the environm ental econom ic and social co benefits of

The environm ental, econom ic and social co-benefits of charcoal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The environm ental, econom ic and social co-benefits of charcoal substitution by bioethanol in Malaw i and Mozam bique Anne Wanjiru Nyambane ESPA FELLOW INCEPTION WORKSHOP-10 th July 2014-London I ntroduction Demand for charcoal is on the

  1. The environm ental, econom ic and social co-benefits of charcoal substitution by bioethanol in Malaw i and Mozam bique Anne Wanjiru Nyambane ESPA FELLOW INCEPTION WORKSHOP-10 th July 2014-London

  2. I ntroduction  Demand for charcoal is on the increase and is unlikely to decrease soon:  urbanization and poverty  Charcoal industry is a source of livelihood but comes with high economic and environmental costs  high demand with limited or no supply, forest degradation/ loss  Charcoal also has some adverse health impacts on the users  Interventions to reduce charcoal impacts have been initiated in many Sub-Saharan Africa countries . For example:  improve efficiency of charcoal production and use  charcoal substitution with bioethanol

  3. I ntroduction cont’  Knowledge gap:  Contrary to expectations, the latter intervention (charcoal substitution) is non-existent in Malawi  In Malawi, biofuel has been used mostly as a substitute for petroleum  Highlighting benefits that are of high value for local communities, such as environmental, social and economic benefits, may be a more effective way of changing charcoal practices and promote the use of bioethanol as an household fuel.

  4. Aim of the study  To analyze the potential environmental and socioeconomic co- benefits of charcoal substitution by bioethanol  To provide policy recommendations through which bioethanol can enhance human well-being and become an agent of poverty alleviation  To compare the stated preference for bioethanol cooking in Malawi and revealed preference for bioethanol cooking in Mozambique  To compare charcoal supply chains in Malawi (Lilongwe) and Mozambique (Maputo) with respect to the impacts on Ecosystem services and livelihoods

  5. Research questions  What are the environmental, social and economic co- benefits of charcoal substitution by bioethanol?  How can substitution of charcoal with bioethanol be an agent of poverty alleviation in Malawi and Mozambique?  Study sites:  Malawi: ESPA project, Lilongwe  Mozambique: ESPA project, Maputo

  6. Methodology W ork Package Baseline: Current status of charcoal industry I ntervention: Substitution w ith bioethanol Environmental benefits • LCA- GHGs emission quantification (Climate regulation and • Fuel/ Food/ fodder provisioning services • Energy Economic benefits • Questionnaires and household surveys (expenditure, time, • Willingness-to-pay technique (Stated opportunity cost) preference) Social benefits (cultural, • Focus group discussions and one-on-one health and other emerging interview schedules benefits)

  7. Expected Outcom e  Providing a broader perspective on the impacts of charcoal production and use on important ecosystem services  Providing evidence of how charcoal substitution with biofuel can reduce these impacts  Catalyzing policy action that contributes to ESPA’s goal  Generating country-specific insights: defining local and national context within which policy makers and scientist will operate

  8. Expected output cont’  Academic output:  Two academic journal articles: i) Economic, environmental and social co-benefits of charcoal substitution by bioethanol in Malawi ii) Policy implication and recommendation biofuel use at household level  Policy brief highlighting main relevant policy-findings from the study  Presentation of results in conferences and workshop

  9. Thank you! anne.nyam


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