tisa digital id pilot

TISA Digital ID Pilot High Level Approach September 2018 @uktisa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TISA Digital ID Pilot High Level Approach September 2018 @uktisa Background: Identity key delivery layers There is a need for a system will enable effective action against each layer of the stack Vision for the Digital ID project A digital

  1. TISA Digital ID Pilot High Level Approach September 2018 @uktisa

  2. Background: Identity key delivery layers There is a need for a system will enable effective action against each layer of the stack

  3. Vision for the Digital ID project • A digital identity is an online or networked identity adopted or claimed in cyberspace by an individual, organization or electronic device • Digital ID and the supporting services will be a key enabler for the digitisation of UK Financial services delivering improvement in operational effectiveness and better consumer servicing as well as reducing fraud. • Digital ID will be implemented through a interoperable shared standard and different solutions that is marketed to consumers as the prime means for identifying themselves to UK Financial Services with clear benefits that this brings • UK Financial Services and Identity Providers will collaborate to allow consumers to use a Digital ID for the purposes of supporting their customer base @uktisa

  4. Objectives for the Digital ID • Establish a Digital ID eco-system that is built for the needs of UK the financial services and that meets all regulatory requirements and enables UK citizens to securely identify themselves to a: Ø Product provider to complete a fully online process to open new product and transfer existing assets (investment products, ISAs, pensions, bank A/Cs) Ø Product provider to complete a range of product servicing operations (e.g. change of employer, address etc.) Ø Provider of digital advice or guidance service Ø Provider of digital services (e.g. payment services, FinTech, Industry Dashboards etc.) • The Digital ID solution will meet all AML/KYC regulatory checks (such as JMLSG). @uktisa

  5. Digital ID : Building Blocks • Proposition development • Trust Framework development • Standards development • Technical / infrastructure • Business case @uktisa

  6. High Level Identity Hub IdPs Process Identity Provider Overview Identity Provider Identity Choice Identity Provider Account Opening with FS Authenticate Use existing Digital Identity Provider Digital ID ID to AML standard Multiple Identity Relying Party Providers for LoA AML Upgrade Upgrade existing Identity Verification identity to AML A/C opening standard Relying Parties Account Exchange Wealth creation Managers Register for a AML standard Digital ID Retail Banking Attributes Platforms Reuse of / wraps Identity by Data Provider for Bank Account Source of Funds Bank Account Verification Building other relying Verification Societies parties Life and pension providers LoA AML Standards and Governance Industry service solution providers

  7. Benefits – Financial Service Providers • Customers expect seamless, omni-channel service delivery and will migrate to services that offer the best customer experience • Develop, test and shape the technical infrastructure and standards for the future, while utilising current infrastructures, back-end systems and processes • Opportunities to develop, market and sell new products and services to customers that utilise Digital Identity • Savings in new business processing costs relate to KYC / AML checking and processing transfers (as for above savings for new business) • Potential to reduce fraud and impersonation risk as well as reduce reparation bills and regulatory fines • Future proofing regulatory compliance , control and governance overheads associated with account opening, new business / transfer business processing @uktisa

  8. Digital ID project timeline Pilot Discovery June, 2018 Aug-Sept, 2018 Oct-Nov 2018 May, 2018 July, 2018 Proposition scope Defining user & Account pilot User Testing & Propose end Proposition and development business needs proposition launch refinement solution Trust Stakeholder Framework Test framework Expert Group Refine and Consultation Framework outline assumptions formed Publish Configure hub Test LoA with Standards Define Publish Define LoA against LoA subjects standards standards for Pilot Development Infrastructure Technical board Consultation on Analyze technical Develop proposed Technical analysis formed technical approach requirements technical approach Present Pilot at Involve broader Develop OIX White Stakeholders Stakeholders Industry events industry stakeholder plan paper draft engaged Business plan Business plan Develop outline Business plan Propose KPI’s & Business Plan workshops consultation business plan published plan template

  9. Overview of Digital ID approach Phase 2 Phase 3 (a) Alpha Phase 4 - Live Beta Existing solution Maintain and review • Define detailed requirements • • Develop and test relationships with the Due diligence of existing • connections into live suppliers identity technology suppliers participant’s systems Management and • and recommend best mix • Expand coverage of financial continuous improvement of Publish the Trust Framework • product and processes and the Trust Framework for use by suppliers and map required Levels of Promote adoption of the • marketplace Assurance scheme • Extended attribute analysis and sources Phase 3 (b) Alpha Phase 4 - Live • Industry consultation on the Develop solution Trust Framework MVP Design • • Define compatibility needs Management and continuous • Build solution and procure • with other schemes improvement of the solution development • Identify options for Phase 3 and Trust Framework Develop and test the underlying • and agree approach Promote adoption of the • platform and required • Raise investment based on solution connections to Hub, IDPs and Business Plan (from Pilot Extended connections into • attribute providers Stage) and agreed approach other schemes End to end testing with • for Phase 3. customers

  10. Approach: participants input • Senior Manager (from the Operations or Digital Team) to attend or dial into the monthly Governance Steering Group. • Product Manager to be involved in the Proposition Workstream • Compliance/Risk Manager/Legal/Commercial to be a member of the Expert Group responsible for defining the Trust Framework and Standards Development • Data Analyst to be involved in the Technical and Trust Framework work-streams • Technical Analyst (who understands the participants technical architecture and systems) • Business Analyst to provide input into the outline Business Plan. @uktisa

  11. Stakeholders and the Hub § Banks § Platforms Finance sector § TPA § Advice Providers § Consume Core § Core ID IDP’s Identity Data Identity Hub Customers (Service Digital ID § Attribute Providers Providers Providers) § Consume Value- § Others Added Service Finance Sector Digital ID Services § Integrators § Regulators § Innovation Technology § National Standards Government Providers § Platform providers § Digital Government (Verify) § Financial Advisors § eIDAS Interoperability § Private Sector Rule Book /Governance Users Industry owned Inclusive, & Accessible @uktisa

  12. Use Case: Outline integration with the Pensions Dashboard and Finder Service Tom@Digi-ID Pension Dashboard (hosted by product provider) ID authentication and data FS ID recognised by authorisation request Pension Finder DWP and PP to Service FS Identity Hub enable data release ID assured/LoA & transfer Integration Service Providers DWP PP1 PP2 PP 350 Pension Providers (PP)


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