transportation investment act

Transportation Investment Act River Valley Update Kenneth Franks, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transportation Investment Act River Valley Update Kenneth Franks, State TIA Administrator William Eastin, TIA Regional Coordinator TIA Regions CSRA River Valley HOGA Southern Georgia TIA Timeline First 6 Years of TIA 521 1 Proj oject

  1. Transportation Investment Act River Valley Update Kenneth Franks, State TIA Administrator William Eastin, TIA Regional Coordinator

  2. TIA Regions CSRA River Valley HOGA Southern Georgia

  3. TIA Timeline

  4. First 6 Years of TIA 521 1 Proj oject ects s Adva vanced nced to Cons nstru truct ction ion

  5. Revenue Collections by Region Region Total Approved Local Discretionary Investment List (75%) (25%) CSRA $388,346,918* $291,260,188* $97,086,730* River Valley $270,447,164* $202,835,373* $67,611,791* HOGA $171,456,007* $128,592,005* $42,864,002* Southern Ga $8,603,199* $6,452,400 $2,150,800* $838,853,289* $629,139,966* $209,713,323* Totals (*rounded amounts)

  6. Local Discretionary (25%) Local cal disc screti etion onary ary funds ds can n be use sed d for trans ansportat ortation ion project ojects s or as loca cal match tch to state e or federal eral funds ds OCGA 48-8-242 (10): "Project" means, without limitation, any new or existing • airports, bike lanes, bridges, bus and rail mass transit systems, freight and passenger rail, pedestrian facilities, ports, roads, terminals, and all activities and structures useful and incident to providing, operating, and maintaining the same. The term shal all also o include ude direct t appropr ropriat ations ons to a local al gover ernm nment ent for the purpos ose e of serving ng as a local al match h for state e or f feder eral al funding. ng.

  7. TIA 2018 Highlights 95 95 TIA Projects Let to Construction in 2018 66 66 TIA Projects Completed 2018 $7 $75, 5,459,58 459,582 TIA Program Expenditures in 2018

  8. River Valley Project Overview 23 Harris Talbot Total Projects Taylor $380,828,512 Marion Macon Final Investment List Schley Project Total Dooly Stewart Sumter 7 Crisp In Construction Randolph 7 Projects Completed $121,817,529 Total Expenditure to Date (as of 12.30.18)

  9. River Valley TIA Projects ojects Completed mpleted

  10. Mu Muscogee ogee County nty

  11. Taylor lor County ty

  12. Sumt mter er County nty

  13. River Valley TIA Projects ojects Under der Construction nstruction

  14. Mu Muscogee ogee County nty

  15. Crisp sp County ty

  16. Harris is County nty

  17. Ma Macon n County ty Project let in June 2018

  18. Ma Macon n County ty Project let in July 2018

  19. Harris is and Mu Musco cogee gee Countie nties Project let in July 2018

  20. River Valley TIA Projects ojects Near ar Construction nstruction

  21. Sumt mter er County nty Project to be awarded early 2019

  22. Harris is County nty Project to be let in March 2019

  23. TIA Pre-Construction Updates US 27/SR SR 1 Widen denin ing g Widening from Muscogee County to Cataula, in Harris • County ($40M) US 280/SR /SR 30 Widening ening From Lake Blackshear to SR 300 in Crisp County • ($32.9M) Cusse seta ta Road and Old Cusse seta ta Road Widening and intersection improvements in Columbus • ($58M) New Interchange • Buena na Vist sta Road d Inter erch chang ange New DDI conversion at I-185 ($48M) •

  24. Muscogee Projects Spider der Web Creating a Grade Separation at Norfolk Southern and • Buena Vista Road ($40M) River er Walk lk Construction of River Walk behind Bibb Mill and City • Mill

  25. Annual Reports 2018 8 RV Annual ual Report rt- TIA Funds s On Only

  26. The TIA Office Kenneth Franks TIA Administrator (404) 631-1568 Brent Moseley Eric Wilkinson William Eastin TIA Regional Coordinator TIA Regional Coordinator TIA Regional Coordinator CSRA, HOGA, & SG SG & HOGA River Valley & SG (478) 538-8522 (912) 661-7157 (404) 631-1810


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