petri nets

Petri Nets 1. Finite State Automata 2. Petri net notation and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Petri Nets 1. Finite State Automata 2. Petri net notation and definition (no dynamics) 3. Introducing State: Petri net marking 4. Petri net dynamics 5. Capacity Constrained Petri nets 6. Petri net models for . . . FSA Nondeterminism

  1. Petri Nets 1. Finite State Automata 2. Petri net notation and definition (no dynamics) 3. Introducing State: Petri net marking 4. Petri net dynamics 5. Capacity Constrained Petri nets 6. Petri net models for . . . • FSA • Nondeterminism • Data Flow Computation • Communication Protocols Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 1/69

  2. 7. Queueing Systems 8. Petri nets vs. State Automata 9. Analysis of Petri nets • Boundedness • Liveness and Deadlock • State Reachability • State Coverability • Persistence • Language Recognition 10. The Coverability Tree 11. Extensions: colour, time, . . . Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 2/69

  3. Finite State Automaton ( E, X, f, x 0 , F ) • E is a finite alphabet • X is a finite state set • f is a state transition function, f : X × E → X • x 0 is an initial state, x 0 ∈ X • F is the set of final states Dynamics ( x ′ is next state): x ′ = f ( x, e ) Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 3/69

  4. FSA graphical/visual notation: State Transition Diagram 1 1 Init End_1 0 1 0 End_0 0 Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 4/69

  5. FSA Operational Semantics Rule 1 (priority 3) Locate Initial Current State 1 1 ::= <ANY> <COPIED> 3 2 Current State Rule 2 (priority 1) State Transition 1 1 Current State Current State condition: 2 2 matched(4).input == input[0] 4 3 <COPIED> <COPIED> / ::= 3 5 5 4 <COPIED> <ANY> / <ANY> <ANY> <ANY> <COPIED> action: remove(input[0]) Rule 3 (priority 2) Local State Transition 1 1 Current State Current State condition: matched(4).input == input[0] 2 2 ::= 4 4 <COPIED> / <COPIED> <ANY> / <ANY> 3 3 action: <COPIED> <ANY> remove(input[0]) Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 5/69

  6. Simulation steps Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 6/69

  7. 1 1 1 1 Init End_1 Init End_1 input 0 0 0 Rule 1 Rule 2 1 1 0 0 End_0 End_0 Current State Current State 0 0 1 1 1 1 Init End_1 Init End_1 input 1 0 0 input 0 Rule 2 Rule 2 1 1 0 0 End_0 End_0 Current State Current State 0 0 end of input Final Action "Accept Input" Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 7/69

  8. State Automaton ( E, X, Γ , f, x 0 ) • E is a countable event set • X is a countable state space • Γ( x ) is the set of feasible or enabled events x ∈ X, Γ( x ) ⊆ E • f is a state transition function, f : X × E → X , only defined for e ∈ Γ( x ) • x 0 is an initial state, x 0 ∈ X ( E, X, Γ , f ) omits x 0 and describes a class of State Automata. Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 8/69

  9. State Automata for Queueing Systems Departure Arrival Cashier Queue Physical View Departure Arrival Cashier Queue [IAT distribution] [ST distribution] Abstract View Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 9/69

  10. State Automata for Queueing Systems: customer centered a a a a a a 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... d d d d d d E = { a, d } X = { 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . } Γ( x ) = { a, d } , ∀ x > 0; Γ(0) = { a } f ( x, a ) = x + 1 , ∀ x ≥ 0 f ( x, d ) = x − 1 , ∀ x > 0 Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 10/69

  11. State Automata for Queueing Systems: server centered (with breakdown) s I B c b r D Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 11/69

  12. State Automata for Queueing Systems: server centered (with breakdown) E = { s, c, b, r } Events: s denotes service starts, c denotes service completes, b denotes breakdown, r denotes repair. X = { I, B, D } State: I denotes idle, B denotes busy, D denotes broken down. Γ( I ) = { s } , Γ( B ) = { c, b } , Γ( D ) = { r } f ( I, s ) = B, f ( B, c ) = I, f ( B, b ) = D, f ( D, r ) = I Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 12/69

