the eu tuna industry and market

THE EU TUNA INDUSTRY AND MARKET Session III: Tuna trade and market - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

THE EU TUNA INDUSTRY AND MARKET Session III: Tuna trade and market at the regional and global level Juan M. Vieites Baptista de Sousa General Secretary ANFACO - CECOPESCA 1 INDEX 1. The EU canned tuna industry and market. 2. Strategic lines

  1. THE EU TUNA INDUSTRY AND MARKET Session III: Tuna trade and market at the regional and global level Juan M. Vieites Baptista de Sousa General Secretary ANFACO - CECOPESCA 1

  2. INDEX 1. The EU canned tuna industry and market. 2. Strategic lines of the EU canned tuna industry: 2.1. R&D&i 2.2. Sustainability 2.3. Food safety and traceability 2.4. Internationalization 2.5. Communication and promotion 2.6. Level playing field 3. Conclusions. The EU tuna industry and market 2 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  3. INDEX 1. The EU canned tuna industry and market. 2. Strategic lines of the EU canned tuna industry: 2.1. R&D&i 2.2. Sustainability 2.3. Food safety and traceability 2.4. Internationalization 2.5. Communication and promotion 2.6. Level playing field 3. Conclusions. The EU tuna industry and market 3 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  4. The EU canned tuna industry and market THE EU INDUSTRY OF CANNED TUNA + 21,000 EMPLOYEES + 100 + 360,000 TONNES DIRECTS , especially WOMEN ESTABLISHMENTS CANNED TUNA PRODUCTION MARKETING ACTIVITY 2 nd PRODUCER 46% of the EU market IN + 169 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE Sector with a sustainable IMPORTANT ACTIVITY Spain, Italy, Portugal and France MAIN PRODUCER COUNTRIES SOCIO-ECONOMIC growth The EU tuna industry and market 4 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  5. The EU canned tuna industry and market THE EU INDUSTRY OF CANNED TUNA High efficiency in the Internatonalised Commitment for R&D&i productive process REGULATED and CORPORATE SOCIAL Environmentally friendly CONTROLLED activity RESPONSABILITY COMMITMENT with the QUALITY GUARANTEE, FOOD SUSTAINABILITY of the TUNA SAFETY AND TRACEABILITY RESOURCES The EU tuna industry and market 5 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  6. The EU canned tuna industry and market EU CANNED TUNAPRODUCTION The European Union produces more than 350,000 tones of canned tuna, on average. It is estimated 360,000 tons of canned tuna in 2017 % EU COUNTRIES 2017 2017s/total 241,407 67 Spain + 2,5% Italy 75,800 21 France 20,000 6 vs 2016 Portugal 20,000 6 Other UE countries 4,000 1 361,207 100% Total Source: Estimates based on data from the business associations representing the sector and Prodcom. The EU tuna industry and market 6 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  7. The EU canned tuna industry and market CANNED TUNA TRADE EU CANNED TUNA EXPORTS 2017: 250,541 tonnes, valued at € 1,255.6 million Intra comunity: 224,078 Tm / 1,107.3 mill. € Extra comunity: 26,462 Tm / 148,3 mill. € EU CANNED TUNA EXPORTS Volume tons Value Thousands € 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 Intracomunitary 188,446 191,649 224,078 828,266 899,537 1,107,272 Extracomunitary 26,102 27,900 26,462 128,431 141,304 148,282 TOTAL 214,548 219,549 250,541 956,698 1,040,841 1,255,554 Source: EUROSTAT The EU tuna industry and market 7 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  8. The EU canned tuna industry and market CANNED TUNA TRADE Destination of the EU canned tuna exports REST OF EUROPE ASIA EU 4.51% 1.49% 89.44% MIDDLE EAST AMERICA AFRICA 2.03% 1.3% 2.35% OCEANIA 0.12% The EU tuna industry and market Fuente: EUROSTAT 8 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  9. Italia 44,937 Francia 41,731 Alemania 29,007 R. Unido 18,492 P.Bajos 11,449 Portugal 10,590 Bélgica 10,528 Austria 7,692 R. Checa 4,881 Polonia 4,647 Grecia 4,152 Finlandia 4,039 Rumanía 3,970 España 3,515 Main destination Melilla 3,262 Eslovenia 3,260 Croacia 3,213 countries of the UE Ceuta 3,078 Hungría 2,909 Irlanda 2,806 canned tuna Eslovaquia 2,654 Dinamarca 2,328 Suiza 2,267 countries Suecia 2,156 Argelia 1,973 Chile 1,656 Arabia Saudita 1,579 Libia 1,539 Malta 1,413 Canadá 1,367 Demás países 13,451 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 Source: EUROSTAT The EU tuna industry and market 9 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  10. The EU canned tuna industry and market CANNED TUNA TRADE EU canned tuna imports 2017: 634.926 toneladas, valued at 2.755,2 million € Intra comunity : 230,927 Tm / 1,108.2 mill. € Extra comunity: 403,999 Tm / 1,647 mill. € EU CANNED TUNA IMPORTS Volume tons Value Thousands € 2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 Intracomunitary 199,310 199,314 230,927 935,949 952,583 1,108,223 Extracomunitary 394,291 386,065 403,999 1,500,779 1,398,691 1,647,028 TOTAL 593,601 585,379 634,926 2,436,728 2,351,274 2,755,251 Source: EUROSTAT The EU tuna industry and market 