
Title Body Move beyond management: Coaching for school leaders - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title Body Move beyond management: Coaching for school leaders translates into student achievement Source Principals are often neglected in receiving coaching Although the nation has developed an intense focus on instructional coaching

  1. Title Body Move beyond management: Coaching for school leaders translates into student achievement Source

  2. Principals are often neglected in receiving coaching “Although the nation has developed an intense focus on instructional coaching and teacher leadership...leadership development and principal coaching have received less attention.” -Kay Psencik The Coach’s Craft: Powerful Practices to Support School Leaders Source: Psencik, K. (2011). The coach’s craft: Powerful practices to support school leaders (p.12). Oxford, OH: Learning Forward.

  3. success. learning. skills, disposition, and behaviors of efgective principals. close the knowing-doing gap through intensive create a development. community of learners. Establish coaches for principals. Monitor progress. celebrate Articulate the and portfolio coaching for school leaders engages in efgective of self-refmection, develop a system • • Summer 2012 Learning Forward • 800-727-7288 • www.learningforward.org Every student learns when every educator goal setting, professional learning. A theory of change for leadership learning High- performing principals create high- achieving schools. Source: Psencik, K. (2011). The coach’s craft: Powerful practices to support school leaders . Oxford, OH: Learning Forward.

  4. The value of a coach Coaches can help principals • Defjne areas of need • Defjne goals • Identify what improvement would look like • Establish measurements to monitor progress Source: von Frank, V., (2012, Summer). Move beyond management: Coaching for school leaders translates into student improvement. The Learning Principal. Oxford, OH: Learning Forward.

  5. • Align your professional learning resources when facing limited budgets, p. 2 ThE LEArNiNg • Learning communities bring gains in student success, p. 3 • Tool: Theory of change and logic model, pp. 6-7 Vol. 7, No. 4 EVEry EducATor ENgAgEs iN EffEcTiVE profEssioNAL LEArNiNg EVEry dAy so EVEry sTudENT AchiEVEs Download the article and accompanying tools Read the full article, published in Inside Principal Summer 2012 MOVE BEYOND MANAGEMENT The Learning Principal (Summer, Coaching for school leaders translates into student improvement By Valerie von Frank educators lack a clear vision of the power of coaching to help principals gain skills,” writes Kay Psencik, a leadership A s a fjrst-year principal in one of Indiana’s coach and author of Tie Coach’s Craft: Powerful Practices to lowest-performing elementary schools, Robin Support School Leaders (2011, p. 12). “Although the nation Peterman faced the challenge of dramatically has developed an intense focus on instructional coaching restructuring the school. With two-thirds of and teacher leadership, which are essential to teacher learn- student families not speaking English, she ing, leadership development and principal coaching have 2012). needed to overcome barriers of received less attention.” language and poverty to raise Most principals, according student achievement, and she had to Psencik, may at best have a little time for a learning curve as a mentor who helps them fjgure new leader. Tie state’s pressure to out mainly the managerial skills reform was immediate. — how to set up the teaching Finding her footing and schedule, how to make sure the confjdence to admit that she the PTO runs efgectively, how didn’t know it all wasn’t easy. But to forge bonds with the com- it was made easier by the sup- munity. Principals may attend port put in place by her district. conferences for professional Rather than just leave her leader- learning, she said, but that’s ship to a traditional sink-or-swim not all the support they need. model, Ft. Wayne Community Coaches, Psencik said, are able Schools ofgered Peterman and a to ask strategic, focused ques- handful of other principals in the tions at critical moments that district’s lowest performing schools a critical experience not lead the principals to grow in knowledge and understanding often available to school leaders — coaching. of their role. While instructional coaches for teachers have become Coaching provides benefjts that can translate into more prevalent around the country, school leaders seldom student improvement, Psencik said. Although she notes that have the same support. no formal studies of school leadership coaching have yet “Districts often don’t assign principals coaches because Continued on p. 4 Your membership in Learning Forward gives you access to a wide range of publications, tools, and opportunities to advance professional learning for student success. Visit www.learningforward.org to explore more of your membership benefits. Download these accompanying tools: Theory of change and logic model , and Attributes of a good coach Available at www.learningforward.org/principal.

  6. The Coach’s Craft: Powerful Practices to Support School Leaders By Kay Psencik Explore ways to improve the coaching practices of listening, observing, planning and committing to new action. Included in the book is an Innovation Confjguration map of efgective coaching. With a self-assessment tool, coaches can hone in on their own strengths and weaknesses to fjnd ways to support leaders in improving schools. Available for purchase online at www.learningforwardstore.org, or by phone at 800-727-7288. Nonmember price: $40.00 Member price: $32.00 Item number: B530

  7. Learn more with Learn more about professional learning at all levels of education with Learning Forward , an international membership association of learning educators: www.learningforward.org Membership in Learning Forward gives you access to a wide range of publications, tools, and opportunities to advance professional learning for student success.


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