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TITLE I Parent Meeting March 15th, 2017 Thank You for Coming! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TITLE I Parent Meeting March 15th, 2017 Thank You for Coming! Our Credentials Miss Sword Mrs. Jackson Title I Teacher - Grades K-5 Title I Teacher - Grades K-5 3rd Year at Memorial in 1st Year at Memorial in Title 1

  1. TITLE I Parent Meeting March 15th, 2017

  2. Thank You for Coming!

  3. Our Credentials Miss Sword Mrs. Jackson Title I Teacher - Grades K-5 ■ Title I Teacher - Grades K-5 ■ ■ 3rd Year at Memorial in ■ 1st Year at Memorial in Title 1 Title 1 ■ 19th year teaching ■ Bachelor’s Degree from ■ Bachelor’s Degree from John Carroll University Baldwin-Wallace ■ Reading Endorsement K-12 ■ Masters from University of ■ Building Leadership Team at Memorial Akron ■ National Board Certification in English and Language Arts

  4. Agenda ■ Program Overview ■ Importance of reading at home ■ Reading Tips/Activities ■ What is Fluency? Fluency Tips/Activities ■ Handwriting tips ■ Spelling tips/activities ■ Parent Questions/Concerns ■ Resources for Parents

  5. Title 1 Overview ● Enrollment is limited to 50-60 students per teacher ● Groups can be no larger than 8 (no larger than 6 for kindergarten) ● Title 1 teachers provide instruction to students in our own classrooms (pull-out intervention) ● Interventions for students just below the grade level benchmarks ● Students qualify based on MAPs test data, sight words, fluency, reading level, and teacher recommendation

  6. What Happens When Kids Skip Reading...

  7. Reading Tips/Activties ● Echo Read, take turns reading pages/lines, read aloud ● Pre-read: highlight all the words they know first ● Cover & Tell ● K & 1: ○ Illustrate ○ Characters & Setting ○ Favorite Part ● 2 & 3: ○ “Somebody Wanted But So Then” ● Raz Kids ● Writing ○ Write a new story using characters from a book ○ Make up own story (don’t focus on spelling) ● App: Endless Reader and Epic! (parent email)

  8. What is Fluency? Fluency is the ability to read smoothly and automatically, with expression and attention to punctuation.. Pace = the speed in which you read (not too fast and not too slow) Phrasing = chunking the words together into meaning phrases (not reading words one.word.at.a.time. Intonation (Expression) = reading with feeling in your voice ● Changing your voice to match the character ● Reading like you would speak (and not like a robot) ● Moving your voice up and down Punctuation = reading with attention to punctuation

  9. Fluency Activites: ● Echo Reading ● Record and Play Back ● Poetry & Songs ● Repeated Readings ● Readers’ Theater -App: Sock Puppets ● Roll and Read ● Sentence Trees ● Highlight Known Words

  10. Handwriting Tips: ● Remind students to always start at the TOP ● Large total arm movements of writing letters in the air with eyes open and then with eyes closed ● Drawing letters in sand, flour, sugar, shaving cream, hair gel, paint, etc. on a flat surface ● Printing letters over tactile surfaces such as sandpaper, window screening, bumpy boards ● Printing on a vertical surface to reinforce wrist extension and the concept of up and down ● Have your child verbalize the direction of movement for letter production ● Apps: Sand Draw & Kids Doodle

  11. Activities that Help w/Tripod Grasp ● Lacing activities ● Clothespin activities ● Games and activities that require a pinch ● Tweezer Games ● Manipulating Nuts and Bolts ● Twisting on/off caps such as a tube of toothpaste ● Using pencil grips ● Using an eyedropper ● Using ½” -¾” chalk pieces or broken crayons to color and make lines ● Have student hold a penny, paper clip or other small object against the palm with the ring finger and pinky, leaving the other three fingers available for proper placement on the pencil

  12. Spelling Tips/Activties: ● Each day of the week leading up to the test, pick 2-3 words to work on ● Write using different tools (markers, dry erase, chalk, etc.) and write each word 5 times each ● Switch roles - have them read you the word and you spell it ● Don’t rely on sounding out - focus on pattern ● Vocab extension - have students draw a picture for each word (make their own study cards/book) ● Apps: Sand Draw, Kids Doodle, Spelling Bee

  13. Spelling Tips/Activities: ● Apps: Sand Draw, Kids Doodle, Spelling Bee

  14. Questions or Comments? Thank you again for coming! Thank you for your support!


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