the senior year

The Senior Year P L A N N I N G F O R P O S T H I G H S C H O O - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Class of 2016 The Senior Year P L A N N I N G F O R P O S T H I G H S C H O O L POWER POINT WILL BE POSTED ON THE NHS COUNSELING DEPARTMENT WEBSITE Counselor Contact info: Laura Klein, A-De Heather Erickson, Di-I


  2. Counselor Contact info: Laura Klein, A-De Heather Erickson, Di-I Diane Lindsay, J-Lo Truong Nguyen, Lu-Ni Karen Schulz, No-St John VanderMolen, Su-Z

  3. Today we will talk about:  Transcript Check  Post High School Options  Important Dates/SENIOR BLITZ!  Application Process - Naviance  Requesting a letter of Recommendation  Questions??

  4. Transcript Check Things to Note…  Have you retaken a class either during the school year or summer school?  Has the credit value from your lower grade been zeroed out?  Note any changes needed and return your transcript to your counselor at Senior Blitz  Deadline for changes for Rank is Sept 30 th

  5. Post High School Options:  4 year public and private college/university  2 year community/technical college  Other experience, military, Gap year, etc.

  6. Some Local Community, Vocational and Technical Colleges-  Bellevue College, Bellevue  Cascadia Community College, Bothell (they have housing)  Seattle Community College (North, Central and South), Seattle  Edmonds Community College, Edmonds ( they have dorms)  Shoreline Community College, Shoreline  Green River Community College, Auburn (they have dorms!)  Lake Washington Technical College, Kirkland  Renton Technical College, Renton  Bates Technical College, Tacoma

  7. Steps for Community/Technical College Go to to research and find 1. the right match. There are 34 CC options in WA. After January 1, 2016 fill out specific CC fall 2. application. Check the school website for priority deadlines . Bellevue College’s priority deadline is in mid May. Register to take the Compass test (English and math 3. placement test). Meet with an academic advisor at the college to discuss 4. class and career path.

  8. What is your next step?  I don’t know where to start  I have too big of a college list  I don’t have a safety school  I’m worried I won’t get into a college I want  I’m worried about having enough time to complete my essay and application

  9. Senior Year Timeline for College  Sept-Oct: Retake SAT/ACT if needed. Nov/Dec. could also be options depending on college deadlines  Mid-Sept- Oct: College applications “live”  Mid-Oct: Some art portfolios due  Nov. 1 and Nov 15: Early Decision / Early Action applications due  Nov-Jan (some later): Regular applications due  Jan 1: FAFSA on-line  Apr. 1: Colleges notify students of decisions  May 1: Decision day--tuition and housing deposits due  July: Final transcripts sent to college

  10. The Fall Application Process Review 1. Finalize list of colleges you are applying to in Naviance. 2. Check deadlines (early action, early decision, regular) and admission requirements. 3. Start the easy part of the apps - do not procrastinate. 4. Order your transcripts in Naviance. 5. Invite counselor and teachers to write a letter of rec, if needed. ( Turn in counselor packet 4 weeks prior to first deadline) 6. Work on essay and have it read by at least one other person. 7. Send ACT/SAT scores directly from organization. 8. Interview if necessary.

  11. What makes a great application?  Professional and error free application  Be authentic, genuine and confident.  Colleges are looking for well-rounded, likeable students who will make their campuses diverse.  90% of applicants are great students (grades, test scores). What makes you different, unique and amazing?  Have someone review the essay. Answer the prompt.  Choose your recommenders well…

  12. 4 Year University Application Process PRI RIVATE ATE PUBLIC  Check app deadlines (ED/EA, Reg)  Check app deadlines  Apply on-line (common app) and list  Apply on-line – College schools in Naviance website (can access through  Order transcripts - Naviance Naviance)  Send SAT/ACT scores  Order transcripts - Naviance  Invite teachers through Naviance  Send SAT/ACT scores  Your counselor will automatically be  Check requirements if assigned in Naviance applying to honors colleges  Complete letter of rec. packet for counselor 3-4 weeks prior to 1 st deadline. The latest is Dec. 1 for Jan. 1 st or later app deadlines.

