the current situation and challenge of biomass

The Current Situation and Challenge of Biomass Gasification System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

11/ 12/ 2012 The Current Situation and Challenge of Biomass Gasification System with Rotary Kiln K. Sasauchi Environmental & Biomass Engineering Dept. R&D Center Chugai Ro Co., Ltd. 1 The kind of form s of renew able energy Method

  1. 11/ 12/ 2012 The Current Situation and Challenge of Biomass Gasification System with Rotary Kiln K. Sasauchi Environmental & Biomass Engineering Dept. R&D Center Chugai Ro Co., Ltd. 1

  2. The kind of form s of renew able energy Method Energy form Wind Power Electric Hydro Power Electric PV Electric Geothermal power Electric E l e c t r i c ・ H e a t ・ L i q u i d / S o l i d B i o m a s s f u e l ・ C h e m i c a l s Biom ass can be changed not only electric but also m any kind of form s 2

  3. Contents We provide: Background in Japan Motivation of development Current situation of Biomass gasifire in Japan Current situation of Biomass gasifire in Japan Our developing Rotary Kiln type gasifier Applied for rubble of earthquake disaster Conclusion 3

  4. Background Biomass resources are widely dispersed, so it costs a lot to collect a large amount of biomass Small-scale gasification system is desirable for on-site use. Downdraft gasifiers are often used for small-scale in Europe. It is compact and product gas contains little amount of tar. But it needs uniform size of biomass for successful operation and cannot treat unutiized biomass (bark, bamboo, grass). 4

  5. W ood chip for Dow nDraft Gasifire Regular size with dry Scraps from Lumber Paper company is using for pulp in Japan EUR80 / ton 5

  6. Motivation In Japan, there is currently a strong demand for fuel flexible gasifiers, that are able to convert biomass difficult to treat (bark, bamboo, grass etc.). grass bamboo bark We started the development of Rotary Kiln gasifier supported by NEDO project in 2003 6

  7. Current situation of biomass gasification plant for electrical generation in Japan 300kW Downdraft (2010) T SK 180kW Rotary Kiln (2013) ChugaiRo 2000kW Updraft (2008) JFEE Foreign License 175kW Downdraft (2006) K H I 3000kW (2014) JBEC 3000kW (2014) JBEC 180kW Rotary Kiln (2006) ChugaiRo 35kWDowndraft (2010) Yanmer 250kW EB (2011) MAFF 330kW Rotary Koln (2012) ChugaiRo 2000kW Updraft (2007) JFEE 130kW Downdraft (2005) T S K 150kW CFB (2007) K H I 175kW Downdraft (2009) K H I 7

  8. Fixed bed type Direct Gasifiers Updraft Type Gasifier Downdraft Type Gasifier Biomass Biomass Thermal decomposition gas +tar Reduced zone Combustion Combustion Air Air Air Air Zone Zone Thermal decomposition Reduced zone gas +tar Carbide Carbide 8

  9. Demonstration Plant of Stirling Engine A i c h i E n e r g y P a r k O w n e r :C h u b u E l e c t r i c P o w e r C o . C o n s t r u c t o r :C h u g a i R o O u t P u t P o w e r :3 0 k W E f f : 2 5 % F u e l :W o o d c h i p T y p e o f F u r n a c e :D i r e c t f i r e d C i r c u l a t i o n C o m b u s t i o n Heat Exchanger Stirling Engine from DTU Overview of Plant 9

  10. 間接式木質バイオマスガス発生の原理 System of Indirect woody biomass gasification 試験管 Test tube 木質ハ 木質ハ ゙ ゙ イ イ オ オ マ マ ス ス Woody biomass Woody biomass 可燃性ガス Combustible Gas アルコールランプ External Heat Source 10

  11. Gasifier with externally heating kiln Biomass Thermal decomposition gas +tar Char/Ash Hot Air Burning char Ash 11

  12. ● External heating type multi-chamber rotary kiln 12

  13. System of Gasification Indirect gasification Woody Chip Hot Gas Product gas Oxygen Reforming Gas T h e r m a l d e c o m p o s i t i o n Steam Combustible Combustible Gas Gas Reformer S h i f t r e a c t i o n + + Tar Removing tar by high temperature ( 1 1 0 0 ℃ ) Residuals ( Char +Ash ) Gasifier : External heating kiln 8 6 0 ℃ 2 0 0 ℃ T h e r m a l d e c o m p o s i t i o n S h i f t r e a c t i o n 約1 . 5 h 13

  14. Great East Japan Earthquake In Minamisanriku Town Miyagi 612 people were dead 226 people are missing 3316 houses were destroyed The generated amount of rubble in this disaster is 1.8 million tons Town hall Feb.2012 Foundation of the house 14

  15. Gasification and Co-generation Plant in Minamisannriku Miyagi Pref. Japan Input of Biomass : 830 kg/h ( 50% moisture content ) 20 t/day Generation Capacity : 330kW efficiency 18% Hot water production : 1980MJ/h [ 550kW ] efficiency 30% Operation Started : Sep. 2012 15

