the petri net model of the sucrose to starch breakdown in

The Petri Net Model of the Sucrose- to- Starch Breakdown in the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Petri Net Model of the Sucrose- to- Starch Breakdown in the potato tuber Ina Koch Technical University of Applied Sciences Berlin Monika Heiner Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus

  1. The Petri Net Model of the Sucrose- to- Starch Breakdown in the potato tuber Ina Koch Technical University of Applied Sciences Berlin Monika Heiner Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus Gatersleben, 17 th August 2004

  2. Outline • I nt roduct ion • Sucrose-t o-st arch breakdown in t he pot at o t uber • The Pet ri net model • Qualit at ive analysis • Simulat ion of t he net • Conclusions

  3. Introduction Cooperat ion: Bj örn J unker, Max Planck I nst it ut e f or Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm Sit uat ion bef ore st art ing kinet ic modelling: incomplet e kinet ic dat a lit erat ur e search t r y-and-err or -t echnique t o f ind t he st eady st at e using GEPASI Mendes, Comp.Appl.Biosci. (1993) Qualit at ive modelling as t he f ir st st ep Basic dynamic propert ies: liveness, reversibilit y, boundedness, dead st at es, deadlocks, t raps Basic st ruct ure propert ies: invariant s, robust ness, alt ernat ive pat hways,

  4. ucrose-to-starch-pathway in potato tuber j uvenile: invert ase sucrose glucose f ruct ose ATP f r uct o- ATP kinase ADP ADP f ruct ose-6-P hexokinase phospho- glycolysis gluco glucose-6-P ATP isomerase ADP starch

  5. ucrose-to-starch-pathway in potato tuber adult : invert ase sucrose sucrose- synt hase UDP-glucose glucose f ruct ose UDP ATP f r uct o- AT kinase ADP P PP ADP UDP-glucose f ruct ose-6-P hexokinase pyro- UTP phosphorylase phospho- glycolysis gluco glucose-6-P ATP isomerase glucose-1-P phosphogluco- ADP mut ase starch

  6. ucrose-to-starch-pathway in potato tuber sucrose phosphat e phosphat ase invert ase sucrose sucrose-6-P sucrose- Pi synt hase UDP UDP-glucose glucose f ruct ose UDP sucrose- ATP phosphat e f r uct o- ATP synt hase kinase ADP PP ADP UDP-glucose f ruct ose-6-P hexokinase pyro- UTP phosphorylase phospho- glycolysis gluco glucose-6-P ATP isomerase glucose-1-P phosphogluco- ADP mut ase starch

  7. ucrose-to-starch-pathway in potato tuber sucrose synthase: Suc + UDP ↔ UDPglc + Frc UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase: UDPglc + PP ↔ G1P + UTP phosphoglucomutase: G6P ↔ G1P fructokinase: Frc + ATP → F6P + ADP phosophoglucoisomerase: G6P ↔ F6P hexokinase: Glc + ATP → G6P + ADP invertase: Suc → Glc + Frc sucrose phosphate synthase: F6P + UDPglc ↔ S6P + UDP sucrose phosphate phosphatase: S6P → Suc + P i glycolysis (b): F6P + 29 ADP + 28 P i → 29 ATP NDPkinase: UDP + ATP ↔ UTP + ADP sucrose transporter: eSuc → Suc ATP consumption (b): ATP → ADP + P i starch synthesis: G6P + ATP → 2P i + ADP + starch adenylate kinase: ATP + AMP ↔ 2ADP pyrophosphatase: PP → 2 P i

  8. etri net basics Nodes : places t ransit ions (vert ices) passive elements active elements conditions events states actions chemical compounds chemical reactions metabolites conversions of metabolites catalysed by enzymes event

  9. etri net basics Nodes : places t ransit ions (vert ices) passive elements active elements conditions events states actions chemical compounds chemical reactions metabolites conversions of metabolites catalysed by enzymes Arcs: (edges) event pre-conditions post-conditions pre-places post-places

  10. etri net basics Nodes : places t ransit ions (vert ices) passive elements active elements conditions events states actions chemical compounds chemical reactions metabolites conversions of metabolites catalysed by enzymes Arcs: 5 (edges) Tokens 3 event pre-conditions post-conditions pre-places post-places

  11. etri net basics Tokens: movable objects in discrete units, e.g. units of substances (mole) condition is not fulfilled condition is (one time) fulfilled n condition is n times fulfilled Marking: system state, token distribution, initial marking Token f low: occurring of an event (firing of a transition)