  13. Limitiations/extensions of State Automata • Adding time ? • Hierarchical modelling ? • Concurrency by means of × • States are represented explicitly • Specifying control logic, synchronisation ? Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 13/69

  14. Petri nets • Formalism similar to FSA • Graphical/Visual notation • C.A. Petri 1960s • Additions to FSA: – Explicitly (graphically/visually) represent when event is enabled → describe control logic – Elegant notation of concurrency – Express non-determinism Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 14/69

  15. Petri net notation and definition (no dynamics) ( P, T, A, w ) • P = { p 1 , p 2 , . . . } is a finite set of places • T = { t 1 , t 2 , . . . } is a finite set of transitions • A ⊆ ( P × T ) ∪ ( T × P ) is a set of arcs • w : A → N is a weight function Note: no need for countable P and T . Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 15/69

  16. Derived Entities • I ( t j ) = { p i : ( p i , t j ) ∈ A } set of input places to transition t j ( ≡ conditions for transition) • O ( t j ) = { p i : ( t j , p i ) ∈ A } set of output places from transition t j ( ≡ affected by transition) • Transitions ≡ events • similarly: input- and output-transitions for p i • graphical/visual representation: Petri net graph (multigraph) Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 16/69

  17. Example Petri net • P = { H 2 , O 2 , H 2 O } • T = { t } • A = { ( H 2 , t ) , ( O 2 , t ) , ( t, H 2 O ) } • w (( H 2 , t )) = 2 , w (( O 2 , t )) = 1 , , w (( t, H 2 O )) = 2 Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 17/69

  18. Pure Petri net • No self-loops: � ∃ p i ∈ P, t j ∈ T : ( p i , t j ) ∈ A, ( t j , p i ) ∈ A • Can convert impure to pure Petri net Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 18/69

  19. Impure to Pure Petri net Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 19/69

  20. Introducing State: Petri net Markings • Conditions met ? Use tokens in places • Token assignment ≡ marking x x : P → N • A marked Petri net ( P, T, A, w, x 0 ) x 0 is the initial marking • The state x of a marked Petri net x = [ x ( p 1 ) , x ( p 2 ) , . . . , x ( p n )] Number of tokens need not be bounded (cfr. State Automata states). Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 20/69

  21. State Space of Marked Petri net • All n -dimensional vectors of nonnegative integer markings X = N n • Transition t j ∈ T is enabled if x ( p i ) ≥ w ( p i , t j ) , ∀ p i ∈ I ( t j ) Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 21/69

  22. Example with marking, enabled Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 22/69

  23. Petri Net Dynamics State Transition Function f of marked Petri net ( P, T, A, w, x 0 ) f : N n × T → N n is defined for transition t j ∈ T if and only if x ( p i ) ≥ w ( p i , t j ) , ∀ p i ∈ I ( t j ) If f ( x , t j ) is defined, set x ′ = f ( x , t j ) where x ′ ( p i ) = x ( p i ) − w ( p i , t j ) + w ( t j , p i ) • State transition function f based on structure of Petri net • Number of tokens need not be conserved (but can) Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 23/69

  24. Example “firing” • Use PNS tool braunl/pns/ • Select Sequential Manual execution • Transition: [2 , 2 , 0] → [0 , 1 , 2] Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 24/69

  25. Example • order of firing not determined (due to untimed model) • selfloop • “dead” net Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 25/69

  26. Conflict, choice, decision Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 26/69

  27. Semantics • sequential vs. parallel • Handle nondeterminism: 1. User choice 2. Priorities 3. Probabilities (Monte Carlo) 4. Reachability Graph (enumerate all choices) Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 27/69

  28. Application: Critical Section Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 28/69

  29. Reachability Graph t2e t1e [1,0,1,0,1] t1 t2 [0,1,0,0,1] [1,0,0,1,0] Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 29/69

  30. Algebraic Description of Dynamics • Firing vector u : transition j firing u = [0 , 0 , . . . , 1 , 0 , . . . , 0] • Incidence matrix A : a ji = w ( t j , p i ) − w ( p i , t j ) • State Equation x ′ = x + uA Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 30/69

  31. Infinite Capacity Petri net • Add Capacity Constraint: K : P → N • New transition rule Hans Vangheluwe Modelling and Simulation: Petri Nets 31/69


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