this prophe phecy

This Prophe phecy & Creation tion Revela lation tion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

This Prophe phecy & Creation tion Revela lation tion Present THE FUEL PROJECT: Know Your Enemy Lesson 2 The Plagues Fallen Angels seek to be worshipped as gods. When human beings create an idol or god, a real demon is

  1. This Prophe phecy & Creation tion Revela lation tion Present THE FUEL PROJECT: Know Your Enemy

  2. Lesson 2

  3. The Plagues • Fallen Angels seek to be worshipped as gods. • When human beings create an idol or god, a real demon is assigned to the position to become the object of their affections. • Polytheism spread because behind each of the gods or goddesses are demons who want to be worshipped

  4. The Plagues • Each of the 10 plagues that God sent against the Egyptians was an attack against a particular Egyptian god. • Example: Turning the Nile into blood was an attack against the Nile god , Hapi. • The Egyptian gods were powerless against God – they all were silent. God is superior to the Egyptian or • Babylonian gods.

  5. The Plagues • Osiris, Isis and Horus were also silent. • Remember that they are the primary Egyptian forms of the Babylonian trinity, Baal, Asherah and Tammuz.

  6. The Desert Years • God freed Israel from captivity – After just 2 years in the desert they returned to their false Egyptian gods. • They built a golden calf and claimed that this was the god that had led them out of slavery. • Remember that Nimrod was represented by a bull – The Chaldean word for “ruler” also meant “bull”. • Gold was chosen because gold depicted the color of the sun.

  7. The Desert Years • Hindus regard bulls as sacred? • Look for the threads, connect the dots, and you’ll always end up back at Babylon. • Moses returned from the mountain to find the Israelites defiling themselves by the Babylonian worship of Nimrod and Semiramis.

  8. The Desert Years • The very existence of hope, life and liberty hinged on what happened to the Jews. • God’s plan for the world depended on keeping His people unpolluted. • The Messiah who would die for the sins of the world would be born of them.

  9. Plan A & B • Satan desires domination or control. • He uses two methods to do this: Plan A, manipulation (feminine: moon goddess) and plan B, intimidation (Masculine: sun god or Baal). • Satan manipulated the fallen angels, Adam, Eve, Nimrod, and Muhammad. • Satan attempted to manipulate Jesus.

  10. Plan A & B • Satan intimidated the Jews by threat of destruction (thought history) • Satan used violence (intimidation) by having Jesus crucified – Plan B. • Hatred of the Jews is a result of Satan’s plans for world domination.

  11. Ahab & Jezebel • God was supreme ruler of Israel through a system of Judges. • By the time of 1 Samuel the people demanded a human king in order to be like the other nations. • After Saul and David a succession of Kings brought a deterioration of government, division of Israel and Judah, and idolatry flourished.

  12. Ahab & Jezebel • Spiritual pollution was spread by King Ahab & Jezebel who established Baal worship and an Asherah pole (a phallic symbol) in Israel, and Jezebel tried to eliminate the worship of the true God of Israel. • Pagan idolatry, ritual prostitution, and Satanism in Israel resulted. • Ahab and Jezebel were nearly identical to Nimrod and Semiramis in carrying out Satan’s plan.

  13. God versus Baal • Israel prostituted itself with the Babylonian religion. 1 Kings 18:21-40 • Elijah challenged the priests of Baal to a contest on Mount Carmel to determine whose God is real. • He chose a mountain for this contest to challenge the “god’s” of the high places.

  14. God versus Baal The priests of Baal cut themselves in ritual. “One of the evidences of the increasing influence of paganism on society today as we hurtle towards the new world order, the antichrist and the end times, is the rise in self harm, tattooing and unusual piercings. Particularly tattoos have become socially acceptable and Christians have fallen prey to this pollution. Ronald Scutt, in his book Art, Sex and Symbol remarks how tattooing was historically associated with Baal worship, sun worship and serpent worship.”

  15. The Jezebel Spirit • Jezebel is mentioned in Revelation 2:20-24 indicating that there is still a Jezebel spirit among us. Rev 2:20 …thou sufferest that woman Jezebel… to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols…. 24 But… unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths [deep secrets] of Satan….