  12. etri net basics Example: Pent ose Phosphat e Pat hway - sum react ion Ribose-5-phosphate Glucose-6-phosphate 2 NADPH NADP + 2 2 H + r H 2 O CO 2 G6P + 2 NADP + + H 2 O → R5P + 2 NADPH + 2 H + + CO 2

  13. ucrose-to-starch-pathway in potato tuber sucrose synthase: Suc + UDP ↔ UDPglc + Frc UDP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase: UDPglc + PP ↔ G1P + UTP phosphoglucomutase: G6P ↔ G1P fructokinase: Frc + ATP → F6P + ADP phosophoglucoisomerase: G6P ↔ F6P hexokinase: Glc + ATP → G6P + ADP invertase: Suc → Glc + Frc sucrose phosphate synthase: F6P + UDPglc ↔ S6P + UDP sucrose phosphate phosphatase: S6P → Suc + P i glycolysis (b): F6P + 29 ADP + 28 P i → 29 ATP NDPkinase: UDP + ATP ↔ UTP + ADP sucrose transporter: eSuc → Suc ATP consumption (b): ATP → ADP + P i starch synthesis: G6P + ATP → 2P i + ADP + starch adenylate kinase: ATP + AMP ↔ 2ADP pyrophosphatase: PP → 2 P i

  14. eSuc (source) sucrose t ransport er sucrose phosphat e invert ase phosphat ase Suc UDP sucrose synt hase P i Frc S6P Glc ATP ATP UDPglc sucrose phosphat e synt hase hexokinase f ruct okinase ADP ADP UDP F6P PP UDP-glucose phosphoglucoisomerase glycolysis pyrophospho- 28 ADP rylase 29 P 29 i ATP ATP G1P ATP G6P consumpt ion ATP phosphoglucomut ase NDPkinase UTP st arch synt hesis ADP ADP ATP 2 2 P P starch i ADP i 2 AMP (sink) PP pyrophosphat ase adenylat e kinase

  15. ucrose-to-starch-pathway in potato tuber I nt erf ace t o t he environment A hierarchical node: eSuc st arch Suc UDP R1 R1rev geSuc rSt ar ch Fr c UDPglc Tools: Editing: Ped Heiner BTU Cottbus Animation: PedVisor Qualitative analysis: I NA Starke HU Berlin

  16. odel validation (1) Dynamical (behavioural) propert ies (2) Reachabilit y analysis (3) St ruct ur al analysis (4) I nvariant analysis (5) Model checking

  17. ynamic (behavioural) properties Liveness and Reversibilit y • a net is live, if all its transitions are live in the initial marking • a net is reversible, if the initial marking can be reached from each possible state • How often can a transition fire? (0-times, n-times, ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ times) • infinite systems behaviour, search for dead transitions • prediction of system deadlocks

  18. ynamic (behavioural) properties Boundedness • a net is bounded, if there exists a positive integer number k, which represents a maximal number of tokens on each place in all states • What is the maximal token number for a place? (0, 1, k, ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ) boundedness (k-bounded) • for bounded nets special algorithms exist

  19. eachability analysis How many and which system states could be reached ? (0, 1, k, ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ) • the reachabilit y graph represents all possible states • computational problem for large and dense biological networks • for unbounded networks: computation of the coverabilit y graph • Is a certain system state again and again reachable? progressiveness saf et y • Is a certain system state never reachable?

  20. tructural analysis - aims at discovering net structures to derive conclusions on dynamic properties Element ary propert ies: ordinary: the multiplicity of every arc is equal one homogeneous: for any place all outgoing edges have the same multiplicity pure: there is no transition, for which a pre-place is also a post-place (loop-free) conservative: for each place the sum of input arc weights is equal to the sum of output arc weights – a conservative net is bounded static conflict-free: there are no transitions with a common pre-place connected, strongly connected: in graph-theoretical sense

  21. tructural analysis st ruct ural deadlock: a set of places that delivers its tokens until a state is reached, where the place set is empty and there is no possibility to get a new token t rap: the opposite situation that tokens cannot be removed from a place set (accumulation of substances)

  22. nvariant analysis • properties, which are conserved during the working of the system • independent of the initial marking • only the net structure is relevant for their calculation Are there invariant structures, which are independent from firing of the system? Place-invariant s (P-invariant s) Transit ion-invariant s (T-invariant s)


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