the recombination epoch of the universe with dark matter

The Recombination epoch of the Universe with dark matter: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Recombination epoch of the Universe with dark matter: constraints on self-annihilation cross sections Silvia Galli Laboratoire APC, Paris University of Rome La Sapienza TeVpa 2010 22/07/2010 Outline Motivations: Pamela, Atic,

  1. The Recombination epoch of the Universe with dark matter: constraints on self-annihilation cross sections Silvia Galli Laboratoire APC, Paris University of Rome La Sapienza TeVpa 2010 22/07/2010

  2. Outline ● Motivations: ● Pamela, Atic, Fermi + study of recombination model ● Theory: ● Standard Recombination ● Recombination with DM annihilation ● Results ● Constraints from WMAP5 ● Constraints from future experiments. ● Conclusions

  3. Motivations ● Anomalies: excess in the positron electron fraction and in the energy spectrum of electrons. ● Several explanations: pulsar emission, dark matter decay, dark matter annihilation etc... Positron Electron Fraction Electron Spectrum ) - e + e ( / + e n o i t c a r F n o r t i s o P Energy [GeV] Latronico et al.(Fermi Lat-collaboration) E. Mocchiutti et al. Atic, Fermi arXiv:0907.0452v 1 Pamela arXiv:0905.2551v1

  4. Motivations → Thermal production of DM: < σ v> ~ 10 - 2 6 cm 3 /s. (WIMP) → Annihilation rate : Γ∝ n 2 < σ v> . n from dm simulations, models, observations Astrophysical or Particle Physics BOOST to explain the data. Boost needed by Pamela Cirelli et al. Nucl.Phys.B813:1-21,2009

  5. Motivations → Thermal production of DM: < σ v> ~ 10 - 2 6 cm 3 /s. (WIMP) → Annihilation rate : Γ∝ n 2 < σ v> . n from dm simulations, models, observations BOOST of the cross section to explain the data, depends on mass of DM and annihilation channel. Dark Matter annihilation should leave a signature in CMB:  At (z~1000), when CMB forms, the homogenous dark matter density is n(z=1000)= n today (1+z) 3 ~ n today x 10 9  DM mean velocity β ~10 -8 . Favours Sommerfeld Enhancement.

  6. Standard Recombination CMB H e + + e - → H e + + + e - → H e + + γ H e + γ T=3000K z=1000 + + e - → H H + γ xe=n e /n H 2 1 6

  7. Extra Lyman Alpha and ionizing photons in recombination: not only from dark matter ● Lyman alpha and ionizing photons are the most important in changing recombination ● Several possible Sources of extra ionizing and Lyman Alpha photons: ● Dark Matter Decay and annihilation ( A.G.Doroshkevich and P.D. Naselsky. Phys.Rev. D , 65(12), 2002, J. Kim and P. Naselsky, arXiv:0802.4005 [astro-ph]. A. Lewis, J. Weller, and R. Battye, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron., Soc. 373, 561 (2006) [arXiv:astro-ph/0606552]. A. G. Doroshkevich and P. D. Naselsky, Phys. Rev. D 65, 123517 (2002) [arXiv:astro-ph/0201212]; P . D. Naselsky and L. Y . Chiang, Phys. Rev. D 69, 123518 (2004) [arXiv:astro-ph/0312168]; E. Pierpaoli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 031301 (2004) [arXiv:astro-ph/0310375];X. L. Chen and M. Kamionkowski, Phys. Rev. D 70, 043502 (2004) [arXiv:astro-ph/0310473]; N. Padmanabhan and D. P . Finkbeiner, Phys. Rev. D 72, 023508 (2005) [arXiv:astro-ph/0503486]; M. Mapelli, A. Ferrara and E. Pierpaoli, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 369, 1719 (2006) [arXiv:astro-ph/0603237] and many others..... ● Evaporating Black Holes ( P.D. Naselsky A.G. Polnarev. Sov.Astron.Lett. , 13:67, 1987. ) ● Cosmic string decays,magnetic monopoles etc...

