This is Good Karma and Web Accessibility. Help make the web be;er for all people everywhere, and reap the SEO, User Experience, and Device Independence benefits. Introduce myself… I am Web Developer and Accessibility Harpy for Duke UniversiIes Web Services In a past life… before Duke…. I worked for a consulIng agency in Washington DC… customers included: U.S. Senate, House RepresentaIves, Federal Reserve, NaIonal Park Service, and many other gov’t agencies and NGOs. I played mulIple roles in my career but whatever I do accessibility has always been a passion. I am a CerIfied Usability Analyst from Human Factors Int’l and an accessibility wonk. As well as a Cat Gif aficionado. If your team cares about SEO, UX, and device independence, you care about Accessibility. I want you to be able to to win friends and influence people. Get people the band- 1
The WC3 states that… READ SLIDE 3
Jump through these fast as I read the definiIon. 4
Jump through these fast as I read the definiIon. 5
Jump through these fast as I read the definiIon. 6
For many people in developing naIons, the smart phone is their only method to get online. ConnecIons can be lousy…. Environments unforgiving… Be courteous, some people have data plans that require them to pay by the byte. MOBILE PRIMARY 7
I would bet that everyone here has a family member who is affected by one of these condiIons to some extent. 8
READ SLIDE Karma is cause and effect. If do good things for others, good things may happen in return. 9
Because almost everything that is good for Accessibility is good for all of the above. READ SLIDE People with disabiliIes want to use the same apps that you do. Facebook and twi;er. They… WE all want to use your site. 10
Who has a disability? Almost 20% of non-insItuIonalized people in the U.S. have a documented “disability”. Having a disability is not an on or off switch. Walking, some people are paralyzed and some people need a cane, some people run marathons. Sight - Some people are always blind or have limited sight. Perhaps you need glasses. Perhaps you have 20-20 vision. We all live on this spectrum. h;ps:// cb12-134.html 11
People who have limited eyesight also benefit from websites that are compaIble with assisIve technology. People with the above ^ 80% of the adult populaIon have some form of visual deficit (including those of you with glasses) Those of you without glasses will need them. Around the age of 40 people start being effected by PRES-BY-OPIA — it is a normal, age-related loss of near focusing ability. This is major up and coming web accessibility issue, as the baby boomers get to reIrement age. h;ps:// About 90% of people who are visually impaired live in the developing world . [4] Age-related macular degeneraIon, glaucoma, and diabeIc reInopathy are the leading causes of blindness in the developed world.[26] The most common causes of visual impairment globally in 2010 were: 12
On a day-to-day basis, even hour-by-hour, a person's abiliIes and disabiliIes can change on a spectrum. We all experience temporary arIficial temporary disabiliIes. Our environment and devices change our abiliIes and disabiliIes. Sunlight making it hard to see your screen - Impaired Vision? Movement while walking - Tremors/ ArthriIs? No being able to hit touch targets Noisy rooms watching a video - Hearing loss? DistracIons – A.D.D.? These temporary experiences can build up on each other. As your cogniIve load increases, your ability to absorb informaIon decreases. Crea;ng Accessible technology helps everyone. 13
Legally, What does it mean if something is Accessible to someone with a Disability? The person with a disability must be able to obtain the informaIon as fully, equally and independently as a person without a disability. Although this might not result in idenIcal ease of use compared to that of persons without disabiliIes, it sIll must ensure equal opportunity to the benefits and opportuniIes afforded by the technology and equal treatment in the use of such technology.” The fear is that as we move into the digital age, we’re faced with a two-edged sword because in some cases, of course, technology can make the world more accessible to individuals with sensory impairments or disabili;es. But in some cases, it can prove to raise new barriers and re-segregate our society. And that’s why this issue is being so heavily li;gated by individuals who fear that they’re going to end up on the wrong side of the digital divide. The 1998 N.O.D./Harris Survey of Americans with DisabiliIes. N.O.D./ Harris h;p:// 14
Universal Design (a.k.a. UD) says we should expect things to be ready for us without asking or planning ahead. This is what we want. This is what we are advoca;ng for. Provide a good user experience to all your visitors. It can be provided by following clear standards and pracIces that make "adaptaIon" unnecessary. We can benefit from accessibility without announcing or explaining our disabiliIes. Like having a 508 compliant website. When you hear UD also think responsive web design, device independence, and web accessibility. Ideally, an accommodaIon is for adaptaIons that CAN NOT be anIcipated or standardized. The obvious downside to asking for an accommodaIon is that we have to explain our disabiliIes a bit in order to get accommodaIons. h;p:// h;p:// 15
Lets talk Vocabulary and Buzzwords real quick !!! Sec;on 508 is an amendment of the of the Rehabilita;on Act WCAG - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. I will spend most of my Ime on criIcal WCAG 2.0 criteria. But the evoluIon and the laws are important to understand. 16
To understand what 508 is, I think it is important to know where it comes from, and who needs to comply. 508 is an amendment to the The Rehabilita;on Act of 1973. The rehab act is a federal anI-discriminaIon law that affords individuals with disabiliIes the same civil rights as groups protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Before this it was ok that there were architectural barriers to receiving government services. Here is an example of the Rebab Act in acIon: Sec;on 504 implies: People in wheel chairs have the same civil rights to enter the same building as anyone else. Result: Public buildings need to have a ramp or elevators to prevent architectural barriers to access. 18
Example 508 Example: Mul;media alterna;ves are provided (for deaf) Videos and audio have transcripts or cap;ons Example why capIons are so important. CAUSE: Help the 7 million people who are deaf or hard of hearing in our county. EFFECT: Helping everyone else. - 80% of people who use video capIoning are not deaf. - Noisy bar, they turn on capIons. - Watching a movie while the baby sleeps, - English as a second language. - Over 60% of YouTube's audience are foreign language speakers and hearing- impaired viewers...". Again, like most things that are done to improve accessibility, capIoning videos also improves ESL usability, user experience, and search engine opImizaIon. 19
DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A LAWYER, TRUST YOUR OWN LEGAL COUNCIL. IF THEY DISAGREE WITH ME THAT MEANS THAT THEY ARE CORRECT AND I AM INCORRECT. I am oyen asked, who needs to comply with 508? Its complicated. Americans with DisabiliIes Act Expands 504 to the Public Sector In 1990 the Americans with DisabiliIes Act (ADA) was passed. Title II of the ADA applies the same requirements to state and local government enIIes. The biggest difference is that SecIon 504 applies to federally funded programs… and the ADA applies to state and local government funded programs. Between the two laws, virtually all federal, state and local government funded programs must be compliant. The ADA is essen;ally an expansion of 504. It affords Civil Rights to individuals with disabiliIes in the public sector. h;ps:// h;p:// Brief.pdf 20
DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A LAWYER, TRUST YOUR OWN LEGAL COUNCIL. IF THEY DISAGREE WITH ME THAT MEANS THAT THEY ARE CORRECT AND I AM INCORRECT. Just because the website is not federally funded does not necessarily mean you are in the clear. Recent court decisions have implicated online businesses as being in violaIon of the ADA. For instance, in a lawsuit against Nezlix, the court construed that Nezlix was as a "place of public accommodaIon," a provision of the ADA that had previously only been applied to physical structures. If the court's trend of implicaIng electronic and informaIon technology in its interpretaIon of the ADA conInues, it would extend the requirements of SecIon 508 to the public sector. The 1998 N.O.D./Harris Survey of Americans with DisabiliIes. N.O.D./ Harris h;p:// h;p:// 21
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