there are approximately 4 000 species of frogs here are a

There Are Approximately 4,000 Species of Frogs Here are a few of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

There Are Approximately 4,000 Species of Frogs Here are a few of them The Frog Gallery The Frog Gallery Rana latouchi Or even Cream colored Just hangn Poison Dart Frogs Poison Dart Frogs Poison Darts Poison Dart Maker Or Blue

  1. There Are Approximately 4,000 Species of Frogs

  2. Here are a few of them

  3. The Frog Gallery The Frog Gallery

  4. Rana latouchi

  5. Or even Cream colored

  6. Just hang’n

  7. Poison Dart Frogs Poison Dart Frogs Poison Darts Poison Dart Maker

  8. Or Blue

  9. Interesting. Very, very interesting!

  10. Chopping Down The Tree Of Life EJ?CCC áÑxv|xáBçÜ EJ?CCC áÑxv|xáBçÜ DLHC@ÑÜxá DLHC@ÑÜxáxÇà Çà

  11. have a few health problems The frogs of the world

  12. 1.Declining populations 2.Increased incidence of deformities

  13. US Endangered Species: Amphibians

  14. Tarahumara frog ( Rana tarahumarae ) in Mexico .

  15. Declines in the US are particularly serious in: California The Rocky Mountains The Southwest Puerto Rico. Worldwide, decline "hot spots" also include Australia and Central America .

  16. Amphibian deformities Extra limbs Malformed or missing limbs Facial deformities Documented in 44 states and involve nearly 60 species. In some local populations, up to 60% of the amphibians exhibit deformities.

  17. Frog Legs

  18. Andrew Blaustein and friends

  19. Andrew Blaustein at work

  20. Frog Eggs

  21. Developing Frogs

  22. Tad Poles

  23. Possible causes of declines and malformations 1. Increased levels of UV-B radiation 2. Chemical agents (pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers) 3. Parasites - Ribeiroia, a trematode

  24. from: Johnson et al, 2002


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