this power point presentation has been put together to

This power point presentation has been put together to support and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

This power point presentation has been put together to support and provide explanation to the submission made by:- The Wellington Recreational Marine Fishers Association To the Wellington Regional Council Proposed Natural Resources Plan

  1. • This power point presentation has been put together to support and provide explanation to the submission made by:- • The Wellington Recreational Marine Fishers Association • To the Wellington Regional Council Proposed Natural Resources Plan • Presentation and researched by Jim Mikoz President WRMFA • Honorary Vice President New Zealand Angling and Casting Association • We are submitter number S32 • Hearing day 5. Wellington Hearing Day Monday 23 April 2018 at 4.30pm • At Te Papa Museum Rangimarie Room 2 Level 3 Te Huinga Centre • As at 4.31pm 22.04.2018

  2. Slide 2 INTRODUCTION TO SUBMISSION Method M16 Point 653 Contaminated land The Plan makes no mention of the land, streams or rivers being contaminated through poorly engineered land fill sites. All land fill sites were once a valley with a stream or had a number of springs that we now find were never sealed. Therefore there is no management plan in place to correct the poorly constructed land fill sites or pipe the leachate into the waste water network. WE REQUEST THAT _ How the GWRC manages landfill sites has to change. Taking water samples from streams days after a discharge is unacceptable. The GWRC must introduce a plan that recognises leachate draining from old land fill sites is longer acceptable and identity the product being discharged so that the cause can be eliminated. The Plan must introduce a means where by authorities are required to mitigate the result of their past poor council decisions. Map 27b is now Map 31b Map 31b describes Ground water community drinking water supply protection areas – Hutt Valley (Incorporates Schedule M2). The Map is inadequate and contains a number of errors identified since the Kaikora earth quake. Map 35 also relates to the Ground Water supply. How ever this Map contains many errors and the direction made to the GWRC web site also contains many errors. WE REQUEST THAT Both Map 31b and Map 35 be corrected to include not only the information the WRC has sent to me and the information I provided to Wellington Water but also the new information obtained since the Kaikora earth quake. Information on LINZ marine charts and Google maps has not been included. I have been involved with Wellington Water identifying an alternative water supply and providing them with the location of the springs which are not included on the NIWA bathometric chart.

  3. Slide 3 Rusty leachate draining from an old landfill site into the Takapu Stream. An example of WCC management of old land fill sites. The drains have become blocked making the cricket park unusable as it is under water and has been like this for six years or more.

  4. Slide 4 Leachate from the landfill sites up the Houghton Bay road leak into the storm water pipe and into the marine reserve. An attempt has been made to pipe the product into the waste water network.

  5. Slide 5 Leachate from the Silverstream Landfill mixes with the water from the five springs under the Silverstream Landfill and enters the Hutt River three days later. The HCC knew of the springs but never sealed them. Twenty years after the land fill was in use the WRC sealed the old land fill and obtained a resource consent for the new land fill built over the top but failed to divert the leachate entering the Hutt River. The sediment traps became highly poisonous and five pigs snapped their necks in convulsions. The leachate poisons the algae that grows naturally on the stones of the Hutt River and has been known to kill dogs and aquatic life in the Hutt River.

  6. Slide 6 Leachate from the old Newlands tip forms ponds. Three springs under this landfill were never sealed and leachate enters the stream flowing through a quarry. A number of streams flow into these leachate ponds and into the quarry. There is no signage. A number of dogs have died swimming in this pond. WRC has not included a management plan for old landfill sites in the Proposed Natural Resources Plan and this mismanagement of old land fill sites must not continue. The photo on the left shows the pond.

  7. Slide 7 Newlands Park was built over a land fill. The land slumps and leachate leaks from under the tip killing all life in the stream. Before the land fill began children played in the stream that flowed under the railway track. The children became very sick not knowing the water was now poisonous and the WCC gave no warning to the residents of Fraser Avenue the water would now be poisonous. The Plan must require Councils to manage the water from all landfills.

  8. Slide 8 The Happy Valley land fill run off. Snails (A) before land fill site and Snails (B) after land fill site 8

  9. Slide 9 Before these traps were constructed leachate from the Porirua tip for years would flow past the hospital into Porirua Harbour. With only two traps to contain the run off from the tip the leachate makes its way into the stream.

  10. Slide 10 In 2009 I wrote and asked the Mayor of Porirua Jenny Brash if they knew what impact the herbicide was having on the trees in the Ngatitoa Domain as it would not be very good for the trees and did not look very good. A report was written by Ian Popay who identified the chemicals and noted “the inclusion of teruthylazine in the herbicide mixture could lead to leaching of chemicals into the ground water, and potential damage to aquatic organisms in any nearby water”. The practice was stopped. I am making this point as it high lights the impact of chemicals from leachate or herbicides on aquatic life is not known or wanted to be known.

  11. Slide 11 Map 35 is extremely inaccurate and requires correction. The Map depicts aquifer springs in Wellington Harbour but they are not in the location described. However there are massive springs off the Seaview Wharf not one. The large spring off Point Howard Wharf is missing and the large number of springs off Point Gordon and the Falcon Shoals are missing. The large springs in Evans Bay are missing. The springs off Aotea Wharf yet described on LINZ marine charts are missing. These springs that liquefied and caused the Container Terminal damage are not shown. The map shows two large springs off the Hutt River but they have been filled in with 200,000 tonnes of dredge waste. The spring to the west of the Petone Wharf is missing. None of the springs identified on LINZ marine charts and on Google are included. The spring off Rona Bay is missing.

  12. Slide 12 Map 35 Enlarged photo

  13. Slide 13 Map 31b is out of date. The Gear Meat bore is now filled in and a number of bores are no longer in use since the Kaikora earth quake. A bore on Somes Island is not shown. A bore in Waiwhetu is not shown. No where in the Plan is information that a major pipe line has been laid from the Waterloo Pumping Station to the Hutt River to discharge into the Hutt River the contaminated water now rising from a number of bores before quality water is found to rise. The quantity has been recorded as a million litres at every start up of the pumps and this must be acknowledged in the plan as this is a major issue and increases the risk of saltwater inclusion into the aquifer by removing this quantity of water before extraction can take place for the publics use. This management decision poses a major threat to the regions future water supply from the aquifer. This extraction was not included in the WRC scientists description of the aquifer management.


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