T H E B A N K M I S S I O N A N D S H A R E H O L D E R S S TAT U S S H A R E H O L D E R S The International investment Bank is a multilateral 9 sovereign states development institution, created by member states in 1970. 325.96 million euro paid-in capital The Agreement to form the bank was signed on 10 July 1970 and registered with the United Nations Secretariat under PAID-IN CAPITAL number 11417 . Bulgaria , 12,95% Russia, 46,03% Hungary, 12,27% M I S S I O N EU: 50,16% RF: 46,03% “To Slovakia, 6,59% promote greater interconnections and integration between the economies of the Bank member states, with Asia & Cuba: 3,81% Mongolia, 1,04% the aim of achieving the conditions for balanced and inclusive growth, and competitive national economies, by Romania, 6,89% drawing on existing historical bonds” . Vietnam, 1,13% Czech Republic, 11,47% Cuba, 1,64% Bulgaria Hungary Slovakia Romania Czech Republic Cuba Vietnam Mongolia Russia Bulgaria Hungary Slovakia Romania Cz. R. Cuba Vietnam Mongolia Russia 2
C O R P O R AT E M A N A G E M E N T S T R U C T U R E Countries or international financial entities who share the goals and principles that guide the Bank’s activities can become members of the Bank, if they are ready to BOARD OF assume the corresponding obligations. GOVERNORS The ‘Council’, also known as the Board of Governors, is the supreme governing body of the Bank , and consists of authorized representatives of countries, drawn from the highest-ranking officials of member countries. The Council identifies the general activities of the Bank and the development strategy, and resolves to accept new members to the Bank, open offices and branches, as well as takes other fundamental decisions, in compliance with the Bank Statutes. BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUDITING The Board of Directors is a governing body that COMMITTEE HR AND consists of representatives, nominated by the Bank COMPENSATION members. This body is responsible for general COMMITTEE leadership, monitoring Bank activities, as it exercises governance over the core areas of activity. The Auditing Committee (AC) is a governing An advisory body attached to the Board of The Board if Directors answers to the Council. body responsible for financial control of the Directors, the main function of this Committee is to Bank, and consists of experts appointed by verify that the bank complies with HR policies, rules the Council. It is subordinate both to the and regulations. Board of Directors and to the Council. MANAGEMENT BOARD The Management Board is the executive body of the Bank, appointed by the Council, and is responsible for day-to-day management of the activities of the Bank in compliance with the Statutes, and resolutions of the Board of Directors and the Council of Governors. 3
K E Y F I G U R E S A S S E T S A N D L O A N S C O U N T R Y S T R U C T U R E O F L O N G - T E R M R AT I N G S P O R T F O L I O T H E P O R T F O L I O ■ The key factors behind IIB credit ratings are: a ■ Since 1970, the Bank has implemented more (agreements signed, % as of 31.12.2018) high level of support from member states; a than 280 investment projects. The total stable liquidity situation; high capital adequacy; investment volume is approaching 9 billion euro. diversified financing sources and an improved ■ At the end of 2018, the Bank’s assets reached risk management system. Bulgaria Other 1194 million euro. 16% 17% ■ The loans portfolio at the end of 2018 reached 753 million euro and includes loans issued in all nine member states. Hungary 8% Mongolia 9% A3, Stable 30.04.2018 ASIA & CUBA| OTHERS Russia | EU Cuba 1194 Total assets Romania 1096 6% 10% A-, Stable 07.03.2019 Net loans 881 Vietnam 809 5% 753 Slovakia 664 Fitch BBB+, Stable 21.11.2018 11% 612 Russia Czech Republic 14% 411 4% 363 306 A, Positive 07.02 2018 240 EUR m 96 4 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