  16. Waste Temporary Waste Gasifire storage of incinerator waste Overview of disaster waste treatment plant in Minamisanriku 16

  17. Metal in the rubble Biomass selected from the rubble 17

  18. Property of chips for materials Unit Measurement Values from Moisture wet% 64 technical content analysis Volatile matter dry% 83.5 Fixed carbon dry% 13.2 Ash dry% 0.3 Values from C dry% 46 elemental analysis H dry% 6.1 N dry% 0.2 O dry% 46 T-S dry% 0.22 T-Cl dry% 0.39 Na mg/kg- 360 dry K mg/kg- 1500 dry Higher calorific value J/g 19200 18

  19. Schematic Flow Diagram Vent Gas Reformer Flare Stuck Oxygen Dryer Gas Holder Vent Filter Storage 140m3 Gasifier Gasifier Gas Cooler Char Water Tank Receiving Hopper Gas Engine Generator Drain Heat Exchanger Metal or Others Hot Gas F’ce 19

  20. Differential in the composition of the produced gas G a s i f i c a t i o n a t 8 5 0 ℃ G a s i f i c a t i o n a t 7 0 0 ℃ H 2 : 4 8 % H 2 : 2 8 % C O : 2 6 % C O : 3 0 % C O 2 : C O : 1 7 % 1 7 % C O : C O 2 : 2 5 % 2 5 % C H 4 : 8 % C H 4 : 1 3 % L C V 2 , 6 1 5 k c a l / m 3 N L C V 3 , 2 3 3 k c a l / m 3 N 4 0 ℃ o r l e s s 4 0 ℃ o r l e s s R e l a t i v e h u m i d i t y 8 0 % R e l a t i v e h u m i d i t y 8 0 % o r l e s s o r l e s s 20

  21. Result of Gasification Test Water Water 2 0 % 2 0 % Gas Gas 9 9 % 9 9 % 8 5 % 8 5 % 8 6 0 ℃ 7 0 0 ℃ Solid Solid (C o n t i n u o u s ) (C o n t i n u o u s ) 8 0 % 8 0 % Residual Residual 1 % 1 5 % Producer Producer Material Material ( Wood Chip ) ( Wood Chip ) 21

  22. Result of Gasification Test Outlet of Outlet of gasifier Refromer Gas volume wet m 3 N/h 348 269 dry m 3 N/h 116 130 o C Gas temperature 650 474 Moisture content vol% 66.7 51.7 Gas components CO 2 vol% 20 31 CO vol% 31 25 H 2 vol% 30 36 CH 4 vol% 13.6 7.4 C 2 H 4 vol% 3.1 0.2 C 2 H 6 vol% 0.3 <0.1 C 3 H 8 vol% <0.1 <0.1 MJ/m 3 Calorific value (lower) 13.9 9.8 N 22

  23. Change of Calorific and volume 1 2 2 5 0 rific value of the volume (m 3 /h) 1 0 2 0 0 s (MJ/m 3 N) 8 1 5 0 6 1 0 0 4 5 0 2 Gas vo Calorific gas 0 0 0 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 2 0 1 5 0 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 2 0 1 5 0 Time (minutes) Time (minutes) Change in the calorific value of Change in the gas gas w ith tim e volum e w ith tim e 23

  24. Thermal reforming of tar M e a s u r e d a t t h e e x i t o f r e f o r m i n g u n i t T i m e 1 0 :0 9 1 0 :3 1 1 1 :0 2 1 1 :4 2 1 2 :2 2 1 3 :0 5 R e f o r m i n g t e m p .(℃ ) 7 1 5 8 6 7 1 0 7 9 1 2 2 7 1 1 9 2 1 2 0 0 < O x y g e n (m 3 N / h ) 7 8 .7 7 9 .0 2 1 4 .1 4 1 4 .3 9 1 4 .3 6 Tar in alcohol solvent 24

  25. Middle Gas Engine for generator Type MAN Cylinder V12 Displacement 19L Power 350kW at Natural Gas 180kW at Pyrolysis Gas 11 Compression ratio 25

  26. Sm all Gas Engine for generator Type 2GR-FE(Toyota) Cylinder V6 Displacement 3.456L Power 30kW at Pyrolysis Gas Compression ratio 10.8 HARRIER(TOYOTA) We try to use car engine for power generation 26

  27. Connect to diesel generator 180kW Gasification Plant 30kW × 5 500kW Diesel To other plant 27

  28. Conclusion 1. Rotary kiln gasifire system is effective for gasification of biomass of irregular size 2. Tar can be removed completely by thermal reforming 3. Biomass power generation is not able to follow the electrical load variation, but it may follow the electrical load variation, but it may be based by the generator connected to the emergency power system, even in no grid such as disaster area 4. A motor vehicle engine can be used for biomass power generation 28


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