tia tr 42 liaison to ieee 42 liaison to ieee tia tr

TIA TR- -42 Liaison to IEEE 42 Liaison to IEEE TIA TR Val - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TIA TR- -42 Liaison to IEEE 42 Liaison to IEEE TIA TR Val Rybinski Val Rybinski The Siemon Company The Siemon Company Vice- -Chair, TR Chair, TR- -42.7 42.7 Vice Chair, TR- -42.7.1 42.7.1 Chair, TR July 2004 July 2004 Portland,

  1. TIA TR- -42 Liaison to IEEE 42 Liaison to IEEE TIA TR Val Rybinski Val Rybinski The Siemon Company The Siemon Company Vice- -Chair, TR Chair, TR- -42.7 42.7 Vice Chair, TR- -42.7.1 42.7.1 Chair, TR July 2004 July 2004 Portland, OR Portland, OR July 2004 IEEE 802.3

  2. TIA TR- -42 42- -7 Meeting 7 Meeting TIA TR • Week of June 3, 2004 • Week of June 3, 2004 • Providence, RI • Providence, RI • Reviewed IEEE 802.3an • Reviewed IEEE 802.3an 10GBASE- -T cabling T cabling 10GBASE needs needs July 2004 IEEE 802.3

  3. Summary of TIA TR- -42 42 Summary of TIA TR Output Output • 2 Liaison Letters 2 Liaison Letters • • 1 draft TSB (TSB155) 1 draft TSB (TSB155) • addressing additional additional addressing information on the extended information on the extended frequency transmission frequency transmission performance of category 6 performance of category 6 cabling from 250 MHz up to cabling from 250 MHz up to 625 MHz 625 MHz July 2004 IEEE 802.3

  4. TR- -42.7 Liaison #1 42.7 Liaison #1 TR The initial work of characterizing The initial work of characterizing class E cabling to 625 MHz is class E cabling to 625 MHz is complete complete • Work is documented in draft 1 of Work is documented in draft 1 of • proposed PN- -3 3- -0134 TSB 0134 TSB- -155 155 proposed PN • NEXT loss/PSNEXT loss may not NEXT loss/PSNEXT loss may not • meet channel specifications when meet channel specifications when extrapolated beyond 330 MHz (new extrapolated beyond 330 MHz (new equations are provided) equations are provided) July 2004 IEEE 802.3

  5. TR- -42.7 Liaison #1, cont. 42.7 Liaison #1, cont. TR • Alien crosstalk is defined Alien crosstalk is defined • • Additional guidelines for field test Additional guidelines for field test • equipment and alien crosstalk field equipment and alien crosstalk field test methods are provided test methods are provided • Draft 1 of proposed PN Draft 1 of proposed PN- -3 3- -0134 0134 • TSB- -155 is provided 155 is provided TSB July 2004 IEEE 802.3

  6. TR- -42.7 Liaison #2 42.7 Liaison #2 TR Development of augmented category Development of augmented category 6 cabling requirements 6 cabling requirements • Initial recommendations provided Initial recommendations provided • • Augmented category 6 cabling shall Augmented category 6 cabling shall • meet draft 1 of TSB- -155, 155, meet draft 1 of TSB ANSI/TIA/EIA- -568 568- -B.2 B.2- -1 category 6, 1 category 6, ANSI/TIA/EIA and ISO/IEC 11801 Ed2:2002 and ISO/IEC 11801 Ed2:2002 Class E channels with additional Class E channels with additional enhancements as follows: enhancements as follows: July 2004 IEEE 802.3

  7. TR- -42.7 Liaison #2, cont. 42.7 Liaison #2, cont. TR • Channel insertion loss shall meet Channel insertion loss shall meet • Class F channel specification Class F channel specification • Channel power sum alien near Channel power sum alien near- -end end • crosstalk shall meet: crosstalk shall meet: PSANEXT ≥ ≥ 60 60 – – 10log(f),1 10log(f),1 ≤ ≤ f f ≤ ≤ 100 MHz 100 MHz PSANEXT PSANEXT ≥ ≥ 60 60 – – 15log(f), 100 < f 15log(f), 100 < f ≤ ≤ 625 MHz 625 MHz PSANEXT July 2004 IEEE 802.3

  8. TR- -42.7 Liaison #2, cont. 42.7 Liaison #2, cont. TR • Augmented category 6 cabling shall Augmented category 6 cabling shall • support the 10GBASE- -T application T application support the 10GBASE over a worst- -case 100 meter, case 100 meter, over a worst 4- -connection topology. connection topology. 4 • TR TR- -42.7 requests that IEEE 803.3an 42.7 requests that IEEE 803.3an • adopt augmented category 6 adopt augmented category 6 cabling as a media objective. cabling as a media objective. • Draft 1 on augmented category 6 Draft 1 on augmented category 6 • cabling should be available after the cabling should be available after the next TIA meeting in October 2004. next TIA meeting in October 2004. July 2004 IEEE 802.3

  9. Thank you Thank you Contact Information: Contact Information: Val Rybinski Val Rybinski The Siemon Company The Siemon Company 101 Siemon Company Drive 101 Siemon Company Drive Watertown, CT 06795 Watertown, CT 06795 (860) 945- -4200 4200 (860) 945 Valerie_rybinski rybinski@ @siemon siemon.com .com Valerie_ July 2004 IEEE 802.3


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