tu berlin

TU Berlin Number of students: 30000 Male: 65.9% Female: 34.1% - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TU Berlin Number of students: 30000 Male: 65.9% Female: 34.1% Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Department of Mathematics: Number of professors: 35 AG ModNumDiff (Modeling Numerics Differential

  1. TU Berlin ● Number of students: 30000 ● Male: 65.9% ● Female: 34.1%

  2. Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences - ● Department of Mathematics: Number of professors: 35 ● AG “ModNumDiff” (Modeling – Numerics – Differential Equations) Numbers of professors: 14

  3. Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences - ● Master Programms: ● Mathematics ● Technical Mathematics ● Mathematical Economics ● Scientific Computing

  4. Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences - ● “MATHEON” DFG Research Center Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Siences - ● “BMS” Graduate School

  5. COSSE ● Nonlinear Optimization (F. Troeltzsch) ● Optimal Control (V. Mehrmann) ● Numerical Linear Algebra (J. Liesen, R.Nabben)


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