Good Management Practices in Forestry Reducing Diffuse Pollution from Forestry Related Activities in Galloway and Eskdalemuir Forests John Gorman Senior Environment Protection Officer
Project Aims Improve Communication links with State and private forestry – liaison meetings Workshops, awareness days, training & site visits, shared learning Site inspections – clearfelling, restocking, drainage works, road construction, quarries, pesticide/herbicide/fertilisers applications Help develop Best Practice Guide for forestry activities via DPMAG
Main Problems Siltation from ground preparation, cultivation, harvesting and restocking Contaminated run-off from roadways Historical drainage systems Standing sales National disease obligations versus FWG5 Quarry runoff Natural Regen Waste
pH Units 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 4 5 6 7 8 10-MAY-1956 06-MAR-1959 10-JAN-1961 What is Diffuse Pollution 06-OCT-1964 02-JUN-1969 07-AUG-1973 13-DEC-1977 26-JAN-1982 28-NOV-1984 28-JUL-1986 10-MAR-1988 River Cree at Bargrennan 19-JAN-1990 10-JAN-1992 04-FEB-1994 23-JUN-1995 09-APR-1997 16-DEC-1998 31-JUL-2001 05-APR-2004 23-OCT-2005 29-MAR-2007 04-SEP-2008 20-APR-2010 30-NOV-2011 23-JAN-2014 Chorionase enzyme Harmful effects pH
pH Units 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 4 5 6 7 8 18-JAN-2000 29-NOV-2000 18-FEB-2002 10-FEB-2003 03-FEB-2004 02-SEP-2004 08-DEC-2004 04-OCT-2005 20-MAR-2006 31-AUG-2006 River Cree at Bargrennan 29-MAR-2007 02-OCT-2007 24-MAR-2008 06-OCT-2008 02-APR-2009 10-NOV-2009 17-JUN-2010 24-NOV-2010 20-OCT-2011 15-MAR-2012 15-NOV-2012 07-NOV-2013 Chorionase enzyme Harmful effects pH
Forwarder brash track decomp
Timber Stack near Burn
Forestry Inspections Summary – February 2015 Total Inspections 216 Compliant 159 [74%] Non Compliant 57 [26%] Pollution Incidents 48 GBR20 32 GBR21 46 GBR22 6
Breaking the Source/Pathway/Receptor
CHRONOLOGICAL DRAINAGE REVIEW FWG2, 1991 [23 Years ago] prevent roadside drains discharging direct to watercourses; where unavoidable provide silt traps and maintain them regularly. FWG3, 1993 [21 Years ago] Roadside drains carry high sediment load must not be allowed to directly connect to watercourses, re-direct to buffer areas FWG4, 2003 [12 Years ago] Old drain clearing presents high risk of pollution, drains should be realigned to ensure volume flows onto vegetated ground and NOT into watercourses. Existing drains should not drain directly into watercourses FWG5, 2011 [3 Years ago] Realign existing drains, avoid watercourse connections, redirect to buffer zones
Historical roadside ditches - Disconnect
Solution – Sump and Natural filter
Receptor protected
Disconnection FC Operations Note 25 - Roadside drain Filter Zone Cut off Culvert Disconnect Silt Trap
Poor Communication & Site Responsibilities
Poor Crossing Point
Culvert Blocked
New Grip Drain for spring water
Dry Crossing Point
Contractor Competency Dalwhat Burn
Dalwhat Burn 1Km D/Stream
Dalwhat Burn 4Km d/stream
Galloway Flailing
What & Why
Working Quarries High Pollution Risks
Poor Rock Quality & Gross Pollution
Iron & Unknown Leachate
Quarry Runoff
Roadside Ditch Sump
Grass Swale Soakaway
Irish pipe bridges
Polbae IPB Before
Polbae IPB After
Contractor Waste Dumped in Woods
Contractor Waste behind Caravan
Good & Bad Forestry 1
Good & Bad Forestry 2
Good & Bad Forestry 3
Terram Trials
Terram in RSD
SUMMARY A Good Management Practice “Champion” Competency attainment for contractors Contracts – Duties & Responsibilities Urgent need for Do’s and Don’t’s Guide Good Quality Site Pre-Planning, Work Plans- Pull out flow chart of key decisions & tick list Themes: [1] Clear lines of communication [2] Improved site management [3] Pollution prevention NOT remediation [4] Guidelines are’nt seasonal [5] Carrot and Stick [6] Scotland’s wet, Plan for it
“The bitterness of poor Quality is remembered long after the sweet taste of low price has faded from memory” Aldo Gucci
“Quality is doing it right when no- one is looking” Henry T Ford
Thank you John.Gorman@Sepa.Org.Uk Tel: 01671 402618
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