the eu s new energy and climate package

The EUs new Energy and Climate Package: A breakthrough in Europe's - PowerPoint PPT Presentation The EUs new Energy and Climate Package: A breakthrough in Europe's Renewable Energy Politics? Stephanie Schlegel Ecologic Institute for International and European Environmental Policy Sources: FOEE, EWEA Feb 26, 2008, Denver

  1. The EU‘s new Energy and Climate Package: A breakthrough in Europe's Renewable Energy Politics? Stephanie Schlegel Ecologic – Institute for International and European Environmental Policy Sources: FOEE, EWEA Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy

  2. What role play renewables today in the EU? Share of each ressource in the renewable primary energy production (EU, 2005) Today: 8,5% renewables in overall EU energy consumption (2005) Datum Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy 2 Source: European Commission, 2008 (data: 2005)

  3. Share of renewable energies in primary energy consumption of European Union countries in 2005 Overview of RES use in the EU Source: BMU 2008 (source: BMU 2007) Datum Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy 3 Source: European Commission, 2008 (data: 2005)

  4. Overview of the EU’s renewable energy policy • 1997: White Paper for Renewable Energy 1997 • 12 % RES of total energy consumption by 2010 • 2001: Renewables Directive • 21% of RES share in electricity production by 2010 (2005: 14%) • 23. January 2008: EC proposes „Energy and climate package“ • Follows the EC renewable energy roadmap Jan 2007 • Contains proposal on a Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources • expected to come into effect in 2010. 2008 Datum Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy 4

  5. Cornerstones of the Renewable Energy Directive 1. 20% RES binding target of overall energy consumption by 2020 • Effort sharing among Member States 2. Allows trade/ transfer of guarantees of origin 3. 10% biofuels target by 2020 (2005: 4%) Requires compliances with sustainability criteria • All these issues have been controversially discussed and most are still under discussion Datum Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy 5

  6. What of the proposal is likely to survive? NEXT STEPS: How a proposition becomes a directive The Directive needs to be adopted by the European Parliament and European Council As drafted by the As marked up by COREPER As amended by the Social and Commission Economic Council Discussions on the Commission’s proposal have already been After first reading by EP After second reading by EC As implemented by the Member intensive States next months/years are likely to spark further debates Datum As reported by the press As understood by the The directive that was actually Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy 6 taxpayers needed

  7. 1. 20% RES target/ effort sharing among MS Effort sharing among Member States/ Examples from the Proposal (Annex 1) Member State Share of RES 2005 Target share RES 2020 Denmark 17.0% 30% Germany 5.8% 18% France 10.3% 23% Lithuania 15.0% 23% Malta 0.0% 10% Sweden 39.8% 49% The Slovak Republic 6.7% 14% Crucial points: 1. Level of targets/ if binding or not 2. Burden sharing 3. „Indicative trajectory“/ Time schedule to achieve the targets and legal consequences (25% until 2012, 35% until 2014, 45% until 2016, 65% until 2018) Datum Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy 7

  8. 2. Trading of RES certificates (GOs) • Introduction of a new framework for the trading of renewable energy generation certificates • U-turn 5 days before publication: • Only countries that have met their targets will be able to allow the sale of certificates Source: BMU 2007 Datum Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy 8

  9. 3.2. 10% Biofuels target • Background: substitute in transport sector/ independence from imports • Heavily discussed after many studies arguing that cost outweigh the benefits and that there is no guarantee of reducing GHG source: Economist Datum Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy 9 Source: SRU 2007

  10. 3.2 10% biofuels target • Discussions on sustainability criteria (prerequirement for the 10% target) • Currently only some environemental criteria (GHG savings, protection of biodiversity) Datum Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy 10

  11. Thank you! Stephanie Schlegel Ecologic, Pfalzburger Str. 43-44, D-10717 Berlin � � � � +49-30-86880-0, � � � � +49-30-86880-100, Feb 26, 2008, Denver University, Politics of Renewable Energy


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