the tree planting process

The Tree Planting Process Donal Lenihan 0842478 Product Design and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Tree Planting Process Donal Lenihan 0842478 Product Design and Technology Project Presentation Need Statement: The Current Process and Why is my Project Required The current process currently involves 5 separate steps for the

  1. The Tree Planting Process Donal Lenihan 0842478 Product Design and Technology

  2. Project Presentation Need Statement:

  3. The Current Process and Why is my Project Required • The current process currently involves 5 separate steps for the planting and maintenance of young tree saplings. (1) The first step is preparing the land so that it is ready for plantation of the tree saplings. This involves removing unwanted hedges and or rock from the land, with this process being done by a bulldozer and or any other heavy machinery. (2) Then the young tree sapling is planted in the ground, with this either done manually by a space, or with an Aeon tree planter machine or any other tree planting machine that is currently out there.

  4. The Current Process and Why is my Project Required (3) Once the tree saplings are planted, then the area around the tree sapling is sprayed with either roundup to kill the weeds around the tree sapling, or water to spray around the tree sapling. The roundup would be used so that the tree sapling will grow better and faster by facing less competition around its roots. (4) Then the tree cover will be placed up over the tree sapling, and then the tree cover will be staked in to the ground. The cover is so that it will protect the tree sapling from wildlife animals. However this is not a popular method as people feel it takes to much time fitting the cover around every individual tree and that they lose out by using the tree cover even though there is a danger from wildlife.

  5. The Current Process and Why is my Project Required (5) Once the tree cover has been planted, then you have to maintain the plantation with this involving watering the tree sapling every 7 to 10 days for the first 3 years of plantation. This is normally done with a tractor and sprayer. Also you have to ensure that the tree sapling is surviving and growing at a reasonable rate. • My proposal is to make a mechanism or machine that will reduce the number of processes involved in the plantation and maintenance of the tree planting process, and I believe that if a product is fully thought out, that it can be fully operation able and easily maintained and used for the plantation.

  6. Idea 1 The Tree Cover

  7. The Tree Cover

  8. How is the Tree Cover Used (1) First you place the tree sapling into the tree protective cover. The tree cover should stay in place as there is a closing on the base of the cover. (2) Then you drive off to the proposed planted area with your tree sapling and tree cover. (3) Once there you dig out a section and plant the tree sapling in the soil, with the tree protective cover. The roots of the tree sapling will grow out from the tree cover as there are slots taken out of the cover. (4) Then you pack in and around the soil, and then every 7 to 10 days after plantation you water around the tree sapling.

  9. Idea 2 The Tree Planter

  10. The 2 Seater Tree Planter

  11. The 1 Seater Tree Planter

  12. How is the Tree planter Used 1) The tree planter is attached to the back of the tractor using the three point hitch. The PTO shaft is attach to the tractor also. 2) The spray container is then filled with water or roundup to spray the ground. Also the container for the tree covers are filled with the tree saplings and tree covers. 3) Then you drive off to the proposed planted area, with one person driving the tractor and another sitting in the operators seat. 4) Once in the land area the tree planter is dropped so that the packing wheels are rolling off the ground. Then the hydraulic ram is dropped for the trencher to cut a slot in the ground.

  13. How is the Tree planter Used 5) The hoses of the spray container is then opened up to release the spray water or roundup. The driver of the tractor will open up the hoses, and the spray will spray the tree planted area. 6) Once the trencher cuts through the soil, the person in the operators seat grabs a tree sapling and tree cover and plants the tree cover in the cut soil, and then the packing wheels pack the soil around the tree cover. The tree cover is planted to a depth of 200 mm in the soil. 7) The tree cover container and operators seat can be easily removed when you just have to spray the ground. Spraying occurs every 7 to 10 days after the first 3 years of plantation.

  14. Tree Planting Process

  15. Idea 3 The Soil Digger

  16. The Hydraulic Ram Shovel

  17. The Petrol Powered Shovel

  18. The Petrol Powered Shovel

  19. How is the Soil Digger Used 1) First you take the soil digger, tree cover and tree sapling out onto site where the proposed trees will be planted. 2) Once on site you switch on the motor of the soil digger and then you place the shovel pressed on the surface of the soil. Once pressed down, you press a button and this will release a ram and cut out a slot in the soil. You can adjust the speed by turning the handle at the side to the desired speed you wish. 3) Once the slot is cut out, you plant the tree cover and tree sapling in the soil and pack around the soil with your foot and then you move on to another area to plant.

  20. The 3 Concepts

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