the impact of quasar mode feedback on the ecosystems of

The Impact of Quasar-Mode Feedback on the Ecosystems of Galaxies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Impact of Quasar-Mode Feedback on the Ecosystems of Galaxies Sylvain Veilleux (U. Maryland, Joint Space-Science Institute) Powerful wide-angle outflow in Mrk 231, the nearest quasar Gemini Press Release (based on the results of

  1. The Impact of Quasar-Mode Feedback on the Ecosystems of Galaxies Sylvain Veilleux (U. Maryland, Joint Space-Science Institute) Powerful wide-angle outflow in Mrk 231, the nearest quasar Gemini Press Release (based on the results of Rupke+Veilleux 2011)

  2. The Elephant in the Room

  3. My Hat Today

  4. Key Questions 1. What is the origin and fate of the CGM? 2. What are the morphological & physical properties of the CGM? 3. What are the physical processes that shape the CGM on both large (kpc) and small (pc) scales? 4. What is the relation between the CGM and galaxy properties? 5. How does the CGM evolve and what can we learn by comparing different epochs and tracers?

  5. The Impact of Quasar-Mode Feedback on the Ecosystems of Galaxies • Radiative energy: – L AGN ~ ( ε /0.10) (dM BH / dt) c 2 ~ 10 12 ( ε /0.10) (dM BH / dt) L sun – E AGN ~ ( ε /0.10) M BH c 2 ~ 10 61 ( ε /0.10) (M BH /10 8 M sun ) ergs • Binding energy of the bulge: E gal ~ M gal σ 2 (isothermal) • BH – bulge relation: M BH ~ 0.0014 M gal • E AGN / E gal ~ 1.4 x 10 -4 (c / σ ) 2 > 80 if σ < 400 km s -1 à à potentially lethal ! • Radiative feedback – Illuminate, ionize, and heat the ISM, CGM, and IGM • Mechanical feedback: quasar-driven outflow – Radiation pressure – Radiative heating → Compton-heated wind ( T ~ 10 6 – 10 7 K) – Magnetic fields in accretion disks / BH → loosely collimated jets in radio-quiet quasars (e.g., SV, Cecil, Bland-Hawthorn+05; Fabian 12)

  6. Plan • Quasar Radiative Feedback • Quasar Mechanical Feedback

  7. Plan • Quasar Radiative Feedback • Quasar Mechanical Feedback

  8. He II and Thermal Proximity Effects He II Ly α Forest (e.g., Shull+10; Syphers+Shull14; Khrykin+16) (e.g., Boera+14; Khrykin+17) - Photoionization of He II to He III à à suprathermal electrons à à Δ T à à H I line broadening Δ T is sensitive to the initial He II ionization fraction, x HeII,0 - - Sizes of proximity zones are sensitive to quasar lifetime, t Q

  9. Giant Ly α Nebulae fluorescently illuminated by Quasars Kinematically quiet, dense (> 1 cm -3 ), cool (~10 4 K), small (< 20 pc), metal-poor (< 0.1 Z solar ) clumps à à M gas ~ 10 11 – 10 12 Msun (Cantalupo+14) (Borisova+16)

  10. CGM Photoionized by “Quasars”: Asymmetric & Detached NGC 1068 NGC 4388 NGC 7213 ~11 kpc ~35 kpc ~19 kpc -17.3 -17.5 -17.0 (SV+03 [TTF]; Yoshida+02) MW: Magellanic Stream Hanny’s Δ t < 70 kyr Voorwerp Δ t ~ 1-3 Myr 14 kpc 50-100 kpc γ -bubble -18.5 11 x 16 kpc (Putman+03; Bland-Hawthorn+13) (Schawinski+10)

  11. CGM Photoionized by Quasars: MR 2251-178 (z~0.06) (Kreimeyer & SV 13 [MMTF]) (0.7” ~ 900 pc) MMTF [O III] λ 5007 140 kpc H α Cont [O III] Cont 20 kpc ~15” -18.0 Kinematically quiet + velocity gradient (distinct from inner quasar host) [N II]