  8. Testing a specific Model: Dark Matter annihilation ● Lyman alpha and ionizing photons affects xe and temperature 6 [ f 〈 v 〉 Energy injection dE / dt = c 2 c 2  DM  1  z  ] rate m  One new parameter that contain: Redshift dependence of the f = energy fraction to plasma injection rate of Lyman alpha ( εα ), < σ v> = cross section ionizing ( ε i) photons and m_ χ = mass of the annihilating particle heating term that changes matter temperature dE / dt    z = C   n H  z  E  H  z  dE / dt  i  z = C  i n H  z  E i H  z  dE / dt  h = h n H  z 

  9. CMB Angular Power Spectra Temperature TT Polarization EE Cross Temp-Pol TE

  10. Results on dark matter annihilation Constraints on the p_ann parameter =fraction of DM annihilation energy that goes into the plasma times DM cross section divided by DM mass using Wmap5 data, Planck mock and a hypotetical Cosmic Variance limited experiment p ann = f 〈 v 〉 m  S. Galli, F. Iocco, G. Bertone, A. Melchiorri, Phys. Rev. D, vol. 80, Issue 2, (arXiv:0905.0003), 2009.

  11. Coupling with gas: constant f ] s / 3 m c [ > v σ < m χ [GeV] Assuming constants f=0.5 ● Runs with a more proper redshift-variable coupling with the plasma are on going. ● Depends on annihilation channel, mass of the particle (Based on T.R. Slatyer, N. ● Padmanabhan, P. D. Finkbeiner, arXiv:0906.1197)

  12. Future constraints Constraints improvable by exctracting the lensing signal with the Hu and Okamoto ● quadratic estimator. ( Okamoto, T., & Hu, W. 2003, Phys. Rev. D, 67 ) ● Adding lensing extration will improve Planck data by 10%. ● ACT will measure TT till lmax~2500 and EE~till lmax~3500 due to foregrounds. ACT will improve Planck Data by 20%. ● CMBpol with lensing extraction will constrain DM annihilation to a level comparable to the CVl case. Galli S., Martinelli M., Melchiorri A., Pagano L., Sherwin B., Spergel D., arXiv:1005.3808

  13. ̃ Dependence on the Recombination knowledge ● All the constraints presented assumes a perfect knowledge of recombination. Difference between recfast 1.4 and 1.5 Rubino-Martin J. A. et al., arxiv:0910.4383v1

  14. Conclusions ● CMB is a very interesting probe for dark matter annihilation. ● The interpretation of the Pamela, Atic and (Fermi) anomalies seems to be disfavoured by CMB data. ● The Planck Forecast suggests that there will be an improvement of 1 order of magnitude on the constraints. ● All the results are based on the assumption that we perfectly know standard recombination. This is not completely true!

  15. Physics of recombination ( Peebles (1968) and Zeldovich, Kurt & Sunyaev (1968) ) Direct Recombination but Direct NO NET recombination recombination + + (13.6 eV) − + γ ↔ H s H e 1 Continuum Free e- 2-photon decay from metastable 2s states + − + ↔ + γ H e H 2 s ↔ + γ H H 2 2 s 1 s Lyman 2-photon alpha decay Cosmological redshift of the photon Lyman alpha photons (10.21 eV) + − + ↔ + γ H e H 1s 2 p ↔ + γ H H 15 15 2 p 1 s

  16. Extra Ionizing and Lyman-alpha photons ● First approximation: constant injection of photons. Two parameters added to Standard Model ● P.J.E. Peebles, S. Seager, W.Hu, dn i dn  dt = i n H H  z  Astrophys.J.539:L1-L4,2000 dt =  n H H  z  − dx e − dx e dt ∣ std − C  i H −  1 − C    H dt =

  17. Transparency of the Universe & structure formation HE shower gets efficiently absorbed only at high z Structure formation takes place in a late Universe (z < 60) [Slatyer et al.`09] [Cirelli, FI, Panci `09] Credit: Fabio Iocco


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