this reaction is an exothermic reaction

This reaction is an exothermic reaction because it releases heat. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

N 2 (g) + 3 H 2 (g) 2 NH 3 (g) (H = 92.22 kJmol 1 ) This reaction is an exothermic reaction because it releases heat. (Shown on the products side (left)). The Haber Process is used to produce ammonia used in many

  1.  N 2 (g) + 3 H 2 (g) ⇌ 2 NH 3 (g)  (ΔH = −92.22 kJ·mol −1 )  This reaction is an exothermic reaction because it releases heat. (Shown on the products side (left)).

  2.  The Haber Process is used to produce ammonia used in many different ways. It is a process which is used as a fertilizer (nitrogen fertilizer) but also during World War One it was then changed in other substances to be used as explosives and weapons

  3.  The Haber Process was created by Fritz Haber a German Chimist in 1909, born in Germany.  He also was rewarded with a Noble Prize in 1918.

  4.  This reaction has to be carried out at very high temperatures; between 350- 500 o C, and has to be between 15- 25mPa.

  5.  With Le Chatelier’s Principle: the forward reaction is favoured by: removing the product, the equilibrium reaction will make more product which is in this direction -> (forward)  What happens is that the mixture tries to get back to the original form, the form which it was before product was remove.  When heat is removed from an exothermic reaction to cool down, the products side will also be favoured making the forward reaction favoured.

  6.  The type of catalyst used in this reaction is the iron catalyst (K 2 O, CaO and Al 2 O 3 )

  7.  Today the Haber Process is important, it maintains one third of the earth’s population with it’s nitrogen fertilizer, BUT it is a very bad substance for the environment. Per year, the Haber Process produces approximately 500 million tons of fertilizer per year. It also is used for glass as cleaning supplies.

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