upper mississippi river bacteria tmdl project

Upper Mississippi River Bacteria TMDL Project Minnesota Pollution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Upper Mississippi River Bacteria TMDL Project Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Barb Peichel TMDL Project Manager, MPCA UMR Bacteria TMDL Meeting, 6/12/09 Upper Mississippi River Bacteria TMDL Project Overall Goal Minnesota Pollution

  1. Upper Mississippi River Bacteria TMDL Project Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Barb Peichel TMDL Project Manager, MPCA UMR Bacteria TMDL Meeting, 6/12/09

  2. Upper Mississippi River Bacteria TMDL Project Overall Goal Minnesota Pollution Control Agency � Improve and restore the water quality of the Upper Mississippi River Joint Effort � MPCA & MDH, Partners, EOR (Consultant) � Beneficial use designation � MDH Source Water Protection/MPCA TMDL Draft Timeline � 2008 - Project Start (Work Plan, Stakeholder Meetings) � 2009-2011 - Additional monitoring/ID pollution sources � 2012-2014 - Draft TMDL/Implementation Plan

  3. TMDL Scope Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 07010203-574 07010206-568 07010203-510 07010206-509 07010206-505 07010206-503

  4. 08-10 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 0 8 - 1 0 09-15 2009? 2013? 09-10 08-11

  5. Upper Mississippi River Bacteria TMDL Project Past Project Objectives: June 08 - Jan 09 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency TMDL Work Plan (MPCA/MDH) – 136 www.pca.state.mn.us/water/tmdl Task A. Form Stakeholder/Technical Committees - 126 2008 Stakeholder Mtgs – Mpls/St. Cloud Task C. Review/Analyze Existing Data Verify Listing Data New additions – Phil & EOR

  6. Upper Mississippi River Bacteria TMDL Project Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Present Project Objectives Feb - Oct 2009 Task A. Form/Manage Project Committees Hold 2 Stakeholder Meetings* & Form Policy Committee* Task B1. ID Relationships between Bacteria Data and other Parameters Literature Review*/Expert Consultation (i.e. E. coli ~ sediment) Task B2. Review Safe Drinking Water/Clean Water Act policies & efforts Guidance Document - ID Statewide Program/Policy Gaps/Opportunities Task C. Review and Analyze Existing Data Summary Existing Data*/ID Gaps/Monitoring Plan* *Stakeholder/Technical Team Involvement

  7. Upper Mississippi River Bacteria TMDL Project - Future Objectives & Involvement Opportunities Future Project Objectives Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Task C. Review and Analyze Existing Data Task D. Conduct Additional Monitoring and Gather Information Task E. Identify Pollutant Sources and Conduct Modeling Efforts Task F. Develop a Draft and a Final TMDL Report Task G. Produce an Implementation Plan Future Project Opportunities for Stakeholders • Assist in filling data gaps and the identification of “Hot Spots” & Sources • Assist in conducting additional monitoring and data gathering • Participation in future Stakeholder Meetings (every 4-6 months) • Meetings would be held after the completion of a milestone task.

  8. Minnesota’s Impaired Waters Upper Mississippi River Bacteria TMDL Project Minnesota Pollution Control Agency North Central Region Phil Votruba Brainerd/Baxter Project Manager, MPCA

