The future of swimming education Trends & developments Roel Driessen | International EasySwim Experience
What do we see now? 1 Major differences between school education and swimming education 2 Inadequate in-water safety for recreational swimming 3 Focus on technique 4 No real fun experience for children; low % to swim sports Roel Driessen| The future of swimming education
What does the future of swimming education look like? Roel Driessen| The future of swimming education
Trends Individual learning Less teacher- From result driven From failure-focus Professionalism/ path instead of one- oriented lessons to process driven to talent focused commercialization size-fits-all Roel Driessen| The future of swimming education
Individual learning path instead of one-size-fits-all Roel Driessen| The future of swimming education
From result driven to process-driven Zwemplezier les op z’n best!
Less teacher- oriented lessons Zwemplezier les op z’n best!
From failure-focus to talent focused Roel Driessen| The future of swimming education
Professionalism/ commercialization Zwemplezier les op z’n best!
Great opportunities in swimming education 1 Better adapted to the development of young children 2 Fun & engaging (even outside the pool) 3 To be the start of a lifelong enjoyment of the water Roel Driessen| The future of swimming education
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