  12. CGM Photoionized by Quasars: MR 2251-178 (z~0.06) (Kreimeyer & SV 13 [MMTF]) [O III]/H β Dusty Dust-free n e ~ 0.1 cm -3 , log U ~ [-3,-1], Z ~ 0.5-1 Z solar , dust-free?, matter-bounded → f esc (ionizing radiation) ~ 65-95% (total)

  13. Plan • Quasar Radiative Feedback • Quasar Mechanical Feedback

  14. Quasar-Mode Feedback à à tSZ Signal on CMB? (Ruan+15; Crichton+16; Verdier+16; Spacek+16,17; Soergel+17; Chowdbury+Chatterjee17) - Data from WMAP , Planck, ACT + Herschel, Akari - Stacked maps of ~10 4 SDSS / BOSS RQ quasars: Ruan+15 à à stronger signal at z > 2 à à E th ranges from (1 ± 0.2) Ÿ Ÿ 10 62 to a few Ÿ Ÿ 10 60 erg à à E th (AGN) ranges from ~ E binding to negligible! - Uncertainties: dust emission from the quasar host and galaxies along the line of sight, including the MW Verdier+16 Soergel+17 Crichton+16

  15. Extended Na I Outflow in Nearest Quasar Mrk 231 (Long-slit: Rupke, SV, & Sanders 05c; IFU: Rupke & SV 11, 13a) Mrk 231 2011 Gemini Press Release • Gemini/IFU: Na I D 5890, 5896 Å absorption • R ≥ 2-3 kpc from the nucleus • | V out | in excess of 1100 km s -1 • d M /dt ≥ 160 M sun yr -1 ~ 1.1 SFR à à AGN driving • d p / d t ≥ 5 L SB / c , ≥ 3 L AGN / c, ≥ 2 L IR / c • L mech = d E kin /dt ≥ 10 43.6 ergs s -1 ~ 1.1 x d E SB /dt ~ 0.5% L Edd (AGN)

  16. Molecular Outflow in Mrk 231 Herschel : unresolved P-Cygni profiles of OH (e.g., Fischer+10; Sturm+11; Gonzalez-Alfonso+14, 17) • Herschel /PACS + Spitzer spectra: multiple OH transitions • P-Cygni profiles! • Outflow: | V out | in excess of 1000 km s -1 • d M /dt ~ 620 - 1100 M sun yr -1 • dp/dt ~ 6 L BOL (AGN) / c • dE kin /dt ~ 1% L Edd (AGN) -

  17. Molecular Outflow in Mrk 231 IRAM: Spatially resolved molecular line emission (Feruglio+10; Aalto+12; Cicone+12; Alatalo+10; Feruglio+15; Lindberg+16; …) Red Wing Blue Wing Feruglio+15 • V out up to ~750 km s -1 • M out ~ 6 x 10 8 M sun (H 2 /CO ~ 0.1 x Galactic value) • Kpc scale • d M /dt ~ 700 M sun yr -1

  18. Molecular Outflows in U/LIRGs & Quasars Herschel Surveys: unresolved P-Cygni profiles of OH (e.g., SV, Melendez+13; Spoon+13; Gonzalez-Alfonso+14, 15, 17; Stone, SV+16) MM-wave Interferometric Surveys: kpc-scale CO line emission (e.g., Feruglio +10,+15; Aalto+12ab; 15, 16; Alatalo+11, 15; Cicone+12, 14; Garcia-Burillo+14,15; Lindberg+16; SV, Bolatto+17) § Statistics: ~70% of local U/LIRGs have molecular winds ( Θ ~145 o ) § Outflow velocities: <v 50 > , <v 84 >, <v max > ~ -200, -500, -925 km s -1 § Energetics: Size ~ 0.1 – 10 kpc d M /dt ~ 10 – 1000 M sun yr -1 d p /dt ~ (0.1 – 20) L IR / c d E /dt < 2% L IR Molecular gas = energetically dominant phase of these outflows § Trends with SFR and AGN luminosities: suggest that we are seeing starburst + quasar feedback in action

  19. Molecular Outflows in U/LIRGs & Quasars (SV, Melendez+13; Cicone+14; Stone, SV+16) OH CO à AGN driving of the most extreme molecular winds Red = ULIRGs Blue = BAT AGN