  9. Upper Mississippi River Basin M ississ ip p i R iv er B as in - H ea d w a ters to S t. C ro ix R iver Minnesota Pollution Control Agency B eltr am i L W in n ib ig o sh is h Clearwater Itasc a St. Louis C ass L # Y Bem idji Gra nd R a pid s Y # L Ita sca L eech L R B eck e r # Y Po keg a m a L W alk e r Le ech L Aitkin Par k R a pid s # Y Pin e R Hu bba r d Ca ss Ca rlto n W h itefish L R e Pine d e y M iss iss ip pi R e R B ig Crow Wing R San d y L Gu ll L Y # C ou nty S ea t Y # W ad ena Aitk in # Y Ma jor R iv er o r La ke O tte r Ta il W ade na C ou nty B ou nda ry Bra ine rd Y # To dd W ater s hed M ill e Mis s is sip pi R ive r (H ea dw a ters ) La cs Lee ch L ak e R ive r Cr ow W in g L Mis s is sip pi R ive r (G ra nd R apid s) Lo n g Mis s is sip pi R ive r (B r aine rd ) Pra irie R Lon g Pin e R iv e r # Y Y # Pra irie Little F all s C r ow W ing R ive r Ale x and ria # Y R ed ey e R iv er (L eaf R iv e r) Douglas Lon g P rair ie R ive r Mor r ison Ben ton Mis s is sip pi R ive r (S a rtell) M ilac a # Y Pope S tea r ns Sa uk Riv er Fo ley R # Mis s is sip pi R ive r (S t. C lou d) Y Crow R, N Fk u m C am br idg e Mille C r ow R iv er, No rth F o rk St. C lo ud R Lac s # Y Y # C r ow R iv er, S outh F o rk S he rb ur ne Sau k R Mis s is sip pi R ive r (T w in C itie s) Isan ti R um R iv er Kan diy oh i Elk R iv er A no k a Y # Ap prox im a te B a sin Are a: 2 0,1 00 s q. m ile s M ee k er Ano k a Buffalo # Y # Y Y # Litc hfie ld # Y W illm ar Ra ms e y C ro w R , S F k W righ t M inn eap oli s St. P au l W ashin gto n Y # # Ca rve r Y M cL eod He nne pin # Y C has k a Gle nc oe Y # Re nville Da k ota Y # N H as ting s Sibley 0 10 20 30 40 50 M ile s

  10. Completed Bacteria TMDLs (6/09) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency � Final TMDLs � Blue Earth River � Carver-Bevens-Silver Creeks � Chippewa River � Lower Mississippi River Basin � Pipestone Creek � Pomme de Terre � Rock River � Sunrise River (North Branch) � Yellow Medicine (South Branch) � High Island Cr. And Rush River (11/08) � W. Fork Des Moines R. Watershed (12/08) • TMDL Bacteria Protocol & Fact Sheet • Guidance Manual - Assessing MN Surface Waters

  11. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Beneficial Uses

  12. Beneficial Use Classifications Use Class Beneficial Use Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Class 1 Drinking Water Class 2 Aquatic life and recreation 2A Cold water fisheries, trout waters 2Bd Cool and warm water fisheries, drinking water 2B Cool and warm water fisheries 2C Indigenous fish and associated aquatic community 2D Wetlands Class 3 Industrial uses and cooling Class 4A Agriculture and wildlife uses Class 5 Aesthetics and navigation Class 6 Other uses Class 7 Limited resource value waters

  13. Water Quality Standards Aquatic Recreation Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (1 o and 2 o body contact) Bacteria Units Notes Assessment Standard E. coli 126 orgs Indicator Geometric mean of per 100 ml > 5 samples/month (April – October)

  14. Best Management Practices: Bacteria Removal Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Potential sources Potential solutions � Septic systems � Enforce compliance for failing septic systems � Reduce feedlot/pasture runoff in priority � Livestock operations areas (fencing, buffers) � Filter stormwater (rain gardens, infiltration � Stormwater (sources basins), reduce sediment (street sweeping) vary)

  15. Best Management Practices: Bacteria Removal Potential sources Potential solutions Minnesota Pollution Control Agency � Evaluate pet waste & wildlife � Wildlife and pet populations feeding ordinances, create educational materials � Identify illicit sewer connections � Wastewater treatment facilities � Reduce bacteria from land � Manure spreading & storage application of manure (stream/ditch buffers, immediate incorporation, conservation tillage, lined structures)

  16. TMDL Process Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Determine Sources Causing Impairment � Analyze existing data � Conduct additional monitoring Allocate Pollutant Loads � Use models/other tools - ID stresses/develop loads � Assign loads – permitted/non-permitted sources *Deliverable: TMDL Report Develop Implementation Strategies/Plan � Identify leads & partners � Create monitoring and evaluation plan *Deliverable: Implementation Plan

  17. Quantifying a TMDL Number Sum of the allowable loads of a single pollutant from all contributing permitted and non-permitted sources Minnesota Pollution Control Agency A TMDL Study must complete this pollution load allocation formula: LA(s) + WLA(s) + Margin of Safety + Reserve Capacity = Total Maximum Daily Load Where: LA = Load allocations from nonpoint sources “non-permitted sources” WLA = Waste load allocations from point sources “permitted sources” Margin of Safety = to account for potential scientific error “uncertainties” Reserve capacity = set aside for future development

  18. What do TMDL Projects mean for Stakeholders? Minnesota Pollution Control Agency � Increased funding opportunities for implementation activities & improved WQ � Increased understanding of links between water quality monitoring data and potential pollutant sources � Better partnerships

  19. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency


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