tmdl stormwater technical subcommittee meeting


TMDL STORMWATER TECHNICAL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Monday, December 18, 2017 Tamara Cook Senior Manager, Environment & Development 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Action Items The May 11, 2017 meeting summary is ready

  1. TMDL STORMWATER TECHNICAL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Monday, December 18, 2017 Tamara Cook Senior Manager, Environment & Development

  2. 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Action Items ■ The May 11, 2017 meeting summary is ready for approval 3. Subcommittee Project Discussion ■ Future activities and events pertaining to: – Urban feral hog management (Strategy 4.0) – Development of outreach materials to address avian feeding, pet waste, and livestock management (Strategies 4.2, 4.3, 4.6)

  3. Implementation Status Report (June 2017) Strategy Priority Status Highlight 4.0 - Feral hog management High Continue to engage interested stakeholders with the potential of establishing a regional feral hog forum to discuss mgmt/coordination 4.1 - Ordinance evaluation for livestock Low 2 TMDL communities reported having a permitting process and/or waste mgmt, stocking rates, etc. ordinance in place for livestock to be approved within the city limits 4.2 - Pet waste control measures Medium 7 TMDL area entities have reported to engage residents through the Doo the Right Thing campaign (educate public on health and water quality impacts associated with the improper disposal of pet waste) 4.3 - Avian management plan High Examples of education and outreach strategies for avian management have been added to the BMP library 4.4 - Model ordinance development Low STS identified developing ordinances as an undesirable route to addressing pets, livestock, and wildlife challenges. STS will continue to engage in education and outreach efforts. 4.5 - Pet waste collection stations and Medium 6 TMDL area entities reporting having pet waste stations at municipal BMPs at parks parks within jurisdictional boundaries 4.6 - Distribution of pet waste Medium STS will continue to work with the RSWMP Public Education Task education materials Force to support the Doo the Right Thing campaign

  4. 4. Webinars and Workshops Past Webinars and Workshops ■ North Texas Regional Feral Hog Conference (Nov. 2017) ■ Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative Benefits Webinar (Aug. 2017) ■ North Texas Urban Feral Hog Forum (May 2017) We are looking for input and suggestions!

  5. 5. Questionnaire TCEQ DELIVERABLE DUE DATE Draft annual report questionnaire (Task 4.2) January 12, 2018 Final annual report questionnaire (Task 4.3) February 9, 2018 Updates Needed ▪ Low response rate ▪ Unable to get a full representation of the I-Plan area ▪ Unable to demonstrate the data graphically

  6. Time-intensive Questions (example below)

  7. Suggestions for Improvement ▪ What do we want to know from TMDL stakeholders? ▪ What information would be useful to collect? ▪ What information is realistic to collect? Your comments and suggestions are greatly needed and appreciated!

  8. 6. Roundtable ■ The 4 th Quarter TMDL Newsletter is now available! 1 st Quarter Newsletter will be available by December 2017 ■ Doo the Right Thing Update ■ Pollution Prevention Task Force Update ■ Feral Hog Conference Update ■ Stormwater Post-Construction Roundtable Update ■ Member Updates

  9. 7. Adjournment ■ Next TMDL Stormwater Technical Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. in the Tejas Conference Room. ■ Upcoming TMDL Coordination Committee meeting will be held Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. in the Regional Forum Room.

  10. Contact Connect Tamara Cook Senior Program Manager North Central Texas Council of Governments 817.695.9213 @ nctcogenv Mayra Lopez nctcogenv Environment & Development Planner North Central Texas Council of Governments 817.608.2360 Kate Powers Environment & Development Planner North Central Texas Council of Governments 817.695.9213


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