The what, how and why of social media in Spanish libraries Nieves González-Fernández-Villavicencio @nievesglez
Number of social network users worldwide from 2010 to 2018 (in billions)
Spaniards spend more time on social media than the world average People online Use social media every day Don’t use social media millions
Ranking of popularity of Spanish craft beer in Social Media
Number of universities profiles in Spain and in the world, in ReserachGate and (march 2015) Spanish In the world universities 20 millions 68.887 ResearchGate 6 millions 77.526 González-Díaz, Cristina; Iglesias-García, Mar; Codina, Lluís (2015). “Presencia de las universidades españolas en las redes sociales digitales científicas: caso de los estudios de comunicación”. El profesional de la información, v. 24, n. 5, pp. 640-647.
“... “ we need a Twitter account ”... the reason behind it being “ everyone else has one ” but really the social media “ we want to savvy will be saying communicate more effectively - what tool will help us to that?” “When you’re clear in what you want to Phil Bradley achieve, then find a tool that does what you need” (Social media for creative libraries, 2015)
Assessment of the library from the user Reference by providing question-answering perspective (monitoring user comments) Education using social sites to support classes. Outreach to new audiences of library users Education and learning not systematized Promotion of library resources, programmes Collection-building and co-creation involving and services, librarians. Marketing users in a collaborative process Advocacy of the library Establishing a social media presence extends the physical facilities of the library Communication with library users and stakeholders
In Spain, we have the same number of library users than followers in Facebook
Congratulations to Spanish National Library because no other library get so much engagement
Directory of university libraries (REBIUN) on social media
Followers Ranking of academic libraries in social media by REBIUN
Campaign Target Communication Contents Hashtags Mentions/Hashtag Dates Responsible channels s University Twitter Promotion by #bibearq @Biblioteca_US Apr-Dec 2015 Name of the Films community gender #nosgustaelcine @delegarqSVQ Weekly person collection #bib_US @ETSIEdelegacion (Thursday) Chart of the @unisevilla marketing Promotion #bibearq @Biblioteca_US Apr-Dec 2015 Name of the campaign of ZonaCine #nosgustaelcine @delegarqSVQ Weekly person the Films #bib_US @ETSIEdelegacion (Friday) @unisevilla Collection (Seville Facebook Promotion by #bibearq Library US Apr-Dec 2015 Name of the University gender #nosgustaelcine University of Seville Weekly person #bib_US Culture Services (Thursday) Library) ETSAS Promotion #bibearq Apr-Dec 2015 Name of the ZonaCine #nosgustaelcine Library US Weekly person #bib_US University of Seville (Friday) Culture Services ETSAS
These charts reflect and summarize the campaign actions: the increase in the number of followers in Twitter and Facebook, the reach of Library Facebook posts, the number of Retweets, but anything else. Vanity metrics
During the marketing campaign week, they have received more than 2000 tuits from 1.200 different users. The hashtag #vivalabiblio was used in more than 4.000 posts. Vanity metrics
Vanity metrics (Opportunity) ● Community size (number of followers, contacts, likes) ● Influence Índices: Klout, PeerIndex, SocialMention Actionable metrics (Engagement) ● Frequency of the activity of the library in social media (number of posts, answers or comments) ● Web traffic from social media sites: number of visitors, bounce rate, etc. ● Mentions, number of RT, shared, comments, favorites, bookmarked items, downloaded resources. ● Engagement rate
We have to demonstrate the profitability of the use of social media by libraries
Assessment of the library from the user Reference by providing question-answering perspective (monitoring user comments) Education using social sites to support classes. Outreach to new audiences of library users Education and learning not systematized Promotion of library resources, programmes Collection-building and co-creation involving and services, librarians. Marketing users in a collaborative process Advocacy of the library Establishing a social media presence extends the physical facilities of the library Communication with library users and stakeholders
Which kind of metrics libraries are using to evaluate the success and failure of the use of social media and marketing programmes and to make comparisons among them?
Benefits divided by investment, divided by investment and multiplied by 100
Measuring ROI is the #1 challenge in 2015
González-Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2014). The Profitability of libraries using social media. ACM.
González-Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2014). The Profitability of libraries using social media. ACM.
González-Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2014). The Profitability of libraries using social media. ACM.
González-Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2014). The Profitability of libraries using social media. ACM.
Key metrics Indicator(Abs/%) Indicator (Abs/%) Indicator (%) Loyalty/ •Followers, Reach/Au •Sessions •% New Subscrip., Web traffic Sessions •Users Contact., etc. dience •% Bounce Rate •Time spent •Activ. Rate •% Competitors •Total Reach Bounce Rate Indicator (Abs/%) Indicator (Abs/%) Frequency Conversion •Metrics for •Posts of the objective •Activ. Rate •Bounce Rate ROI activity •Total Frequency Mamaniaca Indicator Rate (Abs/%) Indicator (Abs/%) Index(Abs/%) (Abs/%) •Rate of •Total of •Mentions engagement • Klout interactions •Social media •Engagement •Share of • Social Influence spaces visits Rate by post conversations Mention Brand Engagement •Influencers • Audience •Total of •Share of Engagement competitors •Influence Rate Voice perception Rate conversations •Competitors •Total Influence • Media Indices Engagement Rate González-Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2014). The Profitability of libraries using social media. ACM.
Correlations study Nº Indicators Library Predictor of Predicted by 4.1 Mentions UPV Time spending in the website (,431) and regression Comments answered (,647) CORUÑA Chat questions Chats questions (,560) lines with SPSS Subscripts wikis (,553) UNIZAR People talking about that HUELVA Loans CSIC Loans Items uploads (,521) • Most predictors and Loans (,498) 4.2 Visits to UPV Loans Entries social media (,583) predicted variables library social Users social media (,509) media HUELVA RT and indicators BCN PI (Interlibrary Loan) 4.3 Lists in social CORUÑA Total of comments Followers Twitter (,330) media Reach Facebook (,506) • Between brackets the Total Comments (,485) CERVANTES Subscripts in social media weight of each 4.5 Klout Index CÁDIZ People talking about that predictor variable Time spending in the website ULL Renews HUELVA Followers in Twitter CERVANTES Favourites Files displays 4.7 PeerIndex UNIZAR Fans Facebook Index FGSR Files displays González-Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2014). The Profitability of libraries using social media. ACM.
Specific metrics for each social media González-Fernández-Villavicencio, N. (2014). The Profitability of libraries using social media. ACM.
Conclusions Librarians need a set of metrics/indicators for every business objective to: • know if we have reached the established objective • demonstrate the profitability of our marketing campaigns in social media • evaluate the development of our indicators • compare with peers • convert these data in knowledge that allows us to take decisions
Nieves González-Fernández-Villavicencio Atribución-Compartir @nievesglez Igual 4.0 Internacional
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