july 23 2019 utility fund summary

July 23, 2019 Utility Fund Summary Audited Utility Fund Ending - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

July 23, 2019 Utility Fund Summary Audited Utility Fund Ending Balance 09/30/18 $ 11,213,213 Projected '19 Revenues 19,130,840 Available Funds 30,344,053 Projected '19 Expenses (20,963,933) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/19 $

  1. July 23, 2019

  2. Utility Fund Summary Audited Utility Fund Ending Balance 09/30/18 $ 11,213,213 Projected '19 Revenues 19,130,840 Available Funds 30,344,053 Projected '19 Expenses (20,963,933) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/19 $ 9,380,120 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/19 $ 9,785,700 a) Proposed Revenues '20 20,812,808 b) Proposed Expenses '20 (20,502,031) c) Carry Forward Funds (405,580) Use of Fund Balance - New/Replacement Fleet & Equipment & One Time (1,251,150) d) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/20 $ 8,439,747 e) a) Increase due to estimated carry forward of funds. See list of carry forward items on slide #3. b) Assumes 9% water rate increase and 7.5% sewer rate increase per the August 2017 rate study. c) See list of recommended additions to budget on slide #4. d) Use of Fund Balance includes recommended CLS/ELS requests for one time expense items on slide #4. e) Policy requirement is 90 days of operating expenditures, which is equal to $5,055,295. 2

  3. Requested Items to be Carried Forward Utility Fund Fund Dept. Account Number Description Amount 611 Utility Admin 611-5711-56570 TxDOT Signal System Take Over Study 3,125 611 Utility Admin 611-5711-56570 Engineering Develp. Plan Review Assistance 9,594 611 Utility Admin 611-5711-56570 NorTex Storage Water Tank Design 4,737 611 Water 611-5712-58310 Water Line Replacement at Ballard & First St. 210,000 611 Water 611-5712-58310 Water Line Replacement at 78/Brown and Ballard 149,000 611 Water 611-5712-58570 Water Line Replacment 78/Brown/Ballard Design 14,500 611 Water 611-5712-58570 Water Line Rehab 2nd Street Design 13,400 611 Wastewater 611-5714-56570 Rush Creek Force Main Odor Control Design 1,224 TOTAL UTILITY FUND 405,580 3

  4. Recommended Additions to Budget & Fund Balance Items Utility Fund Recommended Additions to Budget – Personnel Recommended Items Funded Out Of Fund Balance Dept ELS/CLS # Description Amount Dept ELS/CLS # Description Amount UF Admin 2 Upgrade Admin to Admin 1 $ 4,451 Utility Fund 2 Tyler Technologies EnerGov $ 150,300 UF Admin 1 Woodbridge Pkwy & Hensley Lane $ 40,000 Water 1 $ 7,842 UF Admin 3 Supervisor Staff Portable Tablets $ 3,550 Upgrade Maintenance Worker II to Water Quality Specialist $ 25,800 Wastewater 1 Wasterwater Utility Supervisor $ 90,179 Water 3 SCADA Redundancy Upgrade $ 6,000 Wastewater 2 Crewleader $ 72,267 Water 4 Equipment Trailer Replacement Water 6 Water Pump Station Back-up Power $ 648,000 Generators $ 39,000 Utility Billing 1 Utility Manager $ 95,248 Water 7 3/4 ton pick up (Unit 280 replacement) $ 39,000 Water 8 3/4 ton pick up (Unit 260 replacement) Water 9 1 Ton Utility Truck (Unit 123 Cargo Van $ 47,000 Replacement) $ 152,500 Wastewater 5 Lift Station Backup Power Generators Wastewater 6 Wastewater Treatment Plant $ 100,000 Decommissioning Design TOTAL $ 269,987 TOTAL $ 1,251,150 Note: Totals for new positions include salary, benefits, and all other associated costs. 4

  5. 4B Sales Tax Fund Summary Audited 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund Ending Balance 09/30/18 $ 2,902,277 Projected '19 Revenues 3,331,300 Available Funds 6,233,577 Projected '19 Expenditures (3,852,892) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/19 $ 2,380,685 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/19 $ 2,465,497 a) Proposed Revenues '20 3,709,700 b) Proposed Expenditures '20 (3,616,614) c) Carry Forward Funds (84,812) Use of Fund Balance - New/Replacement Fleet & Equipment & One Time Uses (299,500) d) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/20 $ 2,174,271 e) a) Increase due to estimated carry forward of funds for Parks Open Space Master Plan and Upgrade to Childcare and Classroom Floors. b) Total includes sales tax revenue and revenue from the Recreation Center. c) See list of recommended additions to budget on slide #6. d) Use of Fund Balance includes recommended CLS/ELS requests for one time expense items on slide #6. e) Policy requirement is 25% of budgeted sales tax revenue ($2,948,400 x 25% = $737,100). 5

