transit a ansit agencies and f gencies and funding in

Transit A ansit Agencies and F gencies and Funding in nding in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transit A ansit Agencies and F gencies and Funding in nding in PSR PSRC R Region gion July 7, 2020 July 7, 2020 Kitsap T Kitsap Transit Boar ransit Board mee d meeting ting Central Puge Central Puget Sound R t Sound Region gion

  1. Transit A ansit Agencies and F gencies and Funding in nding in PSR PSRC R Region gion July 7, 2020 July 7, 2020 Kitsap T Kitsap Transit Boar ransit Board mee d meeting ting

  2. Central Puge Central Puget Sound R t Sound Region gion Transit Landscape ransit Landscape Agencies provide mobility to a variety of geographic areas: • Countywide (2) • Urban portions of counties and corridors (2) • Citywide (1) • Regional transit overlaying urban parts of multiple counties (1) 2

  3. Key R y Regional T gional Transit Charact ansit Characteristics (20 eristics (2018) 8) Service Area Total Funding, Agency Population All Sources (2018) (2018) Sound Transit $2.22 billion 3,106,000 King County Metro $1.20 billion 2,149,970 Community Transit $229 million 789,241 Pierce Transit $181 million 561,771 Kitsap Transit $78 million 254,183 Everett Transit $28 million 110,079 -- Regional Total $3.94 billion $3.94 billion 3 Data Source: 2018 Transit Agency Profiles and 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources, National Transit Database.

  4. 2017 Transit Netw 20 ansit Network b ork by Regional Ser gional Service T ice Typology ypology Service Typology Definition Frequent service meeting minimum of 10-15 minutes Frequent headways throughout the day Faster transit trips, often during peak hours, with wider stop Express spacing Service providing coverage to areas not otherwise served Local by Frequent or supplementing Express service. Variety of services that address mobility needs of people Flexible through a pre-arranged trip appointments. Includes (see following slides) vanpools, demand response service, and variety of first- /last-mile services. 4

  5. Transit Ne ransit Netw twor ork Ridership b k Ridership by Re Regional S Service T Typology Ridership for sample routes in each typology King County Metro Average Ridership, Community Transit Average Ridership, 2018 Fall 2017 October Flexible, 1% Local, 12% Local, 18% Express, 8% Express, 8% Frequent, 73% Frequent (Swift), 80% 5

  6. Fle Flexible Ser ible Service vice Kingston Ride Purdy Connection Fast Ferry Commuter King County Kitsap County 6

  7. Fle Flexible Ser ible Service (continued) vice (continued) Pierce County Snohomish County 7

  8. Revenue Sour enue Sources f ces for Central Puget Sound T or Central Puget Sound Transit ransit Total Capital & Operating Revenues: $3.94 billion Sales Tax Other Local Sources Rates vary by geography Property Taxes Other Farebox, 10% Federal, 10% State, 3% Farebox Revenue Other Directly Generated Includes all modes MVET, 8% Revenue Park & Ride Revenue Advertising Federal Sources Sale/Disposal of Assets Other Directly FTA Programs Generated, 5% Other DOT Grants Other Local, State Sources 6% Regional Mobility Grants Sales Tax, 58% Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Other State Transportation (MVET) Funds Sound Transit is only recipient 8 Data Source: 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources, National Transit Database.

  9. Regional R gional Revenue Bef enue Before & Af ore & After I-695 r I-695 1999 2018 Total Capital & Operating Revenues: $1.17 billion Total Capital & Operating Revenues: $3.94 billion Farebox, 10% Federal, 10% Prior to I-695: State, 3% MVET, 8% • Sales Tax was 42% of Total Revenues Other Directly • MVET was 16% of Total Revenues Generated, 5% Other Local, 6% Sales Tax, 58% 9 2018 Data Source: 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources and 1999 Annual Database 203, National Transit Database. 1999 Data Source: Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Summary of Public Transportation Systems . Published October 2000.

  10. Peer T eer Transit A ransit Agency R ency Revenue Sour enue Sources ces Portland, OR Chicago, IL San Francisco, CA Other Local, 9% Other Local, 12% Farebox, 39% Other Local, 56% Farebox, 32% Sales Tax, 24% Farebox, 19% Sales Tax, 24% Federal, 20% Other Directly State, 17% Generated, 3% Federal, 15% Other Directly Federal, 9% Other Directly State, 8% State, 1% Generated, 4% Generated, 8% TOTAL REVENUE $639,893,392 TOTAL REVENUE $1,861,180,779 $1,224,267,111 TOTAL REVENUE 97,033,281 RIDERSHIP RIDERSHIP 468,067,963 RIDERSHIP 129,044,343 10 Data Source: 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources, National Transit Database.

