trend presentation

Trend Presentation Emily Darchuk Oregon State University Extension - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Expo West 2018 Trend Presentation Emily Darchuk Oregon State University Extension Background Goal of f this Presentation: Holistic Vie iew to In Innovation Presentation covers: - Product, Communication and Positioning Trends - How can the

  1. Expo West 2018 Trend Presentation Emily Darchuk Oregon State University Extension

  2. Background

  3. Goal of f this Presentation: Holistic Vie iew to In Innovation Presentation covers: - Product, Communication and Positioning Trends - How can the dairy industry incorporate these trends to connect with the “Natural Consumer” But none of these trends are a one size fits all solution for every company!

  4. In Innovation Process Innovation involves intentional development designed around meeting a need • Identify problem • Consumer, Customer, Industry • Brainstorm a solution • Determine if you equipped to solve it • Is there a reason for consumers to believe that you are the solution? “It is easier to sell someone an Aspirin versus a Vitamin”

  5. About Expo

  6. Dairy ry Product Trends

  7. Fat In Inversions

  8. Dairy ry Fat is Good!

  9. Increased fat level products are now emerging; Grass fed is key value statement for health perception

  10. Grass-fed- “The Original Plant Based Milk”

  11. Grass-fed is the Grain Free Trend for Dairy

  12. Consumers are start rting to see fu full ll fat dairy ry as a healthy snack option; ; Grass-fed is is seen as healthiest • Organic (Grass-fed) dairy products have been shown to have 50% more beneficial omega-3 fatty acids than conventional dairy products 1 • Full fat Grass-fed dairy has the largest benefit • Some consumers may seek out grass-fed over organic to ensure the health benefits and are willing to pay a 30-50 % premium over conventional products 2 Some consumer perceived benefits 3 : - Protects from diabetes ( in low sugar products) - Satiety/Weight loss - More natural, flavorful and less processed - Better for the animals 1. 2. 3.

  13. In 2017, Grass-fed yogurt and kefir sales have increased by over 38%, where traditional products have seen ~1% decline 1 Grass-fed fluid milk and dairy products produced $75 million in revenue in 2016 2 1. 2.

  14. Probiotic as a Platform

  15. Other Product Trends

  16. Snacks Reinvented

  17. Wholesome Snacks for Kid ids

  18. Traditional Flavors Elevated

  19. Yerba Mate Is Is the Trending Source of Energy

  20. Beyond Gluten Free to Grain Free

  21. Water Water Every rywhere !

  22. Plant Based is Now Gourmet

  23. Positioning Trends

  24. Focus on Babies

  25. HEMP and CBD as a Nutraceutical Solution to Pain • One of the largest trends of the year • One day industry workshop for CBD Business Development • Market expected to sell $646 million by 2022 Functional products to replace Opioids: - Sleep aid - Inflammation reduction - Anti-anxiety

  26. Celebrity Partnership is New Influencer Marketing

  27. Mainstream Dairy ry Looks to Non-GMO

  28. Brands Look Beyond Non-GMO Greening effort is gaining authenticity and engagement from many companies • More active communication • Transparency in sourcing • Partnerships and sponsoring of environmental cause companies • Holistic approach to food manufacturing • More Organic vs just “Non - GMO”

  29. Regenerative Agriculture is the New Sustainability - Focus on soil health versus certification - More holistic and situational based approach to farming best practices - Connection between animals and agriculture - Provides value to those farmers in transition to organic - Differentiation to other competitors - Removes “stigma” of sustainable or Organic from skeptical consumers

  30. Sustainable Animal Products

  31. Back to the Farm

  32. Triple Bottom Line in Action

  33. Messaging Trends

  34. It isn’t the product you sell but the story you tell…

  35. What does your packagin ing say about you?

  36. Nancy’s Packaging Refresh

  37. Dairy ry In Innovation Opportunities

  38. Permissible In Indulgence- Taste is Key Differentiation

  39. Connect to the farm and celebrate giving back

  40. How can innovation can be good for bottom line? Increasing yield = Increasing value for consumers

  41. Offer Convenience for those who Resonate with Dairy ry Keto Diets Moms on the Go Energy on the Go Protein on the Go

  42. Conclusion

  43. Intentional Innovation

  44. Thank you! Any Questions? You can find me at:

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