  13. Letter of Rec Packet (on Counseling website)  College Application and Deadline List  Waive your rights- In order to provide the most authentic and valuable letter of recommendation to admissions offices the NHS counselors ask that students waive their right to see letters of recommendation from counselors and teachers.  Counselor Questionnaire In order to write an engaging and honest letter, please answer all questions as completely as you can. Include details, examples, and descriptions as much as possible. Please submit your answers to your counselor only, not teachers. Do not give your teachers the same info, or you will have similar letters from everyone.  Resume  Teacher Feedback Form Please select 5 teachers who know you well who can provide useful information to your counselor. Make 5 copies of the form and ask your teachers to complete them in 5-7 days. The teachers will complete and return the form directly to your counselor. This information will allow your counselor to write a comprehensive letter of recommendation.  Family Brag Sheet( OPTIONAL )

  14. Teacher Letters of Recommendation only required for private schools….  Teacher Letter  Check with teachers soon!  Each teacher has a different process  Invite teachers through Naviance.  Do NOT invite teachers via Common App  Be sure to thank the teacher for writing a letter for you!  Mid Year report and stamped envelope-if needed  Reminder: Counselor Letter – see NHS Counseling website

  15. Apply Early Decision or Action? Early Action Early Decision  Can apply to more than  Apply to one ED school. one school.  If accepted, you must  Acceptance is non- enroll. binding.  Difficult to compare  Easier to compare financial aid packages different financial aid and scholarships. and scholarship  Increases chances of packages. admission for strong  May increase chances & students and legacy admission decisions are students. made earlier.

  16. Sending ACT/SAT scores  All four year colleges require that students send ACT/SAT scores directly from the testing agencies.  Order official score reports on the ACT and SAT websites. There is a cost to send scores.  4 sent for FREE if you sign up at the test. If you qualify for F/R lunch- you may qualify for free testing, but not free score reports.  You can choose which scores to send for both ACT and SAT. Some colleges do not participate in score choice.  Remember it takes 3- 4 weeks so don’t delay.

  17. UW Seattle Reminders  Online application will be available October 1 st , 2015. Click link in Naviance.  No transcripts or letters of recommendation (exceptions: recruited athlete, Honors program, international student or Running Start).  Applying in October will NOT give you an advantage. Don’t rush your application- remember to do your best! Focus on essays, activities  Deadline is Dec 1, 2015- Test scores in by Dec 31 st . The University of Washington requests that students submit scores from all SAT exams. In the freshman review, additional scores can only benefit the applicant.  Admission Decisions between March 15-31 st .

  18. A few key dates coming up  Week of Sept. 21 st – Oct 2 nd : Senior Blitz!  Tuesday, Sept 29 th : Performing and Visual Arts Fair (  Tuesday, Oct 6 th : College Corp application help begins! Tues & Thurs 2:30 – 3:15 in the Library  Wednesday, Oct. 14 th : Admission essay and application help in the morning in the Library  Friday, Oct 16 th and Saturday, Oct 17 th : National College Fair at Seattle Convention Center (  Monday, Dec. 7 th : FAFSA Night

  19. Using Naviance for College Applications Naviance is used for college research and applications. • All seniors created accounts in Naviance in October 2013. If you are new or did not create an account, your counselor will help you do this during your Senior Blitz appointment.

  20. Using Naviance for College Applications A Naviance Review… Your Login is your Email Address *If you don’t have an account, your counselor will get you one during Senior Blitz

  21. Required College Application Steps in Naviance Step 1  Go to Naviance site:  Resources on home page: tasks, links and document library

  22. Colleges I’m thinking about Step 2  To begin your list of potential colleges:  Go to College Tab, Click on “Colleges I’m Thinking About”  Search for colleges (use “more search options” to conduct an advanced search, based on your preferred criteria)  Add potential colleges to your list by clicking on “add to list”

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