T H E “ R E L A U N C H ” S T R AT E G Y, 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 ■ ■ First ever ■ ■ ■ Bank member states First placement of Bank The Bank opens a The Bank is given a ■ Volume of loans issued since shareholder resolved to relaunch bonds on the Russian European regional third credit rating, by 2013 exceeds 1 billion euro. decision to inject IIB activities. market (RUB) and issue office in Slovakia. S&P. ■ Loan portfolio reaches 664 million additional capital of bonds on the Slovak ■ ■ ■ The 2013-2017 IIB IIB issues bonds in Fitch raises IIB credit euro. into IIB. market (EUR). “Relaunch” Romania for the rating to BBB with stable ■ The Bank starts to issue ■ New risk ■ Strategy was The Bank starts to attract first time. outlook. financing in local currencies management and unanimously long-term financing. ■ ■ Launch of Trade IIB attracts syndicated (RUB, RON and HUF). compliance practices adopted . ■ IIB receives a second Financing financing for the first ■ IIB rating forecasts improved: integrated. credit rating from Programme time . Moody`s to Baa1, positive, and ■ The Bank received Moody’s Investors (offering products ■ Technical Assistance Fitch to BBB, positive. its first ever Services. of up to two years). Fund (TAF) established ■ First Schuldschein placement international ■ ■ Slovak Republic, Bulgaria First investment jointly with the Finance on the German market and first investment rating and Vietnam significantly guarantee issued. Ministry of the Slovak placement in Hungary. from Fitch Ratings . increase their shares in Republic. ■ Unanimous adoption of the IIB IIB capital. ■ The Bank successfully 2018-2022 Development ■ Hungary returns as an transitions to a modern IT Strategy . IIB member state. platform. Assets, 1096 367 411 612 809 881 1194 mln euro 2017 2018 2012 2013 2014 2016 2015 5
2 0 1 8 : M I L E S T O N E S J A N U A R Y A P R I L M A R C H F E B R U A R Y J U N E J U L Y ■ ■ ■ European Investment ■ A leading China- IIB receives preliminary ■ ■ S&P Global boosts IIB The Government of Romania 109 Council Meeting of IIB Fund (EIF) jointly with based international approval of application long-term rating to ВВВ+ takes place in Yaroslavl, increased its paid-in share of the the IIB launched the rating agency, to join International with stable outlook. Russia and takes decisions Bank capital to 7.04%. Central Europe Fund of Dagong Global Credit Development Finance on strategically important Rating Сo ., Ltd, Club (IDFC) – an Funds (CEFoF) with a issues, such as potential ■ IIB successfully capital of 80 million boosted the IIB credit esteemed platform of new round of capitalization performs the inauguaral rating from “stable” to euros to support MSEs regional and national approach, expansion of IIB placement of bonds in and companies with “positive”, confirming development banks presence in Europe. Czech korunas (CZK), mid-range the rating of A-level working together issuing three-year capitalization. issuer. towards SDGs securities with a floating implementation and interest rate, total other sustainability volume: 501 million issues. koruna. ■ Rating agency Moody’s Investors Services upgrades IIB rating to A3 with stable outlook. DECEMBER AUGUST OCTOBER NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER ■ On August 28, 2018 IIB On December 3-4, 2018 the On October 10, 2018, IIB successfully Rating agency Fitch Ratings Republic of Hungary upgrades IIB’s long-term Inaugural Board of Governors new statutory executed a new bond issue on the Bucharest officially proposes to Stock Exchange. Two tranches – in RON and Board of Directors documents credit rating to BBB+ with a relocate IIB Meetings took place in entered into force. New (Romanian lei - about EUR 64 million) and in stable outlook. Headquarters from Varadero (Republic of three-tier corporate euros (EUR 80 million). Moscow to Budapest governance system is Cuba).The Board of Governors voted for a introduced. Callable On October 14, 2018 IIB officially becomes a member of IDFC by signing the Club’s relocation of IIB Headquarters capital increases to to Budapest from Moscow 2 bn euros. Charter during IDFC Annual Meeting. and approved a new capitalisation programme until 2023. 6 The Government of Czech Republic increased its paid-in share of the Bank capital to 11,47%.
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