escaping the mind pascal

Escaping the Mind = Pascal 1. Life has no point a. I believe that - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Escaping the Mind = Pascal 1. Life has no point a. I believe that it has a point = wrong but lose nothing = hopeless b. I believe that it has no point = right but gain nothing = hopeless 2. Life has a point a. I believe that it has no point =

  1. Escaping the Mind = Pascal 1. Life has no point a. I believe that it has a point = wrong but lose nothing = hopeless b. I believe that it has no point = right but gain nothing = hopeless 2. Life has a point a. I believe that it has no point = wrong and lose everything = hopeless b. I believe that it has a point = right and gain everything = HOPE

  2. Pratney Questions 1. What do you mean by that? 2. How do you know that is true? 3. What does that mean to you if that is true? 4. What does it mean to you if that is not true?

  3. God Is a) The only uncreated thing in all of existence b) The only self-determined thing in all of existence

  4. CHOICE God is God is love Love is relational Relational is choice If one choice is God… Any other choice is ungodly

  5. LOVE Caring Effortful Caring Sacrificial Service A Passion for Oneness

  6. Fierce but Passionate Righteous Lover Judge Sovereign King


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