  6. Recommended Additions to Budget & Fund Balance Items 4B Sales Tax Fund Recommended Additions to Budget - Personnel Recommended Items Funded Out Of Fund Balance Dept ELS # Description Dept ELS # Description Amount Amount BH 1 Upgrade Brown House Monitor to GSS $ 3,173 BH 2 Tree Lighting $ 7,000 SRC 3 Increase Part Time for Bus Route $ 2,000 SRC 2 SRC Design Phase 1 $ 90,000 4B Parks 1 Equipment Operator $ 68,361 4B Parks 2 Founders Park Infield Renovation - Masterseal $ 50,000 4B Parks 3 Replace Friendship Park $ 60,000 WRC 1 Assistant Supervisor $ 81,395 4B Parks 4 Replace Kirby Park $ 40,000 WRC 2 Upgrade PT GSS to Full Time Assistant Programmer $ 52,261 4B Parks 8 Ditch Witch 24" Trencher $ 19,500 4B Parks 9 Replace Top Dresser $ 18,000 WRC 4 WRC Feasibility Study $ 15,000 TOTAL $ 207,190 TOTAL $ 299,500 Note: Totals for new positions include salary, benefits, and all other associated costs. 6 6

  7. Fire Training Center Fund Summary Audited Fire Training Center Fund Ending Balance 09/30/18 $ 202,277 Projected '19 Revenues 24,500 Available Funds 226,777 Projected '19 Expenditures (101,000) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/19 $ 125,777 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/19 $ 181,777 a) Proposed Revenues '20 10,500 Proposed Expenditures '20 (55,000) Carry Forward Funds (56,000) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/20 $ 81,277 a) Increase due to estimated carry forward of funds for Training Building Vehicle Exhaust and Station 2 Classroom Technology. 7

  8. Municipal Court Tech Fund Summary Audited Municipal Court Technology Fund Ending Balance 09/30/18 $ 30,823 Projected '19 Revenues 12,070 Available Funds 42,893 Projected '19 Expenditures (7,250) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/19 $ 35,643 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/19 $ 35,643 Proposed Revenues '20 10,070 Proposed Expenditures '20 (1,000) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/20 $ 44,713 8

  9. Municipal Court Building Security Fund Summary Audited Municipal Court Building Security Fund Ending Balance 09/30/18 $ 37,481 Projected '19 Revenues 9,070 Available Funds 46,551 Projected '19 Expenditures (7,895) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/19 $ 38,656 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/19 $ 38,656 Proposed Revenues '20 8,070 Proposed Expenditures '20 (7,250) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/20 $ 39,476 9

  10. Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Summary Audited Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Ending Balance 09/30/18 $ 323,479 Projected '19 Revenues 160,000 Available Funds 483,479 Projected '19 Expenditures (104,350) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/19 $ 379,129 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/19 $ 379,129 Proposed Revenues '20 200,500 Proposed Expenditures '20 (355,200) a) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/20 $ 224,429 a) Proposed expenditures include recommended ELS requests for Brown House Improvements - $175,000 and Olde City Park Digital Sign and Replacement of Municipal Complex Digital Sign - $95,200. 10

  11. General Fund Summary Audited General Fund Unassigned Ending Balance 09/30/18 $ 16,202,153 Audited General Fund Assigned Ending Balance on 09/30/18 $ 1,300,000 Projected '19 Revenues 41,245,694 Available Funds 58,747,847 Projected '19 Expenditures (42,627,979) (a) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/19 $ 16,119,868 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/19 $ 16,235,139 b) Proposed Revenues '20 43,513,903 Proposed Expenditures '20 (43,513,903) c) Carry Forward Funds (115,271) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/20 $ 16,119,868 d) a) Includes $1.3 million for Fire Station #2 remodel. b) Increase due to estimated carry forward of funds. See list of carry forward items on slide #12. c) See list of recommended additions to budget on slide #13 and #14. d) Policy requirement is 25% of budgeted expenditures - this Ending Fund Balance is 37%. 11

  12. Requested Items to be Carried Forward General Fund Fund Dept. Account Number Description Amount 100 City Secretary 100-5113-56040 MCCi Consulting Services $ 42,271 100 Library 100-5551-54910 Exit Door - Teen Room $ 16,000 100 Library 100-5551-54910 Exit Door - Adult $ 15,000 100 Library 100-5551-54910 Contoller for Badge Access - Circulation Services $ 12,000 100 Facilities 100-5132-58510 3/4 Ton Pickup $ 30,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 115,271 12


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