –form u is called twistor form if Tu = 0 . If, moreover, u is co–closed, then it is called Killing form . Remark: if one takes the wedge or interior product with X in the twistor equation 1 1 ∇ X u = k + 1 X � du − n − k + 1 X ∧ δu, put X = e i and sum over i one gets tautolog- ical identities. In case of holonomy reduction, such an approach can be used successfully (see below).

  7. 3. Short history • Yano (1952) introduces Killing forms • Tachibana, Kashiwada (1968–1969) intro- duce and study twistor forms • Jun, Ayabe, Yamaguchi (1982) study twistor forms on compact K¨ ahler manifolds. They conclude that if n > 2 k ≥ 8, every twistor k –form on a n –dimensional compact K¨ ahler manifold is parallel (?!) • Since 2001: Semmelmann, M, Belgun et al. study twistor and Killing forms on com- pact manifolds with reduced holonomy and on symmetric spaces. Several classification results are obtained.

  8. 4. Main properties of twistor forms Geometric interpretation. If k = 1, a twistor 1–form is just the dual of a conformal vector field. A Killing 1–form is the dual of a Killing vector field. Remark: twistor k –forms have no geometric interpretation for k > 1. If u is a twistor k – Conformal invariance. g := e 2 λ g is a conformally form on ( M, g ) and ˆ u := e ( k +1) λ u is a equivalent metric, the form ˆ twistor form on ( M, ˆ g ). This is a consequence of the conformal invariance of the twistor op- erator: ˆ u ) = ˆ T (ˆ Tu. Twistor forms are deter- Finite dimension. mined by their 2–jet at a point. More precisely, ( u, du, δu, ∆ u ) is a parallel section of Λ k M ⊕ Λ k +1 M ⊕ Λ k − 1 M ⊕ Λ k M with respect to some explicit connection on this bundle.

  9. Thus, the space of twistor k –forms has finite � � n + 2 dimension ≤ . This dimensional bound k + 1 is sharp, equality is obtained on S n . If ( M n , g ) is Relations to twistor spinors. oriented and spin, endowed with a spin struc- ture, one can consider the (complex) spin bun- dle Σ M with its canonical Hermitian product ( · , · ), Clifford product γ and covariant deriva- tive ∇ induced by the Levi-Civita connection. The Dirac operator D is defined as the compo- sition D := γ ◦∇ . More explicitly, D = � e i ·∇ e i in a local ON frame. TM ⊗ Σ M splits as fol- lows: TM ⊗ Σ M = Im ( γ ∗ ) ⊕ Ker ( γ ) . A spinor ψ is called a twistor spinor if the pro- jection of ∇ ψ onto the second summand van- ishes. Since γ ◦ γ ∗ = − nId Σ M , this translates into ∇ X ψ + 1 nX · Dψ = 0 .

  10. To every spinor ψ one can associate a k –form ψ k via the squaring construction: � ψ k := e i 1 ∧ . . . ∧ e i k ( e i 1 · . . . · e i k · ψ, ψ ) . i 1 <...<i k Proposition 2 (M – Semmelmann, 2003) If ψ is a twistor spinor then ψ k are twistor k –forms for every k . The converse clearly does not hold. The twistor form equation can thus be seen as a weakening of the twistor spinor equation. Similar relations exist between Killing spinors and forms.

  11. 5. Examples • Parallel forms; more generally, if u is a par- allel k –form on ( M, g ), e ( k +1) λ u is a (non– parallel) twistor form on ( M, e 2 λ g ). • The round sphere S n . Twistor forms are sums of closed and co–closed forms cor- responding to the least eigenvalue of the Laplace operator. • Sasakian manifolds: dξ l , ξ ∧ dξ l , l ≥ 0 are closed (resp. co–closed) twistor forms. • Weak G 2 –manifolds or nearly K¨ ahler man- ifolds: the distinguished 3–form (resp. the fundamental 2–form) are Killing forms. • K¨ ahler manifolds: new examples (see be- low).

  12. 6. Classification program Let ( M n , g ) be a compact, simply connected, oriented Riemannian manifold with holonomy � = SO n . By the Berger–Simons Holonomy The- orem, one of the 3 following cases occurs: • M is a symmetric space of compact type. • M is a Riemannian product M = M 1 × M 2 . • M has reduced holonomy. The existence prob- A. Symmetric spaces. lem for twistor forms is not yet completely solved. For Killing forms one has the following result:

  13. Theorem 3 (Belgun – M – Semmelmann, 2004) A symmetric space of compact type carries a non–parallel Killing form if and only if it has a Riemannian factor isometric to a round sphere. B. Riemannian products. Twistor forms are completely understood in this case: Theorem 4 (M – Semmelmann, 2004) A twistor form on a Riemannian product is a sum of par- allel forms, Killing forms on one of the factors, and their Hodge duals. C. Reduced holonomy. We distinguish three sub–cases: (i) K¨ ahler geometries (holonomy group U m , SU m or Sp l ). Killing forms are parallel and twistor forms are related to Hamiltonian forms (see below).

  14. (ii) Quaternion–K¨ ahler geometry (holonomy group Sp 1 · Sp l , l > 1). Theorem 5 (M – Semmelmann, 2004) Every Killing k –form ( k > 1 ) on a quaternion–K¨ ahler manifold is parallel. The similar question for twistor forms is still open. (iii) Joyce geometries (holonomy group G 2 or Spin 7 ). Theorem 6 (Semmelmann, 2002) Every Killing k –form on a Joyce manifold is parallel. There are no twistor k –forms on G 2 –manifolds for k = 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 .

  15. 7. An example: twistor forms on K¨ ahler manifolds Let ( M 2 m , g, J ) be a K¨ ahler manifold with K¨ ahler form denoted by Ω. Definition 7 (Apostolov – Calderbank – Gaudu- chon) A 2 –form ω ∈ Λ 1 , 1 M is called Hamilto- nian if ∇ X ω = X ∧ Jµ + µ ∧ JX, ∀ X ∈ TM, for some 1 –form µ ( which necessarily satisfies µ = 1 2 d � ω, Ω � ) . Main feature: if A denotes the endomorphism associated to ω , the coefficients of the char- acteristic polynomial χ A are Hamiltonians of commuting Killing vector fields on M (toric ge- ometry). In a sequence of recent papers, A–C– G obtain the classification of compact K¨ ahler manifolds with Hamiltonian forms.

  16. For the study of twistor forms one uses the K¨ ahlerian operators d c := Je i ∧ ∇ e i , δ c := − � � Je i � ∇ e i , L := Ω ∧ = 1 2 e i ∧ Je i ∧ , Λ := L ∗ = 1 � Je i � e i � , 2 � J := Je i ∧ e i � and the relations between them: d c = − [ δ, L ] = − [ d, J ] , δ c = [ d, Λ] = − [ δ, L ] , d = [ δ c , L ] = [ d c , J ] , δ = − [ d c , Λ] = [ δ c , L ] , ∆ = dδ + δd = d c δ c + δ c d c , [Λ , L ] = ( m − k ) Id Λ k , as well as the vanishing of the following com- mutators resp. anti–commutators 0 = [ d, L ] = [ d c , L ] = [ δ, Λ] = [ δ c , Λ] = [Λ , J ] = [ J, L ] , 0 = δd c + d c δ = dd c + d c d = δδ c + δ c δ = dδ c + δ c d. (21 relations)


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