10 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  11. The EU canned tuna industry and market CANNED TUNA TRADE Origin of the EU canned tuna imports REST OF EUROPE ASIA EU 0.01% 15% 36.4% AMERICA 18.3% AFRICA 26% OCEANIA 4.3% The EU tuna industry and market Fuente: EUROSTAT 11 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  12. España 122,403 Ecuador 94,875 Seychelles 51,761 Mauricio 47,241 Filipinas 44,143 Ghana 29,105 Paises Bajos 28,509 PNG 27,782 Costa de Marfil 27,266 Tailandia 26,798 Origin of the EU Italia 20,477 Alemanai 20,111 canned tuna imports Vietnam 11,008 Colombia 10,167 Portugal 9,671 Reino Unido 9,667 Indonesia 8,340 Madagascar 7,313 El Salvador 7,087 Demas paises 31,204 Source: EUROSTAT The EU tuna industry and market 12 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  13. The EU canned tuna industry and market EU CANNED TUNA CONSUMPTION EU canned tuna apparent consumption in 2017: 745,592 tonnes (+3% vs 2016) Source: Own elaboration based on production and foreign trade data The EU tuna industry and market 13 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  14. The EU canned tuna industry and market Germany 0,87 Ireland 1,84 Austria 0,94 Italy 2,58 Belgium 1,44 Letonia 0,25 Bulgaria 0,09 Lituania 0,35 Cyprus 1,99 Luxemburgo 1,60 Denmark 1,53 Malta 5,21 Slovakia 0,63 Netherlands 0,37 EU per capita apparent Poland 0,20 Slovenia 0,84 consumption of canned Spain 3,54 Portugal 2,10 Estonia 0,37 UK 1,63 tuna: Finland 1,52 Czech Rep. 0,66 1.46 (kg/hab/year) France 1,72 Rumania 0,36 Sweeden 0,58 Greece 0,58 Hungary 0,34 Croatia 0,76 Source: Own elaboration based on data on production, foreign trade and population (EUROSTAT ) The EU tuna industry and market 14 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  15. The EU canned tuna industry and market EU CANNED TUNA MARKET One of the most interesting market worldwide Canned tuna is the most consumed Big market : apparent consumption of product in the EU 740,000 tonnes New consumptions habit: health Growing market Growing concern for the environment The EU tuna industry and market 15 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  16. The EU canned tuna industry and market EU TRENDS OF CONSUMPTION Health is one of the main reason why people consume fish, also canned fish, with its flavour, pleasure and convenience. Specialty food Health and wellness Market niches Instant and everywhere Sustainable/Ethic Packaging PRODUCT INNOVATION: The key to reach this challenge The EU tuna industry and market 16 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  17. The EU canned tuna industry and market CANNED TUNA: NATURAL AND NUTRITIOUS MINERALS High content or source of HIGH CONTENT OF PHOSPHORUS and SELENIum OMEGA 3 (EPA+DHA) HIGH content of VITAMINS PROTEINS High content or source of : niacin , LOW content of vitamin B6 , vitamin B12 , vitamin D , vitamin E (canned tuna in oil) SATURATED FATS The EU tuna industry and market 17 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  18. INDEX 1. The EU canned tuna industry and market. 2. Strategic lines of the EU canned tuna industry: 2.1. R&D&i 2.2. Sustainability 2.3. Food safety and traceability 2.4. Internationalization 2.5. Communication and promotion 2.6. Level playing field 3. Conclusions. The EU tuna industry and market 18 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  19. Strategic lines of the EU canned tuna industry CHALLENGE industry CHALLENGE product To lead the internatinoal market Leave the image of commodity from the EU OBJETIVE Enhance the competitiveness of the company Product improvement KEY ASPECTS • R&D&I • Sustainability • Food safety and traceability • Internationalization • Communication and promotion • Level playing field The EU tuna industry and market 19 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  20. INDEX 1. The EU canned tuna industry and market. 2. Strategic lines of the EU canned tuna industry: 2.1. R&D&i 2.2. Sustainability 2.3. Food safety and traceability 2.4. Internationalization 2.5. Communication and promotion 2.6. Level playing field 3. Conclusions. The EU tuna industry and market 20 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  21. R&D&i R&D&i is key tool for: Maximize competitiveness and productive efficiency. Promote business growth Guarantee food safety, traceability and sustainability throughout the supply Improve the range of products to chain, production and retail . align with new consumption habits and food trends . Achieve positioning of the canned category as a modern category. The EU tuna industry and market 21 Bangkok, 29 May 2018

  22. R&D&i The tuna sector seeks to increase its competitiveness through innovation in two fundamental areas:  PRODUCT INNOVATION  PROCESS INNOVATION Always guaranteeing maximum food safety and respect for the environment The EU tuna industry and market 22 Bangkok, 29 May 2018


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