  20. Multi-Phase Outflows in Local Quasars and Seyferts (Rupke, Gultekin, & SV 2017) u Seyfert galaxies u dE/dt ~ M BH 1.66±0.45 dE/dt ~ σ 9.0±3.8

  21. Extreme Warm (T ~ 10 4 K) Ionized Outflows (Alexander+10; Liu+13ab, 14; Greene+14; Hainline+14; Husemann+15; Harrison+12, 14,16; Carniani+15, 16; Perna+15; Cresci+15; Brusa+16; Rupke + SV 2013, 2017) Dusty Outflows in Red Quasars W 90 ([O III]) dE kin /dt v max ([O III]) à à 3000+ km s -1 log L AGN E kin ~ 10 59 (n e /10 2 cm -3 ) -1 erg (Bischetti+17) (Zakamska+16)

  22. Sizes: Quasar-Driven Molecular Outflow in F11119+3257 (SV, Bolatto, Tombesi+17) § ALMA : CO (1 – 0) emission from rotating disk + outflow • Aperture photometry & UV plane fitting: R max ~ 15 kpc [-820, -380] km/s [+280, +800] km/s 15 kpc 12

  23. Sizes: Neutral Outflows from Resonant Na I Emission (Rupke & SV 2015) Type-2 Quasar / ULIRG F05189-2524 Mrk 231 clumpy outflow galaxy § Complementary to Na I D absorption (no need for background galaxy continuum emission) Blueshifted § absorption Provide new constraints on the sizes of local winds Redshifted à à So far, R < 5 – 10 kpc (limited by IFU FOV) emission (Hailey Finley’s talk: Fe II)

  24. Sizes: Warm Ionized Outflows (Alexander+10; Liu+13ab, 14; Greene+14; Hainline+14; Husemann+15; Harrison+14; Carniani+15, 16; Perna+15; Cresci+15; Brusa+16; Rupke + SV 2013, 2017; Bischetti+17) [O III] blue wing 13 kpc (Cresci+15) z ~ 2 log R -15 (pc) Matter-bounded? 30 kpc z ~ 0.6 log R -15 (pc) 10 kpc (Liu+14; Hainline+14) log (L 8 µm )

  25. Sizes: Hot Ionized CGM 20 kpc ~ 40” NGC 6240 Mrk 231 Nardini+13 X-rays SV, Teng+14 H α + X-rays Yoshida+16 110 x 80 kpc 65 x 50 kpc Starburst-driven outflow Quasar-driven outflow 850 µ m

  26. Sizes: Hot Ionized CGM NGC 6240 Mrk 231 R band Yoshida+16 R band Koda+06 H α + X-rays Major galaxy mergers 850 µ m

  27. Predictions from Numerical Simulations of Major Galaxy Mergers ~0.4 keV ~ 4.6 million K ~0.2 keV ~ 2.3 million K 1 0.5 (Cox, di Matteo+06) 0.1

  28. Hot Ionized CGM: NGC 6240 20 kpc ~ 40” (Nardini+13; Wang+14) Two-phase plasma: (1) T ~ 8 x 10 6 K, Fe ~ 0.5 solar (dominant; SB-processed) (2) T ~ 3 x 10 6 K, Fe ~ 0.1 solar (fainter; pre-existing) E thermal ~ 5 x 10 58 erg Extended Fe XXV 6.7 keV à à fast ~2200 km s -1 shocks (Si, O, Mg) / Fe = 4-5 x solar (~ uniform) Starburst-processed gas is slowly expanding into, and mixing with, a preexisting halo medium of lower metallicity and temperature

  29. Hot Ionized CGM: Mrk 231 R = 6 – 30 kpc R < 6 kpc 20 kpc ~ 40” Two-phase plasma: T ~ 3 and 8 x 10 6 K Single-phase plasma: T ~ 8 x 10 6 K only E thermal ~ 1 x 10 57 erg Fe ~ 0.4 solar < E wind , E SB , E AGN E thermal ~ 2 x 10 58 erg Absorbing screen à à Na I D outflow? (Si, O, Mg) / Fe = 2-4 x solar (~ uniform) Extended Fe XXV 6.7 keV à à fast shocks? à à mixed by on-going & past (~10 8 yrs) outflow events (SV, Teng+14)


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