trigger primitive rates in simulation

TRIGGER PRIMITIVE RATES IN SIMULATION Karl Warburton Iowa State - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TRIGGER PRIMITIVE RATES IN SIMULATION Karl Warburton Iowa State University 20 th June 2019 1 MOTIVATION FOR LOOKING INTO THIS At a meeting on 15 th October, Phil showed some Trigger Primitive rates from ProtoDUNE data. Slides here, and some

  1. TRIGGER PRIMITIVE RATES IN SIMULATION Karl Warburton Iowa State University 20 th June 2019 1

  2. MOTIVATION FOR LOOKING INTO THIS • At a meeting on 15 th October, Phil showed some Trigger Primitive rates from ProtoDUNE data. Slides here, and some screenshots from this presentation are shown below. • • It was noted that it would be interesting to see how this compares with simulation. • Unfortunately, the most similar samples are in the 1x2x6 geometry, not ProtoDUNE, so the plots that I’m about to show have to be taken with a slight pinch of salt. 2

  3. WHAT I’M SHOWING TODAY / TOOLS USED • Apologies for a couple of very terse slides… • In case anyone wants to look at any of the work • Using the “ Tools for Trigger Primitive Studies ” framework, which is described in detail here. presented, all of my code resides in the various subdirectories contained in • Assuming that this is the most up-to-date version of code. I am using dunetpc released on 12 th April ( v08_15_00 ). /dune/app/users/karlwarb/LArDevelop/WorkArea_DAQ/TrigPrim_ProtoDUNE/Simulation-1x2x6/ • Used the default noise levels, and the default trigger primitive algorithm finders. • I did add a number of different trigger primitive threshold modules though (seen right). • I don’t know what ADC values the different thresholds correspond to though. • Did anyone come up with a conversion matrix for them? 3

  4. WHAT I’M SHOWING TODAY / TOOLS USED • The TrigPrimAna module identifies the generator • Used outputs of samples the DAQ group requested in responsible for each Trigger Primitive. MCC11, here. • Be that noise, a radiological mode, or MARLEY, etc. • Specifically the MARLEY sample (containing radio bkg) and • Can therefore “just” run the module, and then after the 5 times Radio Bkg only sample. getting the total number of TrigPrim’s per event, • I’m only showing plots from the baseline radiological rate calculate an expected rate for continuous running. today, though I can quickly spin up the other sample. • The FlatTrees that are written out by theTrigPrim Ana • Not showing any MARLEY numbers here, but NB: module are very large, so this represents only 10% of • Sample has 3 interactions per event, so need to scale. the full stats, but the flat tree is still 80 GB! • Obviously not going to be having SN interactions in every • Could very well reduce the amount of info stored so that I drift window, so it’s more an indication of what we can can process the full sample. expect if a SN does occur. 4

  5. NUMBER OF ARGON 39 TRIGGER PRIMITIVES FOR DIFF THRESHOLDS Hits_Per_TPC_0_Ar39 Hits_Per_TPC_0_Ar39 • Forgot a legend, but; 3 ´ 10 Number of events 100 • The lowest threshold (800) is black, mean of around 70. 80 • The highest threshold (3200) is reddy-brown, mean < 10. 60 40 Hits_Per_TPC_1_Ar39 Hits_Per_TPC_1_Ar39 • Argon39 is by far the highest number of Trigger Prims, and ´ 3 10 Number of events 20 we can’t really tell much from this plot, so won’t be 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 showing any more of these plots. Number of Hits 80 • All you can tell is that the number of trig prims is reduced 60 quite sharply by an increasing threshold. 40 20 • T op Plot isTPC 0, Bottom Plot isTPC 1. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Number of Hits 5

  6. NUMBER OF ARGON 39 TRIGGER PRIMITIVES FOR DIFF THRESHOLDS Hits_On_All_TPCs_Ar39 Number of events • Forgot a legend, but; 4 10 • The lowest threshold (800) is black, mean of around 1700. 3 10 • The highest threshold (3200) is reddy-brown, mean ~30. 2 10 Hits_On_All_TPCs_Ar39 Hits_On_All_TPCs_Ar39 10 80000 Number of events • Again, can’t really tell much other than the obvious, 70000 1 however the separation is quite cool. 3 2 10 10 60000 Number of Hits 50000 • Note how large the variation in NTrigPrims is for the lower 40000 thresholds (the RHS of the plot). 30000 • Hints as to later, doubling the threshold from 800 (black) to 20000 10000 1600 (green) reduces the rate by a factor of ~4. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Number of Hits 6

  7. CALCULATING THE TRIGGER PRIMITIVE RATE No error bars on this plot, as taking the RMS of • TriggerPrimRate_AllTPC TriggerPrimRate_AllTPC the distribution seems to give too large errors Ar39 Rate (Hz) 6 10 (at least aesthetically). Unknown 5 10 APA Note that this is the whole detector, so divide by • 4 10 24 to get the per TPC rates. CPA 3 10 Neut • Ar39 dominates at all thresholds, noise is 2 10 removed quite quickly, and there were never any Kryp 10 Trigger Primitives for the Polonium generator. Radon 1 Ar42 • 1 event = 4492 ticks (500 ns) = 2.246e-3 s. - 1 10 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2400 2800 3200 T otal of 1e5 evts à 224.6 s in this study. • Threshold 7

  8. TriggerPrimRate_TPC0 TriggerPrimRate_TPC0 TriggerPrimRate_TPC2 TriggerPrimRate_TPC2 Ar39 Ar39 Rate (Hz) Rate (Hz) TRIGGER 4 4 10 10 Unknown Unknown PRIMITIVE APA APA 3 3 RATES PER 10 10 CPA CPA TPC 2 2 10 10 Neut Neut 10 10 Kryp Kryp • Busy slide, but interest. Radon Radon 1 1 to have all together. Ar42 Ar42 - - 1 1 10 10 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2400 2800 3200 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2400 2800 3200 Threshold Threshold • Most gen’s show TriggerPrimRate_TPC1 TriggerPrimRate_TPC1 TriggerPrimRate_TPC3 TriggerPrimRate_TPC3 same pattern per TPC Ar39 Ar39 Rate (Hz) Rate (Hz) 4 4 10 Unknown 10 Unknown as for full TPC, and APA APA the rates are very 3 3 10 10 CPA CPA stable. 2 2 10 10 Neut Neut • However, the CPA 10 10 Kryp Kryp gen only makesTrig Radon Radon 1 1 Ar42 Ar42 Prims in oddTPCs… - - 1 1 10 10 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2400 2800 3200 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2400 2800 3200 Threshold Threshold 8

  9. SUMMARY / NEXT STEPS • Open questions: • Not shown: • Need to have a think about the CPA only making TrigPrims • The average number of Marley Trig Prims per event (3 in odd TPCs. Maybe the radiological group expects this? interactions) goes from 35 (Thr: 800) to 21 (Thr: 3200). • Fix the error bars on the rate plots, will be interesting to Raw numbers of Trig Prims per TPC for anything other than • see what the event to event variation is around the mean. Argon39, as above, I don’t think we can tell much though. • How do the rates scale when radiological background is 5 • Large scale steps: times larger? • Josh expressed a need to reproduce Phil’s plots for “higher- • Niggles: quality runs” as these were made for runs just after the • If we want to see more plots like Slides 5/6, I’ll have to stack detector turned off. Did that ever get done? the hists or do a slightly better binning. • Don’t have any cosmics in here. Did we request any cosmic • Do we expect Polonium to not produce any TrigPrims? samples? What generator do we use? • Conversion of Trigger Threshold into ADCs. 9



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