How to make The gig economy: : alliances on We Welcome to your world! common demands
Ø The Gig Economy: Your world for decades – Our future world Ø Gig Work - Our common conditions My Agenda Ø We all need alliances for basic labour rights, collective bargaining and social security
The Gig Economy: Your world for decades – Our future world
Musicians may have invented the term gig, but not the gig economy Early Jazz-bands 1900-onwards: A The gig economy is an economy shortened version of “Get It based on business strategies Going” referred to as a G.I.G avoiding the obligations to fulfil legal and social rights found in traditional labour relations Making us ‘dependent contractors’: Freelancers, platform workers, workers on demand, self employd workers, etc.
The Their G Gig E Econo nomy i is be becoming ng our new nor ou ormal Their economy: • Maximizing our competition • Maximizing our risks: Ø No work – no pay Ø Where and when is the next job? Ø What happens, when you get sick? Ø How to qualify for future jobs? Ø Controlled by their algoritms, etc.
Gig Work: Gig : Common conditio itions – co common needs needs Our common needs: “More and more workers are finding they have to manage a • Basic labour rights number of activities with • Collective bargaining corresponding income streams. This has been the case for people • Social security in the entertainment industries for some time.” (Musicians’ Union delegate at Scottish Trade Union Congress)
We We all all need need allianc alliances es • No good labour rights for neither • Even platform care workers are freelance musicians nor platform among the winners, when Irish care workers without alliances Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) for common basic labour rights make The European Committee of Social Rights decide on excep- Ø National law, tion to competition law to Ø European law, ILO, Global authorize freelance journalists, Compact, etc. comedians and musicians to • No collective bargaining on benefit from collective agree- minimum contracts etc. without ments alliances for organizing and better laws (competition law, • Alliances makes us aware of it! etc)
In Intern ernati tional alliances ces: Le Level l the he in interna natio ional nal pl playing ng f field Specific challenges for the gig economy: Where is the work performed and which rules apply?
• A combination of network and collaboration on common issues • From academia to blue collar • Focusing on common need: basic labour law, social security, rights to make collective agreements • Network of experiences, knowledge and political influence The Danish Alliance
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