  16. The Jezebel Spirit Satan’s “deep secrets” – “a direct reference • to the secret serpent knowledge from Eden that forms the basis of the Mysteries that occultist are so anxious to know.” This speaks of a type of demonic influence • in the church of the same type that controlled Jezebel in 1 Kings. This demonic spirit existed before queen • Jezebel, and goes back to Semiramis – they were both controlled by the same spirit which is the spirit of Astarte which is the spirit of witchcraft.

  17. The Jezebel Spirit • A Jezebel spirit seeks domination and to achieve this end uses manipulation (Plan A) and intimidation (Plan B) – this spirit may apply to either males or females. • The goal is domination by using Plan A or Plan B. • Both plans are aiming for domination and control over another person which is witchcraft. • The goal is to replace true spiritual authority with illegitimate authority.

  18. The Jezebel Spirit • “Jezebel wants to paralyze with fear, condemnation, depression, apathy or whatever it takes until we withdraw.” • “The only answer for those under Jezebel’s attack is perseverance in battle and remember, the God who resoundingly defeated Baal on Carmel can do the same today.”

  19. Neo-Babylon • Satan now switched to Plan B as Babylon attacked Jerusalem. • Even though Satan is leading Nebuchadnezzar against God’s people, God has allowed it to discipline His people, and most important, God is always in control.

  20. Neo-Babylon • Nebuchadnezzar built the famous Ishtar Gate with 337 images. • Ishtar = Astarte or Asherah. • 337 in pagan numerology means “hell.” • We should keep in mind that much of the Old Testament is a constant battle between two kingdoms. Satan’s and God’s.

  21. The Four Kingdoms • Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue – Satan’s Four Kingdoms (Dan 2): • Head of Gold = Babylon • Chest and Arms of Silver = Medo- Persia • Belly and Thighs of Bronze = Greece • Legs of Iron = Rome • Feet of Iron & Clay = Revived Rome of the End-Times.

  22. The Four Kingdoms • A rock cut out of a mountain (God’s Kingdom) will destroy the statue by striking the feet, thus destroying Satan’s kingdom. • The rock becomes a big mountain or kingdom, the Millennium Kingdom of Christ.

  23. The Four Kingdoms • Gnosticism appears during the Greecian kingdom period (356-323 BC). • The Babylon religion became known as “Gnosticism”. • The word “Gnosis” in Greek means “knowledge”. • Secret knowledge – the lie in the Garden.

  24. The Four Kingdoms • High priestesses were ordained through sexual rituals. • There were still blood oaths, secret handshakes, signals, symbols, passwords, and fornication as part of worship. • Yahwey – Evil God. • Serpent – Good God.

  25. The Four Kingdoms • The name Gnosticism was used for the Mysteries right up until the time of Jesus and for some period afterwards. Some Gnostics in fact saw in Jesus a similarity between him and their pagan serpent as they believed he was dispensing knowledge of the kingdom of God. • The Jew’s form of Gnosticism is known as Cabala or Kabbalah meaning hidden secrets.

  26. The Pergamos Detour • When Babylon fell to Medo-Persia there was no direct successor to the high priesthood of the Mysteries. No figurehead. Not only that but all the priests and sorcerers of the religion fled from Babylon to Pergamos, where Satan’s seat is (Rev 2:13). • Pergamos’ altar of Zeus has been relocated to Berlin, Germany. • Pergamos also worshiped the serpent.

  27. Caesar • The kings of Pergamos were made the High Priests of the Mysteries. • Around 133 BC when Attalus, the last king of Pergamos died, and left in his will all his dominions to the Roman people. Thus the kingdom of Pergamos • merged entirely into Rome and once again no one could openly lay claim to the title of High Priest of the Babylonian Mysteries until Julius Caesar in 63 BC.

  28. Jesus Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. KJV • Jesus crushed the head of the serpent but his heel was bruised in the process. He was crucified at the hands of the • Romans but then rose from the dead on the third day, defeating sin and crushing death.

  29. Jesus • Two points to take from this: • First, God had spent the Old Testament years introducing Himself to the Jews so that they could introduce Him to the rest of us Gentiles. • A key point here is that nothing that God gives us is ever just for ourselves. • Everything he gives us is for the benefit of others.


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