  11. | FUNDING BY SOURCE | MODES Commuter Bus Total Capital & Operating Revenues: $2.22 billion Commuter Rail Light Rail Farebox, 4% Federal, 8% Streetcar (Tacoma Link) State, 4% | REVENUE HOURS 994,177 MVET, 15% | RIDERSHIP 48,188,694 Other Directly Generated, 2% | SALES TAX RATE 1.4% Other Local, 7% Sales Tax, 60% 11 Data Source: 2018 Transit Agency Profiles and 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources, National Transit Database.

  12. | FUNDING BY SOURCE | MODES Bus (Fixed Route & Deviated) Total Capital & Operating Revenues: $1.20 billion Trolleybus Streetcar Demand Response Demand Response Taxi Vanpooling State, 2% Federal, 13% Ferryboat (Passenger Only) Farebox, 20% Other Directly Generated, 7% | REVENUE HOURS 4,929,459 Other Local, 7% | RIDERSHIP 129,054,197 Sales Tax, 51% | SALES TAX RATE 0.9% 12 Data Source: 2018 Transit Agency Profiles and 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources, National Transit Database.

  13. | FUNDING BY SOURCE | MODES Bus (Fixed Route) Total Capital & Operating Revenues: $229 million Commuter Bus Demand Response Vanpooling | REVENUE HOURS Federal, 12% State, 5% Farebox, 14% 758,520 Other Directly | RIDERSHIP Generated, 6% 10,647,554 | SALES TAX RATE 1.2% Sales Tax, 63% 13 Data Source: 2018 Transit Agency Profiles and 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources, National Transit Database.

  14. | FUNDING BY SOURCE | MODES Bus (Fixed Route) Total Capital & Operating Revenues: $181 million Demand Response Vanpooling Federal, 7% State, 2% | REVENUE HOURS 738,916 Farebox, 13% | RIDERSHIP 9,737,856 Other Directly Generated, 29% | SALES TAX RATE 0.6% Sales Tax, 48% Other Local, 1% 14 Data Source: 2018 Transit Agency Profiles and 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources, National Transit Database.

  15. | FUNDING BY SOURCE | MODES Bus (Fixed Route) Total Capital & Operating Revenues: $78 million Demand Response Demand Response Taxi Vanpooling Ferryboat (Passenger Only) Farebox, Federal, 8% 9% Other Directly | REVENUE HOURS State, 7% Generated, 2% 256,815 | RIDERSHIP 3, 828,754 | SALES TAX RATE 0.8% Sales Tax, 74% 15 Data Source: 2018 Transit Agency Profiles and 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources, National Transit Database.

  16. | FUNDING BY SOURCE | MODES Bus (Fixed Route) Total Capital & Operating Revenues: $28 million Demand Response Farebox, 5% | REVENUE HOURS 155,921 | RIDERSHIP Federal, 19% 1,929,323 State, 4% | SALES TAX RATE Other Directly 0.6% Generated, 5% Sales Tax, 67% 16 Data Source: 2018 Transit Agency Profiles and 2018 Annual Database Revenue Sources, National Transit Database.

  17. Federal F deral Funding Sour nding Sources f ces for T or Transit ransit FTA funds managed Additional federal by PSRC: transit funding: • FTA 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & • 5307 Urbanized Area Individuals with Disabilities • 5337 State of Good Repair • FTA 5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas & Tribal Transit Formula Grants • High Intensity Fixed Guideway • FTA discretionary programs, including Capital • High Intensity Motorbus Investment Grants • 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities • FHWA CMAQ and STBG • US DOT discretionary programs, including BUILD Grants 17

  18. Eligible Uses for FT Eligible Uses f or FTA F A Funds Managed b nds Managed by PSR y PSRC 5307 Urbanized Area • Planning, engineering, design and evaluation of transit projects and studies • Capital investments in bus and bus-related activities • Capital investments in new and existing fixed guideway systems • Associated transit improvements and some mobility management expenses • Specified operating expenses 5337 State of Good Repair • Maintain (replace and rehabilitate) fixed guideway and high intensity motorbus systems 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities • Replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses, vans, and related equipment • Construct bus-related facilities 18

  19. FT FTA F A Funding Operating Expense Eligibility nding Operating Expense Eligibility • 5307 Urbanized Area funding can be used for operating assistance in small UZAs (less than 200,000 population) • Since the passage of MAP-21 in 2012, agencies in large UZAs can use 5307 funding for operations if they operate 100 or fewer buses , with limits on the share of the total apportionment (50-75%). • 5307 and other FTA funding sources can be used for other specified operating expenses : • Services for seniors and persons with disabilities • Commute trips for low-income users • Services in rural areas and Indian Reservations • Expenses following emergencies or major disasters 19

  20. FT FTA F A Funding Ov nding Over ervie view Adjustments Process • Agencies revise programmed projects based on actual funding. FTA Apportionments • FTA releases actual funding amounts by program for UZAs. Project Selection • PSRC programs projects into TIP using funding estimates. 20

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